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Jul 14th 2021
I - Tam beş yıl önce,
#15Temmuz 2016 gecesi saat 22:12'de
bu tiviti yazmıştım.

Ancak o günden bugüne,
olayları daha iyi öğrenme-anlama fırsatım oldu.
Zamanla çok farklı düşünmeye başladım.

Bunu çok kısaca, özetlemeye çalışacağım
aşağıda, izleyen tivitlerde.
II -

Ankara'da hava tam kararmamıştı,

Twitter'da "Beylerbeyi" sözcüğünün gündem olduğunu görünce tıkladım. Açılan sayfada, Boğaziçi Köprüsü'nün Beylerbeyi (Anadolu) ayağında, köprüye çıkan yoldaki tankları ve askerleri gördüm.

İstanbul'da hava kararmıştı.
III - Tankların ve askerlerin, trafiğin yarısını (sanırım Anadolu'ya geliş yönünü) kestiklerini gösteren videoları, varsa belki resimleri birkaç dakika inceleyip o tiviti yazdım.

Çünkü daha birkaç gün öncesinde, Türk ordusuna sızan FETÖ'cülerin, +
Read 71 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Some pundits argue that #UAE- #Israel peace deal is not as historic as previous ones signed by Egypt and Jordan.
I beg to differ.
What truly historic is how the Emiratis are proud about it.
That is refreshing and admirable.
As someone who relentlessly campaigned for peace, for over a 9 years on Twitter, I feel a sense of vindication today.
I never wished to be in DC like today.
Peace has won—for a change!
Read 7 tweets
Jan 27th 2020
My new piece:

Three recent incidents indicate that #Erdogan has been getting ready for a significant move, probably a transformation that will change Turkey forever.

Elevated Police Intel
ISIS leader's ties to Turkey
A Pathway to Caliphate… @TIJournalism
@TIJournalism So, here are a few details:

On January 17, 2020, Erdogan issued a new presidential decree, elevating the status of the Turkish National Police TNP Intelligence Dpt. to a Directorate, essentially to a #Mukhabarat for the protection of his regime through torture, kidnappings, etc.
@TIJournalism The second, development took place during a January 2, 2020 speech:

#Erdogan said, “We have come to a point where we can longer ensure the security of our cities and maintain the order inside with police forces. In the face of this new situation, we need to develop new methods.”
Read 10 tweets
Nov 9th 2019

November 9, 1977: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat announces in the Egyptian Parliament that he is willing to go to Israel to speak to the Knesset, in search of peace.

1/ The Yom Kippur War broke the “conception” (hakontseptzia) that Israel had of it being invincible to local challenges from its neighbours. Though Israel ultimately succeeded in its efforts during the YK War, the early Egyptian gains restored morale throughout the Arab world.
2/ Sadat was the Egyptian President of the Yom Kippur War, and became known as the “Hero of the Crossing” (of the Suez Canal). As a result of the outcome of the war, Israel recognized Egypt’s military strength and the US tried to bring Egyptians and Israelis to the peace table.
Read 16 tweets

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