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[1/9] Ahead of #COP26, these @royalsociety policy briefs lay out 12 science & technology areas key for enabling #netzero.
Inadvertently the briefs also lay out clear lack of representation in #STEM and #academia
Reduced inequalities is part of netzero solution #SDG10
✅120+ authors from 30+ countries were included in these briefs, plus another ~40 reviewers. Impressive. ❌Less impressive is the representation within the list of contributors:
🌍the authors are predominantly from the global north
♀️ <25% of the authors are women
[3/9] In fact, 3 out of the 12 briefings are all-male authors (briefing 3: #lowcarbon heating & cooling, 5: #CCS, 12: #ClimateAction).
2 of these (briefings 3 & 5) have all-male reviewers, also.
⁉️Where are the incredible women working in these topics? Their absence is visible.
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