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Feb 23rd 2021
Starting new thread for the Respondents in #STCA #law case. Stellar legal team with submissions starting with Andrew Brouwer a seasoned #cdnimm #refugee lawyer.
Oops, Jared Will will begin. Really enjoyed watching Jared in past cases for eg on #cdnimm #refugee #law #detention. Saw him live at #SCC on #Chhina case.
#Law students take note. I love the slow pacing of Jared Will, especially at the end of the long day. #STCA
Read 24 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
In anticipation of the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement Appeal starting, this is the decision under review at the Fed CA. Fed Ct fd STCA violated s 7 #Charter rights of ref claimants
I'll be tweeting intermittently with comments.
#refugees #cdnimm #law…
If ur curious, the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement is still in force. The Fed CA refused to grant a stay to suspend the agreement till the appeal is resolved even tho arguable irreparable harm re Fed Ct fd #Charter violations
#refugees #cdnimm #law…
As well, even tho there are a multitude of intersectional issues relating to the #STCA Safe Third Country Ag, 13 orgs thru 6 intervener applications were denied participation in the hearing at Fed CA. #cdnimm #refugees #law…
Read 166 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
Deeply disappointed by @JustinTrudeau's decision to shut down the Canada-US border to refugees, in contravention of international refugee law and arguably Canadian constitutional law. /1
Decision puts health of Canadians at risk. When crossing at known points, like #RoxamRoad, refugee claimants go through medical checks and self-isolation. Closing down such routes pushes asylum seekers to cross surreptitiously, with no screening. /2
Canadian border decision also puts health and safety of #Refugees at risk. The experience with closing safe routes for asylum seekers elsewhere (US, EU) shows that people don't stop crossing borders, they just use more dangerous routes. Result: loss of life. /3
Read 6 tweets

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