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May 13th 2022
Record Numbers of Americans Dying of Overdoses. Instead of Justice, We Get TheateršŸ‘Øā€āš–ļø

"Whole thing is kabuki theater, It ought to be about money" said Ausness. "About who pays what & instead they want to make Sacklers listen to people complain about them"ā€¦
Guggenheim joined several other museums last week w/an announcement they are removing the Sackler nameplate from their arts center,

Once again victims are being offered busy work as though it were meaningful reform.
#opioids #medtwitter #sacklers #HarmReduction @praddenkeefe
We are in the midst of the opioid crisis, an addiction & overdose crisis fed by the ubiquity of illicit & deadly fentanyl in the black market,

over 108k people died from an opioid overdose in 2021,ā€¦ #opioids #addiction #news #twitter #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Read 27 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
Thread about how Judges examine a document when a doubt is expressed about genuineness of that document.

1/ The question was about genuineness of a Will.

The man claimed "He was servant of the deceased. All his relatives had left him in his old age.
#lawyers #lawstudents
2/ He was looking after all court cases between deceased and his sons. Being pleased with his service, the old man, before dying, signed one page typed will, in which one property was given to him."

There was doubt about genuineness of this Will.

3/ Judge examined the Will like a Detective.

It was possible that this man may have obtained signature of old man for purpose filing some case and then he may have misused this paper for making Will in his favour.

Judge carefully looked at Will.

Read 6 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
Senior Advocate Fali S Nariman to speak on the topic ā€œBecoming an Advocateā€ at the inaugural lecture of the Indian Institute of Law Kerala Online Lecture Series.

Live Updates from the lecture below.

#SupremeCourt #FaliNariman
Introductory remarks to be given by Advocate VM Syam Kumar and the session to be moderated by Advocate T Sanjay.

#SupremeCourt #FaliNariman
Advocate VM Syam Kumar welcomes Sr. Adv. Nariman.

#SupremeCourt #FaliNariman
Read 31 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
May 24th 2021
The matter challenging the Liberalised Vaccination Policy by the GoI by Dr. K.P Aravindam & Dr. Praveen G Pai is listed for hearing in the #KeralaHC today.ā€¦

#VaccinationForAll #COVIDEmergency #vaccine
In the last hearing, The @NITIAayog's statement that @BharatBiotech & @ICMRDELHI are willing to share technology with manufacturers who can produce the vaccine was brought on record. Watch this space for live updates.
#litigation #VaccineForAll #intellectualproperty
The Court noted that the @IndianExpress had reported on Saturday, that the RBI has given Rs. 99000 crore to Central Government. The Court inquired why a part of this amount cannot be used to vaccinate people.ā€¦
Read 10 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
In anticipation of the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement Appeal starting, this is the decision under review at the Fed CA. Fed Ct fd STCA violated s 7 #Charter rights of ref claimants
I'll be tweeting intermittently with comments.
#refugees #cdnimm #lawā€¦
If ur curious, the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement is still in force. The Fed CA refused to grant a stay to suspend the agreement till the appeal is resolved even tho arguable irreparable harm re Fed Ct fd #Charter violations
#refugees #cdnimm #lawā€¦
As well, even tho there are a multitude of intersectional issues relating to the #STCA Safe Third Country Ag, 13 orgs thru 6 intervener applications were denied participation in the hearing at Fed CA. #cdnimm #refugees #lawā€¦
Read 166 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
While running a business, itā€™s likely that business owners, partners or managers will find themselves involved in one dispute or the other.

See thread!
#LegalnuggetsbyTobi #startups #businessowner #Advisory
#wednesdaythought #Litigation #mediation #WednesdayMotivation #Nigeria
These disputes may range from breach of contract, employer/employee dispute, shareholders or owners dispute etc.

Litigation is one of the most frequently utilized forms of dispute resolution. It involves going before a judge to resolve claims that one party has against another.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 18th 2021
Today @AurumLinh & @Jonny_McCully launch their @mozilla project @AtlasLabHQ aimed at closing the knowledge gap between technology & law by building a resource for those working on the front lines of #AI & #humanrights #litigation 1/ Image
The @AtlasLabHQ website consists of two guides, one that explains the process of creating #machinelearning systems & another that explains the process of challenging such systems through a #humanrights lawsuit 2/ Image
The first guide is a "no code" guide to building a #machinelearning system & provides a foundational understanding of the human decisions made during the development of a machine learning model, from defining a problem to deploying a model 3/ Image
Read 15 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
For a virus that presents "few to no symptoms" for the majority, "U.S. Orders Up to 600 Million Doses of #Pfizer, BioNTech Covid #Vaccine" (Bloomberg).ā€¦

So let's take a look at Pfizer.
"Pfizer is a publicly-traded global pharma corp.headquartered in NYC. Its revenues reached $52.5 billion in 2017. #Pfizer makes Advil, Xanax, #DepoProvera, Neosporin, #Lyrica & Dimetapp. Pfizer manufacturers more than 350 different pharmaceuticals & operates in 180 countries.
Pfizer's Lyrica, the new vallium, linked to depression, anxiety & suicide, now top pain medication on PBS. #Pregabalin #Addiction. Addicts of #hydromorphone (#Opioid) (Pfizer) have found a new addiction w/ #Lyrica. Capsules are opened, crushed & snorted.ā€¦
Read 20 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
This time last week, I was in the middle of a 3-day High Court Trial that was being conducted on Skype for Business.

Having experienced one of the first fully virtual Trials, I thought I would share some tips for those who are yet to hold one.

Here are my 30 tips...

Tip 1

Test your set up prior to the Hearing by holding conferences using the same software that will be used during the Hearing ā€“ Skype for Business may be used for the Hearing.
Tip 2

Schedule team/client conferences that will happen before, during and after the Hearing ahead of time. Agree on who will be responsible for setting up the calls, on what platform and during which times.
Read 38 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
9 big problems in-house counsels face with litigators and why there could be an opportunity for you in it

Lawyers want to work for big companies. Even when you are in a law firm, big corporate clients are the most sought after.

#inhousecounsels #litigation #lawyers #Corporate
Especially for litigators, big companies are the most lucrative clients, in terms of money, prestige and standing in court.

Big companies typically have their own in-house legal teams.
However, such lawyers are not allowed to appear in court, nor is it a good idea because litigators in specific courts have better knowledge of what works and what doesnā€™t before a certain judge. So big companies are always hiring litigators for all their litigation related work.
Read 84 tweets
Jun 13th 2019
We are back in court 26 for Day 19 of the Horizon trial. Claimantsā€™ barristers arriving at the Rolls Building this morning. Patrick Green QC (left) putting the questions to IT expert for the Post Office, Dr Worden. Live tweets to follow.
Usual disclaimer: I am paraphrasing and summarising what is being said and happening in court. Nothing is a direct quote unless it is in ā€œdirect quotesā€.
If you know nothing about this litigation, you can find everything you need at
The hashtag is #postofficetrial
Read 209 tweets
Oct 23rd 2018
"Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extraction and fossil fuel supply chains".

New paper with @jenniecstephens & @stephmalin_soc

Thread (1)ā€¦
Energy decisions have transboundary impacts. Yet assessments of large-scale energy infrastructure (e.g. EIS) rarely consider upstream/downstream emissions. Justice implications are completely omitted. Net effect = incomplete & flawed energy decisions (2)
The old Salem plant burned coal from La Guajira, Colombia. Fracked gas from PA, USA, now supplies the new gas-fired station*. Decision-makers ignored the ā€˜upstreamā€™ injustices experienced by both communities. (3)ā€¦
Read 16 tweets
Oct 1st 2018

London, Monday 1 October 2018

STEPHANIE HAYDEN SUES FATHER TED CREATOR GRAHAM LINEHAN following 5 days of targeted #harassment and a defamatory article in #TheTimes

#transgender #Law #Legal (1)
#GRAHAMLINEHAN (GL) On 26 September 2018 GL retweeted (republished) a series of defamatory and harassing tweets made by an anonymous Twitter troll account known for targeting #transgender women for #harassment. (2)
In doing so GL magnified the audience of the troll account from the hundreds to the hundreds of thousands. Within those tweets were photographs of Hayden, her family, and her friends. (3) #transgender
Read 20 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
>>About Frank Parlato of Some people have asked me if I am a friend of Frank Parlato, a newspaper owner and blogger who first first broke the story of women being forcibly branded as part of the #NXIVM cult. In response, I must clarify details about this.
In fact, I am not an established "friend" of Frank Parlato, who is the publisher of, and The Niagara Reporter weekly newspaper. Frank is someone who I spoke with by telephone, about three weeks ago, who I respect very much. I will explain why. #NXIVM
Frank Parlato, as far as I was able to ascertain, is a well known publicist and journalist who has worked on political campaigns. I read that Frank spent years fighting to expose Keith Raniere, who is accused of branding and enslaving female followers of his organization, #NXIVM.
Read 56 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
Read 97 tweets

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