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May 22nd 2021
1/ This new MR study by @mendel_random, @mvholmes, et al makes use of UK Biobank data and determines #ApoB increases risk of #AllCauseMortality, and even #T2Diabetes

This is actually relevant timing as we are rapidly approaching the #LMHRstudy.…
2/ If you didn't already know, "Lean Mass Hyper-responders" (#LMHRs) would be considered hypercholesterolemic, with this resulting from being very low carb (typically #keto), and are often lean and/or athletic.

(You can read more on this phenotype at
3/ Setting aside why this population exhibits this (see #LipidEnergyModel for more), the most important question is whether they are at risk.

This MR study builds on the existing conventional expectation that they are, and no less in a dose-dependent manner...
Read 6 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
GLP1-RA trials #T2Diabetes showing attenuation of nephropathy:
(Nb: Dulaglutude reports tomorrow)
Points of note?
1. In “good” renal function
2. As secondary outcome
3. Overarching outcome driven by reduction of persistent macroalbuminiuria

Summary of action and possible mechanism of GLP-1RA on kidneys #ADA2019
A one slide overview of all GLP-1RA results in the cardiovascular space far
Read 9 tweets
Mar 10th 2019
Cetoacidosis Diabética #DKA #CAD #AMTIP

Bases de la Enfermedad y análisis del Diagráma de Flujo @NICEcomms Diciembre 2018

Abro hilo, iniciamos👨‍💻y abierto comentadios

@MarianaPediatra @FOAMexico @CantillMauricio @Javier_Prego @erikablasco @pediatraweb10 @RobustosMD @carsolbal
Para ti #urgenciologos, #pediatras e #intensivistas

Daremos un repaso discreto de CAD y analizaremos el texto de la NICE Pathway

Comentaremos con relación a las guías @ispad_org, una de las más utilizadas a nivel mundial

En pocas palabras, el diagrama con relevante información
#CAD puede presentarse en #T1D y #T2Diabetes. Debido a obesidad, han aumentado los casos en esta última, presentándose también como debút.

#T1D es resultado de destrucción autoinmune progresiva de células beta. Ocurre a una tasa de 6-8%/año en aquellos con Dx establecido.
Read 39 tweets

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