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Jan 28th 2022
📜 [ Nimiq : Permettre les solutions de paiement les plus accessibles et les plus résistantes à la censure ]

Dans ce thread, je présente de manière concise, la blockchain Nimiq et son écosystème.

Table des matières

1. Qu’est-ce que Nimiq ?
2. Le projet Nimiq OASIS
3. Évolution vers PoS - Albatros
4. Partenariat avec Salamantex
5. L’écosystème et ses applications
6. Développer sur Nimiq
7. Pourquoi j’aime ce projet ?
1/ Qu’est-ce que Nimiq ?

« Nimiq est un écosystème conçu pour rendre les crypto-monnaies faciles à utiliser pour tout le monde sans compromettre la décentralisation. »

Rapide comparaison avec le BTC, Nimiq est simple, rapide, peu de frais et décentralisé. Nimiq logo
Read 29 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020

Alizaliwa South Africa akiwa na miaka 17 alihamia Canada na baadae America, ni mfanyabiashara na mwanzilishi wa makampumi makubwa kama SpaceX, PayPal, Tesla Motors

Leo nimekuletea kila kitu kuhusu Elon Musk

✴️ Historia yake na familia yake

✴️ Biashara zake

Uzi Image

Ni mzaliwa wa South Africa lakini sasa ana uraia wa Marekani na Canada, ni mfanyabiashara na mwanzilishi wa makampumi ya PayPal, SpaceX na Tesla Motors, alipata pesa akiwa na umri mdogo (20's) baada ya kuuza kampuni yake ya kwanza (Zip2) kwa Compaq computers Image

Elon Musk alizaliwa June 28, 1971 huko Pretoria-South Africa, Musk alizaliwa na tatizo la kusikia ila madaktari waliweza kumtibu akiwa mdogo.

Akiwa na miaka 10 wazazi wake walitengana na aliendelea kuishi na mama yake na ndugu zake wawili Image
Read 25 tweets
Jan 21st 2020
Programmable Money Things I’m excited about in 2020:

1. DAO’s move beyond charitable giving:

🌶️Venture @VENTURE_DAO
🧵Fashion House @SAINTFAMEdao
⚔️Law Firms @lex_DAO
🇨🇼CentralBank @Cura_DAO

I'm most excited about this because it should fuel a lot more experiments!
2. Fintechs leveraging Ethereum for operational efficiency, Apps not Dapps ->

🧾Invoice factoring @withcadence ($48M USD invested)
🏢Commercial REIT’s @BrickMarkAG ($130M CHF invested)
🏘️Residential @RealTPlatform
3. Minimum viable blockchain, with more projects leveraging off-chain messaging + local clients:

@numerai w/ Erasure (predictions)
@0xproject w/ 0xMesh (orders)
@3Box w/ everything else

Is this the year we all delete Telegram and migrate to @ethstatus ?
Read 10 tweets
Jan 14th 2020
Wow, what a crazy year in 2019! As you can see, I adopted a dog! Luna was very confused about why I had to put a rectangular leaf next to her face.

We raised an amazing $13,250 during the 2019 charity sale! Image
It’s a little bit less than last year, but only because I’ve been too busy moving so a lot of things in the shop ran out of stock, I’m sure everyone was just as eager to help this year.
The charities I donated to are #TeamTrees, Rainforest Trust, and Wildlife Conservation Network Image
These awesome charities were chosen for their amazing work on helping restore our forest, combating climate change, and protecting bio diversity.

#charity #environment #extinctionrebellion ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Dec 14th 2019
Don’t have a tree yet? Instead of killing one get a potted tree via @SFUrbanForester, which will plant it after the holidays are over:
Or get a house tree and decorate it every year, like us
Listen the whole cut fir tree tradition only came to the US via the German wife of George III. Jesus didn’t have a tree and if he did it would have most like been a palm or olive tree. Decorating for the holidays is a fun tradition but you can do it in a greener way.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2019
It’s time for the annual charity sale! On Nov 29 use discount code GIVINGTHANKS to get 10% off all order at, and if you order any prints, you also get free mystery prints as well! All profits will be donated to environmental charities such as #TeamTrees :D ImageImage
Last year we raised $14,000! Let's beat that record!

You can check out all the past charities I've donated to here… ImageImageImageImage
We have prints, wallscrolls, tote bags, postcards, and more!

#blackfriday #charitysale #teamtrees #donate #BlackFridaySale ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
It’s 2:30pm on a Tuesday. That means it’s time to stop & think about how crazy leafcutter ants are!


Let’s start by just watching these Atta cephalotes cut up this leaf. Wow. Nice work ants.
Why are they cutting that leaf? To feed to this glorious fungus garden inside their nest!

Has an obligate symbiotic clump of fungus ever looked this good? If ants could subscribe to Bon Appétit, this would be on the cover. Again, nice work ants.
At maturity, those gardens support colonies of 1-8 million ants. They keep their gardens growing by harvesting 100,000s of leaf fragments per day!
Read 8 tweets

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