1. DAO’s move beyond charitable giving:
🌶️Venture @VENTURE_DAO
🧵Fashion House @SAINTFAMEdao
⚔️Law Firms @lex_DAO
🇨🇼CentralBank @Cura_DAO
I'm most excited about this because it should fuel a lot more experiments!
🧾Invoice factoring @withcadence ($48M USD invested)
🏢Commercial REIT’s @BrickMarkAG ($130M CHF invested)
🏘️Residential @RealTPlatform

@numerai w/ Erasure (predictions)
@0xproject w/ 0xMesh (orders)
@3Box w/ everything else
Is this the year we all delete Telegram and migrate to @ethstatus ?
And honestly @WalletConnect is 1000x better than typing your bank passwords in Plaid.😨
Which means an increase in native demand for digital goods, growing the # of "nonFi" employed by #DeFi.
First we had 🧦Unisocks then 👕@saintfamedao then ☕@affogatoco and now 🧙♂️@pet3rpan_ . What do you think's next?
Bonus: AMM's like @CurveFinance experimenting in asset optimized curves => arb Vols. 📈
The real flippening seems to be Total BTC locked in DeFi. Currently 1,088 / 18,172,250.
and 👀 @ChainStandards.
🥞Rate Swaps @maplefinance
🚀NFT-backed loans @RocketNFT
🤯Options @opyn_
🦉Conditional Tokens @gnosisPM
What'd I miss?