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Nov 21st 2021
Y’all be hurting the good ones! Bad too! All the while the people who’ve pledged their allegiances to you are the ones you need to be watching out for. The ones seeking your acceptance! The ones who are your YES men and woman. They not gonna help you level up.
They just gone stroke your ego so much that you believe you got it all together. Then coddle you when you are victimized by displays of Realness & Love. Your REAL TRIBE are those who’ll hold you accountable, let you know where you hold blockages, they can see you from within
because they are you. They will also hold space for you but won’t allow you to be the victim of life. They won’t accept that ego driven, codependent, people pleasing aspect BEHAVIOR that keeps YES men around to make you feel safe within your universe.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
People always ask how I find my deals.

Truth - I'm no genius, it's the grind paired with a net.

Here's how:
Step 1: I got a Twitter DM from the business - they wanted me as a customer

Step 2: I loved the pitch and the niche, so I became a client

After a few months, I realized their service was awesome but operations were sh*t #toughlove
Read 7 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
I dunno, but I am extremely not into “feedback” at work, I do not want to “learn and develop”, I am anti “growth mindset”(which seems to be a way to justify telling employees they’re never good enough, holding them locked into that position and telling them they should like it)
and I get really positive glowing feedback all the time! but it still makes me feel icky, like I’m very skeptical that other people could judge or evaluate me in a way that is helpful to me
also there’s a whole bunch of stuff I am bad at… it’s because I don’t value it or find it interesting so no lol I am not going to work on it. and *maybe* I would be more valuable to my employer if I did but really, maybe not, and I think I’m plenty valuable to them as I am today
Read 5 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
Running out of things to do with the kiddos, so I’m teaching the youngest. This was my opening hand. #ToughLove Image
Her pile is now bigger than mine. Image
She graduated. Now we play as a family. ♠️♥️♣️♦️ Image
Read 3 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
I was literally in the last motorcade to leave the WH from the Obama Admin at 11:59am on January 20, 2017.

This is 💯 not true.

The transition period was thorough & nonpolitical. It was a huge priority & based on the professional transition from 43 to 44.
The credit for setting the tone and implementing the professional transition from 44 to 45 goes to COS @DenisMcDonough.
The motorcade that I mentioned was with @AmbassadorRice. She talks about that last ride from the WH in her new book #ToughLove.

We drove across the National Mall by the Lincoln Memorial, which was empty & dormant. 45’s inaugural about “American Carnage” was on the radio.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
#ValentinesDay It's time to share your #WednesdayWisdom tag a friend and let's go. #AdultsOnly #toughlove advice needed #SBCCHAT
Q1. Boyfriend left me because he says I gave him gonorrhea. BUT according to WebMD, I have chlamydia. So, obviously he's lying on me--and just wants to break up. How to confront him about this? What to do now? #SBCCHAT
Q2. Husband strayed last year, but we were able to get over it. Since then, I've been obsessed w/ WHY he cheated. He says she did things I wouldn't. I asked him to teach ME what he likes. HIM: WHY teach an old dog new tricks when some women do it naturally?" Advice. #SBCCHAT
Read 12 tweets

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