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Nov 21st 2018
@BoleMataz is a brand set to revolutionise how bole is sold in Nigeria. Bolemataz is an environment-conscious brand.

As popular as bole is in Nigeria, it’s sold and served differently, in different parts of Nigeria. In the Eastern part of Nigeria, it’s mostly served with beans.
In the West, #bole is served or eaten alongside groundnut. In South-South, it’s served with some oil or peppery sauce alongside some “badass” (for lack of a better word to describe the taste of the) roasted fish. #VUNBlog #VictorUgooNjokuBlog #lifestyle #Nigeria #Trends #Thread
Roadside sellers of bole sell in takeaway packs or wrapped in some old newspaper. Not @BoleMataz Bolemataz has decided to give some prestige to the way they sell and package bole. #trendsofnigeria #lunch #food #Nigeriafood #Africa #ecofriendly #eatclean
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Nov 17th 2018
In 2015, Olivia Onyemaobi raised a campaign against sexual abuse. She found out that some girls get abused by men who offer to help them get sanitary pads. To solve the problem, she started @PadupC
In Nigeria, some girls sometimes stay out of school during their menstrual cycle because they can’t afford sanitary pads. While some others use tissue, dry grasses, leaves and rags during their menstrual cycle. Just because they can not afford sanitary pads. #Thread
Some men cash in on this, by abusing young girls sexually just to provide them sanitary pads. @PadupC makes affordable, washable and reusable sanitary pads. Pad-Up menstrual kits are super thin with high absorption rate. #VUNBlog #VictorUgooNjokuBlog #womenshealth #lifestyle
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