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Jul 12th 2019
[THREAD] 1/ In light of the #humantrafficking cases of Jeffrey Epstein & R. Kelly this week, we want to share some of the #hightech ways orgs are working to catch & prosecute #traffickers while protecting children. A summary of our white paper on 40 #ToolsAgainstChildTrafficking.
2/ This #whitepaper presents a list of technologies combating #childtrafficking. By providing this resource, we hope to consolidate core knowledge and enable law enforcement, government agencies, and nonprofits to select and combine strategies with maximum effectiveness.
3/ A prominent #hightech method to fight trafficking is #ImageRecognition. Orgs are able to identify victims (@thorn), create #videofingerprints to filter & #eliminateCSAM (@_project_vic, @twohathq), and scan the internet for photos of missing children in ads (@marinusai).
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