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Mar 18th 2020
After a year's delay the Windrush Lessons Learned Review (i.e. why the #Windrush scandal happened) is being published tmrw. This was one of the most appalling injustices to happen to BME citizens in this country; please put aside some time to find out why…
It's been 2yrs since the #Windrush Scandal came to light, but it's hard to forget how ppl like Paulette Wilson, Michael Braithwaite, Anthony Bryan, Albert Thompson & many others lost their livelihoods and were detained even though they had lived here legally for over 50 years.
Priti Patel, discussing the #Windrush Lessons Learning report (WLLR) on…. Highlights decades of institutional thoughtlessness. But not once has Home Sec mentioned govt's Hostile Environment policies which significantly contributed to the Windrush injustice.
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