Dr Zubaida Haque Profile picture
Deputy Director + Head of Research @WomensBudgetGrp (mat cover) Former CEO @equalitytrust. Former interim CEO @Runnymedetrust Member @Independentsage Tweets own
Jun 8, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
There are ~400 schools across England involved in the govt’s [unethical] experiment to see if you can replace self-isolation with lateral flow tests in schools. Given Matt Hancock is now aware of higher infection rates among school children, are these experiments continuing?? Astonishingly the replies from parents & others reveal that the govt's trials exploring whether they can replace self-isolation of close contacts in schools, with daily lateral flow tests is not only continuing but NOW allows for close contacts of #DeltaVariant to be included!?!
Jun 2, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"Nothing in the data yet"?? #IndianVariant is nearly dominant strain in UK. It's much more contagious than Kent variant; 1 dose of vaccine only offers ~33% protection. It has increased in all regions; it's affecting younger groups more. And only 39% population fully vaccinated. Daily cases are rising rapidly; in last week it has increased by ~35%. Boris Johnson & Ministers pushing out the line that "we always expected an increase" after May 17, BUT it's the *rate of increase* which is the most concerning. And there's NO govt strategy to keep cases down
May 27, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
While all media attention continues to focus on #DominicCummings' explosive claims about Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Cabinet Sec et al, there is one issue that has had less attention: whether the govt STILL believe in #herdimmunity through natural infection? @IndependentSage Even until a few weeks ago, following Stage 2 of the Roadmap (with a Third wave on our doorstep in Europe), Boris Johnson talked about learning to "live with the virus" and accepting more hospitalisations and [inevitable] deaths with reopening more places. itv.com/news/2021-04-1…
May 23, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
This is ALARMING. Last night while #Eurovision was on Public Health England released a delayed report showing that #B16172 so-called Indian variant has spread v. fast across the country, now in all regions and is deemed high risk re: transmissibility and *some* vaccine escape. Large % of B1617.2 India variant have been identified in NW, London, East England & East Midlands BUT it is everywhere. And while 2 doses of #CovidVaccine ~81% effective against B1617.2 variant, 1 dose only 33% efficacy. That leaves 60% of adults and ALL children still at risk.
May 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
It is extremely worrying that Boris Johnson is not reconsidering ANY of the relaxation of rules in nxt step of #Roadmap May 17, given SAGE modelling showed a 30-40% more transmissible #B16172 'Indian' variant could lead to January level hospitalisations EVEN IF vaccines work well On Fri @IndependentSage published its 6 point plan on what ACTION the govt needed to take in order to prevent a 3rd lethal wave. We are extremely concerned that even though the govt have NOT MET all 4 tests of Roadmap (i.e. variants of concern) they are proceeding without caution
Apr 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This is really concerning. The government are carrying out human guinea-pig experiments in Liverpool to see *whether or not transmission increases* (which may result in hospitalisations and death) if clubbers only take (unreliable) lateral flow tests before mass events. The best way to keep people safe at mass events, indoor pubs is to ensure that local & national rates of covid are low. That means a functioning test, trace & supported isolation system which not only brings cases down, but keeps them down. Tests only don’t prevent transmission
Jul 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Astonishing. And yes, really. Meanwhile last Tuesday on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme https://t.co/G7xzUfdm7w
Jun 15, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
The sheer irony of Boris Johnson announcing a cross-government Commission (NOT a govt strategy or plan of action) into “all aspects” of racial inequality in UK when his govt have yet to publish a held-back report on how to save BME lives during a pandemic. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-530453… Just ystday @RunnymedeTrust had a letter published in @thesundaytimes calling on the govt for MORE ACTION and *less rhetoric* on racial inequalities. How tone deaf do you have to be to ignore the evidence produced by your OWN government on racial inequalities? #BlackLivesMatter ImageImage
Mar 18, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
After a year's delay the Windrush Lessons Learned Review (i.e. why the #Windrush scandal happened) is being published tmrw. This was one of the most appalling injustices to happen to BME citizens in this country; please put aside some time to find out why theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/m… It's been 2yrs since the #Windrush Scandal came to light, but it's hard to forget how ppl like Paulette Wilson, Michael Braithwaite, Anthony Bryan, Albert Thompson & many others lost their livelihoods and were detained even though they had lived here legally for over 50 years.
Oct 25, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
ICYMI the latest stop and search figures were out yesterday. Alarming findings re: liberty & human rights:
💠 Stop and search incl Section 60 (removing reasonable suspicion has *increased* significantly).
💠 Black ppl in London are now 10x more likely to be stopped and searched Also important to note, that despite this govt's/Priti Patel's reasons for increasing stop and search, arrest rates have *fallen* and 60% of stop and searches are for drugs - *not weapons/knives*. And "intelligence-led policing" has led to increased racial profiling; not decrease
Dec 13, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
Thread: The latest statistics about govt's counter-terrorism #Prevent prog are out. Lots of interesting figures but here are some that I think are very troubling: Of the 7,318 ppl (mostly young ppl) referred to Prevent, *only 5%* are actually assessed to require Channel support. 2/How professionals decide *who is a risk* and how #Prevent prog arrives at risk factors is hugely impt. Huge Qs about how accurate the assessment is. Of the 7,318 ppl referred, many young & Muslim, 82% dismissed/referred to non-radicalisn services. But stigmatised either way.
Nov 20, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
In case you didn’t know the 1981 Nationality Act removed birthright citizenship in the UK. BUT the Act said children who had been here for minimum ten yrs were entitled to citizenship. And it never intended for “good character” requirements to strip children of their citizenship. Hundreds of children have been denied their rightful citizenship bec they have *failed* Home Office’s harsh & cruel Good Character tests. These children are mostly BME & looked after children. @RunnymedeTrust @PRCBC1 and @AmnestyUK are asking for good character to be scrapped.