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Thinking on #PolicingAct & chilling effect on democratic right to protest. Here’s a 🧵 of some MFJ demos/marches only from past 2yrs - we never asked ‘permission’, we never informed police. Now we could be prosecuted. This one is recently at Colnbrook detention centre (1/20)
Here we marched from brixton to Home Office via Serco & G4S offices -- it was a powerful, vibrant, important march led by asylum seekers, refugees & undocumented many who came to UK on promise of freedom, democracy/equality. #PolicingAct makes mockery of those principles (2/20)
Here outside the Rwandan High Commission protesting inhuman Refugee Trafficking deal. This was after passage of #PolicingAct . How many people will think twice before organising such a protest because of this Act? We can’t let them make us afraid, we must keep fighting! (3/20)
Read 19 tweets
LONG THREAD 🧵#Rwanda50 how we can #StopThePlane - this is fight of our lives, a defining moment. We cannot let this crime against humanity stand. & while amazing #Activistlawyers work behind scenes to stop this plane, it would be mistake to rely solely on courts (1/20)
This has 2b fight BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY & on all fronts. No one org can do it all, look at this list & think what connections u have, what actions u can take to #StopThePlane then do it. Anyone whose thought “what would I have done in Nazi Germany”- this is your time. (2/20)
We have UK govt determined to destroy human rights in the UK & rip to shreds the very right of seeking asylum - they’ve no tears, they don’t care about horror stories - we will not win by a moral or legal fight alone. #Rwanda50 #StopThePlane #EndDeportations (3/20)
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Just heard horrifying news. A detainee who is schizophrenic, was off his meds, did not have capacity to act in his best interest (tonnes of medical evidence to support this - he was extremely paranoid and did not believe there was a flight on 18th) #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane (1/3)
His family, his lawyer - all thought he had no removal directions. His family have just learned he is in Jamaica. This man is severely unwell, has been here since childhood & lived in assisted housing most of his adult life #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane (2/3)
The family are in deep deep shock. He is utterly lost. THIS is the reality of the nasty, dirty, racist tricks @ukhomeoffice pull to make these flights happen. Take advantage of vulnerable man’s illness to put him on a plane without letting even his lawyer know #Jamaica50 (3/3)
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"I'm a mother and have had my door kicked in, there were about 30 of them. That's been happening for 8-10 years. However long we have been married, which is 16 years and have 5 daughters, the government want to split our family" #StopThePlane #Jamaica50
"A lot of people aren't aware what this racist government is doing, it's not in the papers, it's not on the news" #StopThePlane
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#Jamaica50 update 🧵 we’re still in early stages of speaking to detainees, so far 12 detained. All bar one received these Removal Directions today for the flight on 18 May. This thread summarises what we know so far #StopThePlane (1/15)
This #Jamaica50 flight set to be FULL of those who came as kids & those with learning disabilities & other disabilities. 7/12 came UK age 12 & under. 7/11 (1unknown) have learning disabilities, 3 dyslexia, 1 ADHD & 3 with other general learning difficulties #StopThePlane (2/15)
1 of those, EW has learning disabilities so severe he requires constant care from his mum. The three with learning disabilities have clearly been exploited from childhood & are potential victims of trafficking #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane (3/5)
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Spoke to Romanian detainee Colnbrook - situation highlights utter insanity of @ukhomeoffice policy & procedure. He is DESPERATE to return to his sick wife & child, he’s begun a hunger strike, here is his story #StopThePlane #Jamaica50 (thread 1/7)
He came to UK for his birthday, to meet friends& party (he spent time living here years ago). Arrived 22 Oct, return ticket booked for 31 Oct. There was incident at party, he was arrested, held overnight but released without charge - he missed his plane (2/7)
On 1st Nov immigration arrested & took him to Colnbrook. He complied with everything, signed every document, hasn’t had legal advice because HE WANTS TO GO HOME. He is still in detention 3wks later & hearing from his increasingly distraught wife how much she is struggling (3/7)
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Here we go again. We can all look forward to another round of political vitriol, painting a picture of every person on the #Jamaica50 charter as a violent, dangerous man, who must be deported from to keep the nation safe. A 🧵 1/8
You’ll not hear the back stories of those on the flight who are trafficking victims; whose crimes were committed as a result of being groomed by #CountyLines gangs; and who were threatened and exploited as kids #CCE 2/8
The gov’t will avoid mentioning the failures on behalf of the state for those onboard whose criminality can be traced back to failed care arrangements by social services; the undiagnosed, the expelled, and those who grew up in a system stacked against them from the start 3/8
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#Jamaica50 flight has gone. @Wamosair are profiteers who took @ukhomeoffice blood money - not airline used before. We believe there is 10 or less on flight, smallest no since they restarted in 2019 post #WindrushScandal thank you to everyone who took action (1/5)
26 tkts cancelled out of 30 people in contact w/ MFJ. Detainees, families & communities put through torture in service of this governments racist agenda #StopThePlane #Jamaica50 #YesItsRacist (2/5)
Our hearts & solidarity go out to the families grieving this evening. We stand with you and with all those fighting this racist hostile environment. Our rage knows no bounds for the inhumanity, racism & injustice of this rotten immigration system. #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane (3/5)
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NEWS: We've been taking referrals for the #Jamaica50 mass deportation for the past few days. People who have been in the UK for 20 or 30 + years or most of their lives. People who came to the UK as toddlers, young children or teenagers & have no links to Jamaica...
2/ Most have a non-violent, drugs-related or one-off conviction. Nearly all have been living in the community for several years and in most cases raising their children and playing an active and important role in their lives. As with other flights the @ukhomeoffice is trying to
3/ deport people whose children would then have to grow up in care as a result. The approach of the Government in these cases borders on the sociopathic. But in every case, we see near total disregard for the rights of British & British resident children who will be forcibly
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#Jamaica50 Voices - Listen to the videos in this thread as D speaks out from Colnbrook about the conditions he's endured as someone who entered detention COVID free & is now gasping for breath & struggling with his mental health in isolation. Time to #StopThePlane (Thread 1/8)
D isolated & not given phone charger or belongings "I feel physically weak at the moment, like Im going to collapse any time" "last time I felt like this was when homeless & starving on streets" "things like this trigger traumatic memories for me" #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane (2/8)
"I'm still here waiting and trying my best to deal with what's happening to me right now" "I wish they would send me to the NHS and let be quarantine there" #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane Here he described how system is designed to be slow, not provided what he needs to cope. (3/8)
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Who are #Jamaica50 ? It’s important to get truth out fast about people @ukhomeoffice have swept up in racist dragnet of Jamaican community ahead of Aug mass deportation charter flight. This thread tells some of their stories #StopThePlane #StopCharterFlights #EndDetention (1/16)
1. MM came UK age 11 to join father, indefinite leave to remain (ILR), 19 yrs UK. 7 British kids, 5 w/wife inc newborn. Convicted possession/intent, original trial judge gave suspended sentence noting good character & deserved second chance. CPS appealed, revised to 3yrs (2/16)
That was 1st & only offence, out of prison since 2019. Wife is carer & he took care of kids as she worked through pandemic. Constituent of @AlexNorrisNN who is making reps on his behalf. This govt doesn’t believe in ‘second chances’ for the black community. #yesItsRacist (3/16)
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News that the #Jamaica50 flight left carrying the grand & great grandchildren of the #Windrush generation is shocking. Despite much success in getting stays in individual cases, a JR regarding the interests of children failed to obtain interim relief but continues. 1/16
Thankfully, much fewer men have gone than planned. We believe 13 of 50. This flight, during the height of a pandemic which the government has mismanaged is irresponsible. It is believed that the Jamaicans had tried to raise this as a public health issue but in the end, their 2/16
former colonial master cracked the whip. It is a myth that Jamaica gets a bounty per body which lands but they might as well. The ruling party there is a conservative party allied to the UK Conservatives; both are members of the right wing International Democratic Union.3/16
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Yesterday, we got hold of this Deportation and Charter Flights Factsheet, dated Thursday. It concerns the planned removals of the #Jamaica50 scheduled for next Wednesday, 2 Dec. It’s not on the @ukhomeoffice website. [1/30]…
We contacted them to establish if it was legitimate. They said the doc “did come from the Home Office”, but “hasn’t been uploaded to yet”, and was “provided to a number of stakeholders” following requests for information on the planned deportations. [2/30]
It struck us as odd that a doc of clear public interest, setting out the HO’s position on a wildly controversial matter, and providing a few mildly exonerating tidbits at that, wouldn’t be made publicly available. (There are now 2 working days left to the deadline.) [3/30]
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This is @ukhomeoffice's factsheet in response to the planned removals on 2 December. Not entirely clear why it hasn't been published on, but it is genuine and its provenance has been confirmed. Some thoughts: [1/10] #Jamaica50…
Firstly, it's sneaky, not to mention suspicious, to not make a document like this publicly available asap, when it's clearly a matter of public interest, and the event in question is fewer than 3 working days away. Just a gripe, but. [2/10]
S 32(5) of the UK Borders Act 2007 does compel the Secretary of State to make a deportation order when a person meets the conditions in either of s 32(2) or (3); in (very) short, if they've had a sentence of at least 12 months, or it's a serious crime. [3/10]
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Italian singer Adriano Celentano released a song in the 70s with nonsense lyrics meant to sound like American English, apparently to prove Italians would like any English song. It was a hit, and resulted in this: THE GREATEST VIDEO I HAVE EVER SEEN.
The full video can be found on Facebook, here:…
Thank you @RosPhilips for bringing this into my life.
Numbers on this are climbing so here's a petition to stop charter flight mass deportations to Jamaica and other commonwealth countries. Please, please sign. #Jamaica50 @BARACUK @galdemzine…
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Let’s talk children. Imagine being a 14y/o boy seeing ur dad in prison every wk of 2yrs inside except when #COVID19 meant visits stopped. You’re excited cause he’s due out Thurs - day b4 your 15th Birthday. You’ve been planning & thinking about it 4 mths #Jamaica50 (Thread 1/7)
Lockdown & visits stopping has been so hard but your parents reassure you it’s ok cause this is the day he’ll be out, he’ll be there for your birthday. So you try to keep your head down, get to grips with online learning, keep focused. It isn’t easy. #EndDeportations (2/7)
It’s been a struggle living without your dad cause he’s been there all your life. Your parents are stressed and distraught, they are scared to tell you that your dad likely won’t be coming out for your birthday. #Jamaica50 #StopDeportations #YesItsRacist (3/7)
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Watching the #Stansted15 appeal today, extending solidarity on behalf of @LSWUnited and @blkprotestlegal. @bencsmoke live tweeting the proceedings and I’ll be posting some updates too. Clare Montgomery QC currently setting out the grounds on behalf of the appellants.
The language of the Act should be interpreted restrictively. The offence is one of the utmost seriousness, carrying a potential life sentence and subject to universal jurisdiction.
Immense concerns raised about the chilling effect these convictions have on legitimate public protest. The ramifications of applying terrorism related legislation in this context could mean those supporting/encouraging the #Stansted15’s actions are also caught in the same web
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Spoken to 10 #Jamaica50 detainees & confirmed dets for 8 - this is who @ukhomeoffice planning 2 shackle & put on charter flight b4 Xmas at height of #COVID19 Fathers to 31 Brit children. Men who’ve been in UK most of their lives #StopCharterFlights #EndDeportations (thread 1/8)
To carry out flight, up to 20 people will be shackled with waist, hand & feet restraints w/ guard either side of them as they are forced on a plane. Because of Coronavirus restrictions they will not have been able to say goodbye to their children and families in person. (2/8)
In many families the father looked after children while partner worked; many mothers (inc several key workers) are now facing additional costs of childcare & may have to stop working. Several fathers not felt able to tell their kids about the flight cause afraid of impact (3/6)
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After a year's delay the Windrush Lessons Learned Review (i.e. why the #Windrush scandal happened) is being published tmrw. This was one of the most appalling injustices to happen to BME citizens in this country; please put aside some time to find out why…
It's been 2yrs since the #Windrush Scandal came to light, but it's hard to forget how ppl like Paulette Wilson, Michael Braithwaite, Anthony Bryan, Albert Thompson & many others lost their livelihoods and were detained even though they had lived here legally for over 50 years.
Priti Patel, discussing the #Windrush Lessons Learning report (WLLR) on…. Highlights decades of institutional thoughtlessness. But not once has Home Sec mentioned govt's Hostile Environment policies which significantly contributed to the Windrush injustice.
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Reshawn Davis came to the UK age 11, jailed for 2 mths for being there when 2 phones were stolen. His was found conviction unlawful in 2016.

If even ONE person on that flight posed no risk to society, then that's not why the government's doing it.

Stinks of Windrush xenophobia.
Twane Morgan served 2 tours for the UK in Afghanistan, suffering PTSD for which he didn't receive nearly enough support. He then committed GBH.

The government says it has no regrets about wanting to get rid of him, arguing that the 2-tour veteran abused their "hospitality".
Under our legal system Reshawn Davis has served his 2-month debt to society and was even found to have been unfairly sentenced.

Deporting this husband & father of British kids who knows nobody in Jamaica, serves literally no purpose other than having fewer black faces in the UK.
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Home Office accused of ‘inhumanity’ after detainees driven to charter flight despite courts blocking their deportation

One disabled man says he suffered ‘excruciating pain’ after being forced to sit on a coach for 11 hours to airport and back #Jamaica50… Image
Among those who *were* put on the flight was Rayan Crawford, 34, who has two young sons

His partner Yana told me it had 'destroyed' their family

'My three-year-old wakes up every morning and asks, ‘Is dada back?’ I can’t explain it to a three-year-old'…
ICYMI Rayan Crawford was interviewed by @BBCNewsnight in Jamaica following his deportation

'I feel British, I was there from a child. I went to school there, I went to college there, I spent my whole life there [...] Everything is still in the UK'…
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Relieved to hear a majority of #Jamaica50 deportees received a reprieve last night.

The Court of Appeal’s decision raises further questions about due process in the #Jamaica50 flight.
The Home Office was claiming all 50 people onboard were unreformed violent criminals.

That alone raised doubts about whether they had enough information to go ahead with the flight.
Its decision to press ahead with its tainted deportation flight anyway this morning defies common sense.

Thoughts and attention now turn to the wrongfully deported and the families deprived of loved ones.
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Some short points about the law behind the #Jamaica50 deportation flight last night. The law wasn’t always like this: it was changes in 2007, 2012 and 2014 that lead to even those born in the UK or brought here as children being exiled to countries they do not know. 1/?
Deportation law was until 2006 fairly flexible. It gave huge discretion to the Home Secretary and it was generally serious criminals with weak connections to the UK who were deported. That changed for short term political reasons.
The deportation scandal that cost Home Secretary Charles Clarke his job was caused by administrative failings at the Home Office. Serious criminals were being released without even being considered for deportation by officials. It wasn’t deportation law that was at fault.
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If you're outraged by the #Jamaica50 charter flight - don't feel powerless

There are lots of things you can do - here are some of them


#StopDeportations #Windrush
1, sign and share this petition calling for justice for the Windrush generation, including an end to all charter flight deportations to Jamaica and other Commonwealth countries @BARACUK @BameFor…
2, add your name to this petition, calling for the release of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review and demanding all charter flights are grounded…
Read 11 tweets

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