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Jun 2nd 2023
One question in particular about the #WGAStrike that a bunch of family and friends who are totally disconnected from the entertainment industry have asked about recently that I thought I should address here in a quick thread.

It actually has more layers to it than you'd think.
My parents specifically ask about a few of my closest friends out here often, some of whom are execs at studios. And they've both wondered, with some amount of worry:

"Are you still going to be friends with (enter exec here) and be able to work together once the strike is over?"
My answer, of course, is, "Yes, absolutely. They are employed by the studios. But they're NOT the studios."

Which is a complicated thing to suss out without some explanation. And, thus, very reasonable for them to ask, even if it's silly to me.

But I want to dig a bit deeper:
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Jun 1st 2023
Today shareholders voiced their disapproval of @netflix’s outlandish exec pay totaling over $166 million for 2022. 1/6
This excessive sum, paid to just a handful of execs, could pay for Netflix’s annual share of all of WGA’s proposed improvements for writers—twice over. 2/6
Instead, this money paid the top Netflix execs who are creating risk for the company and shareholders by not offering writers a fair deal. 3/6
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May 22nd 2023
It begins with the words.
Nothing happens without them. Sometimes, the writing achieves transcendence, but, in every case, it’s seminal. I got to a give a brilliant speech recently, which not only explicated my and my brother’s characters, it illuminated an entire narrative. 1/3
This is what great writers do. And they need to be compensated in accordance with their contribution. At the very least, they need to be able to provide for themselves and their families. 2/3
In this era of corporate greed and union busting, management seems to hold all the cards. Except for the most important ones: Unity; Solidarity; Fraternity. All of us win when the writers win. And we will win. Union! Strike! #wgastrike #UnionStrong #Succession @jessearmstrong1
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May 22nd 2023
Hey Denis! Your comment below is so egregious & insulting to me as a working actor with a lifetime of friends in the film/TV industry that I’m choosing to respond to it in this here thread in case anyone else is as confused as you are about the #WGAstrike. 1/16
The @WGAEast & @WGAWest are on strike because their future is in jeopardy. Their ability to pay their bills, Denis. To make a living. The AMPTP/studios refused to negotiate with them on key points that would safeguard their rights and acknowledge their undeniable value. 2/16
WGA members overwhelmingly voted to strike if their fair & reasonable requests were not met. And so here we are. Strikes are a last resort—a union’s show of collective strength. They are disruptive because they must be. Which is why WGA writers are asking us to STOP FILMING. 3/16
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May 20th 2023
I'm going to tweet out a bunch of fliers for some of our upcoming themed picketing days at Universal, but before I do, I want to address the idea that because writers are planning themed picketing days or smiling as we picket, this is somehow a big party and we're having a blast.
We are not. We would much rather be in writers' rooms or in front of our computers typing away than we would be walking on a picket line. Writers are a sedentary bunch, and many are introverts, meaning that making conversation every day is taxing and challenging for them.
We did not *want* to strike. We wanted a fair contract. We wanted to have reasonable counter offers to the proposals made by our negotiating committee, not silence and a refusal to even engage with our proposals.
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May 20th 2023
Did you hear about #upfronts this week? 1/6
Jon Steinlauf, chief of @wbd US ad sales: “What you’re about to see is not exactly the show we expected to do today.” 2/6
Casey Bloys, Chaiman & CEO, @HBO & @hbomax Content: “First, let me just start by saying I am hopeful that a fair resolution is found soon with writers that would of course return talent to this stage…Until then you’re kind of stuck with me and my clips.” 3/6
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May 19th 2023
My father, Howard Rodman Sr., worked in one-hour episodic network drama in the 1960s, notably on Route 66 and Naked City. There were no writers rooms then in one-hour drama. Only two people, called "story editors,” and a pool of freelances. That was it.

🧵1/8 Image
The two of them, my father and Sterling Silliphant, wrote or rewrote every single episode.

You can only imagine — meaning you can't imagine — the pressure they were under.

They wrote pages in Los Angeles that were put on airplanes in hopes that they could be shot the next morning in New York. They used every prescription drug available to keep up the pace. During the course of this my father worked through three minor heart attacks.

Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2023
So, I made a TikTok about how we need to be talking more about #freework in #screenwriting. Then it came to my attention that… a lot of people don’t know what a rewrite is, or how one-step deals work. So I did a basic breakdown! #wgastrong #wgastrike
Here’s the original video. I stand by it! We need to be talking more about feature issues, even if they aren’t buzzy like AI or mini-rooms or minimum staff sizes.
Ever since I joined the WGA in 2012, one-step feature deals have been a pervasive problem. And you know the Companies. If they can get away with some shenanigans in one place, they’ll try to expand it to other areas until it becomes normal everywhere.
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May 13th 2023
Just a #WGAStrong PSA and some food for thought from your friendly neighborhood Captain & lot coordinator.

The theme days/meet ups/et al are fun! I’m a fan… that said I have a few tips for folks to keep in mind to help lessen the load on the captains and coordinators. 🧵
First of all, we are here to picket. We can have fun while we are doing it but let’s remember why we’re here and to stay on message.

If your captains or coordinators ask you to do something or to help out, please do it.
Those that are planning/hosting events — make sure you talk with the coordinators at those lots! Cannot emphasize this enough.

Do not drop an event on us and expect us to be able to accommodate you. We’re working with a finite amount of resources and a ton of generous donations.
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May 13th 2023
I’m going insane. Image
David Zaslav made them pause Fleabag on a yacht because a sex scene made him uncomfortable. Image
I read this and now you have to.…
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May 9th 2023
Reposting as a thread everything I wrote on instagram following the stupidest comments from @sagaftra president at the #wgastrike in regard to #actors.
1. First off- our concerns should be VERY similar to the writers. Actors, no longer receive residuals due to steaming. Soooo, we understand that writers deserve residuals but don’t think that actors do!? I die.
AI is also a threat to actors. As a soulful actor I don’t think they should be a threat, but knowing soulless decision-makers who think there is not difference of COURSE it is a threat. AI models are taking jobs away already. (A black one created by a white male even.)
Read 17 tweets
May 4th 2023
Just a little update from @paramountplus' quarterly earnings call today... 1/7
.@paramountplus just added 4.1 MILLION subscriptions to reach 60 MILLION global subscriptions. But they don't want to pay a penny more in residuals for that global subscriber growth 2/7
This is despite the fact that they know exactly how much writers' content supports that growth 3/7
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May 2nd 2023
🧵 on your health & well-being thru the #WGAstrike
#WGAstrong #WGAsolidarity
This is a gentle reminder that, while spirits and energy will be high this week, the WGA strike is a marathon, not a race. The weeks following will be hard and scary...
Stay hydrated and fed while at picket sites and use sun protection. Be sure to rest; this includes taking breaks from social media and updates around the strike.
Create a rotation w/ friends on the ground to prevent burnout; has a great, *FREE* template you can use. Sit down to budget your finances/expenses and take time to search for and lock in work that won't break the strike rules...
Read 5 tweets
May 2nd 2023
If you keep one streaming service through the #WGAstrike, make it @Shudder. Shudder is owned by AMC, but they receive little funding from AMC to pay their employees a living wage and to source and manage their content.
Shudder's staff is also the first to feel the effects of any cuts or layoffs at AMC. @NyxHorror has had the pleasure to work with the good folx at Shudder ... They are passionate about #horror and #thrillers. They are passionate about indie film.
They work their assess off for pennies to support indie horror and thriller filmmakers, including women & BIPOC, to give those creators a platform for their work that they likely wouldn't have otherwise. They believe in writers. They believe in the power of indie projects. 3/
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May 2nd 2023
#WGAstrong #WGAsolidarity
If you’re #PreWGA or a non-writer, here are some ideas on how you can support the #WGAstrike
1) If you’re in the L.A. or NYC areas, join a picket line. Coordinate w/ friends to ensure that key locations have ample numbers of picketers...
Picket schedules & locations may be found here:… you’re local to L.A., here is picket line sign-up sheet prepared by @ginagemeni, @chandra7thomas and @NerrisNassiri.
2) #CancelNetflixAndChill Wherever you’re based, cancel your streaming subscriptions (esp. Netflix). If the streamer asks why you’re cancelling, say that you refuse to support a company that doesn’t support the writers whose work generates the profits that line its pockets...
Read 19 tweets
May 2nd 2023
According to the WGA negotiating committee, the studios are pushing for a "day rate" for comedy/variety writers. Truly horrifying. We won't survive something like that. #WGAStrong #WGAStrike #WGAStressed
why is a day rate is a problem? it’s a rollback from our current contract, which protects us with weekly minimum rates. And for many comedy/variety shows, we require a 13 week contract. Day rates would allow studios to hire fewer writers and overwork the writers they do hire.
Comedy/variety writers are the lowest paid in the guild and many of us are already struggling to make ends meet in the era of shorter seasons, smaller staff sizes and network churn. We don’t even have minimums for streaming. Residuals are basically non existent.
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May 2nd 2023
The Board of Directors of the @WGAWest and the Council of the @WGAEast, acting upon the authority granted to them by their memberships, have voted unanimously to call a strike, effective 12:01 AM, Tuesday, May 2.
The decision was made following six weeks of negotiating with @netflix, @amazon, @Apple, @Disney, @wbd, @NBCUniversal, @paramountplus and @Sony under the umbrella of the AMPTP.
Though our Negotiating Committee began this process intent on making a fair deal, the studios’ responses have been wholly insufficient given the existential crisis writers are facing.
Read 4 tweets

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