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Jun 27th 2022
🪡 While upholding the findings of the Special Investigation Team that gave a clean chit to @narendramodi in the #ZakiaJafri case, SC added that SIT had “come out with flying colours”.

Q: When exactly did Modi learn of the massacre on 28 Feb 2002—and how well did SIT quiz him?
2️⃣ In his reply to SIT in 2010, Modi claimed he learnt of the #GulbergSociety massacre only at a meeting that evening, at 8.30 pm.


While a mob of thousands attacked a Muslim pocket in #Ahmedabad, the CM—who *also* held the home portfolio—was unaware for 5 full hours?
3️⃣ The implausibility of Modi’s defence is brought out by former @IndianExpress and @timesofindia legal affairs editor Manoj Mitta.

In his 2014 book, ‘The Fiction of Fact-Finding: Modi and Godhra’, Mitta reveals how #SIT bought into Modi’s claim with barely any challenge.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
(1/5) #ZakiaJafri தீர்ப்பை நிறைவேற்றிய நீதிபதிகள், தங்கள் பதிவை ஆராய்ந்து பார்க்கும்போது மிகவும் சுவாரஸ்யமான ஒன்றை வெளிப்படுத்துகிறார்கள்.

அவர்களில் ஒருவரான தினேஷ் மகேஸ்வரி, வரிசையில் நின்ற 32 மூத்த நீதிபதிகளை ஓரங்கட்டி பதவி வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ள நிலையில், அவரது பெயர்
(2/5) கொலீஜியத்தில் கூட இல்லை.

அடுத்ததாக ஏ.எம் கான்வில்கர் ஜூலை 2022 இல் ஓய்வு பெறவுள்ளார், அவர் சபரிமலை வழக்கின் முந்தைய தீர்ப்புக்கு முரணான யூ-டர்ன் நீதிபதி என்றும் அறியப்படுகிறார்.

இந்த இரண்டு மகேஸ்வரி மற்றும் கான்வில்கர் ஆகியோர் சர்ச்சைக்குரிய சென்ட்ரல் விஸ்டா
(3/5) திட்டத்திற்கு மத்திய அரசுக்கு ஒப்புதல் அளித்தவர்கள்.

மூன்றாவது சி.டி.ரவிக்குமார் நேரடியாக பாராசூட் மூலம் குழுவில் வைக்கப்பட்டார், அவர் கேரள உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் ஐந்தாவது நீதிபதியாக இருந்தார், இதுவரை தலைமை நீதிபதி பதவியில் இருந்ததில்லை, இன்னும் உச்ச நீதிமன்ற நீதிபதியாக
Read 5 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
The judges who have passed the #ZakiaJafri verdict, going through their record reveals something very interesting.
One of them is Dinesh Maheshwari, who was has been given the position by sidelining 32 senior judges who were in queue, his name was not even in the collegium.

Next A M Khanwilkar due to retire in July 2022, he is also known as U-turn Judge who contradicted his own previous judgement in #Sabarimala case.

These two Maheshwari and Khanwilkar were the ones to give a nod to the central gov on the controversial Central Vista project.

The third one CT Ravikumar was directly parachuted and placed into the panel, he was the Fifth judge in the Kerala High court and has never been in a position of Chief Justice yet he was made a Supreme court Judge.

Although the verdict is very much on the expected lines and

Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
In deciding Zakia Jaffri's petition the Supreme Court Judges went beyond the questions before them. Not content with simply dismissing the petition, they sought to assert that the PM and HM were innocent and cast aspersions on the motives of the petitioner and her supporters
This is dangerous. It may well be true that there may be malafide intent behind a civil claim or a criminal prosecution. Such suspicions may be backed by evidence in which case it is for the police to investigate and prosecute. But in this case, the SC judges are
Using the prestige of their office to make allegations of intent and motive for which they cannot possibly have evidence. If all they are doing is voicing their suspicions then they are descending from the high ground of judicial independence and objectivity.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
#SupremeCourt to resume hearing plea filed by Zakia Jafri, widow of slain Congress Member of Parliament Ehsan Jafri, challenging the Special Investigation Team’s (SIT) clean chit to then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Godhra riots #gujaratriots @narendramodi
Hearing commences. Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal making arguments.

#zakiajafri #SupremeCourt
Sibal referring to certain charts. I am going to demonstrate there was contemporaneous evidence in 2002 itself.

#GujaratRiots #SupremeCourt
Read 79 tweets
Nov 11th 2021
Justice AM Khanwilkar led bench to continue hearing a petition filed by Zakia Jafri, widow of slain Congress MP Ehsan Jafri, challenging the Special Investigation Team’s (SIT) clean chit to then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Godhra riots #supremecourt
Sibal: Article 21 has an aspect where a person can be deprived of life and liberty in accordance with procedure established by law. What CRPC does is to establish that procedure #zakiajafri #supremecourt #gujaratriots
Sibal reading out Section 157 CrPC on procedure for preliminary enquiry.
Read 66 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
Justice AM Khanwilkar led bench hears a petition filed by Zakia Jafri, widow of slain Congress MP Ehsan Jafri, challenging the Special Investigation Team’s (SIT) clean chit to then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Godhra riots #supremecourt @narendramodi
Sr Adv Kapil Sibal: I am referring to records which are official SIT records.. SIT did not do any investigation. I will prove it over the course of a few days
Sibal: Article 21 of the Constitution is about not depriving anyone of their liberty save and except in accordance with procedure established by law and thats procedure is of CrPC
Read 84 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
Justice AM Khanwilkar led bench hears a petition filed by Zakia Jafri, widow of slain Congress MP Ehsan Jafri, challenging the Special Investigation Team’s (SIT) clean chit to then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Godhra riots #supremecourt
Sr Adv Kapil Sibal: all the important evidentiary records have been destroyed my lords!
#zakiajafri #gujaratriots #supremecourt
SC: Mr Sibal, the best course would be not be going backwards...we have to start from the 2011 order.. there was an option to file a protest petition. history of 2009 and 2010 may not help us today. show us what report was presented and the protest plea filed in ref to the report
Read 34 tweets

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