Mr. Sune H. Sorensen AKA The Librarian Profile picture
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Feb 2, 2020, 16 tweets

Interesting overview on 'Great power resource competition in a changing climate' from @NewAmerica with plenty of #FoodForThought:… Some takeaways..(1/16)

2/16 Key findings - #US & #China resource competition in a world in flux...#GlobalTrends #GeoStrategy #Energy #Agriculture #ClimateChange #NationalSecurity

3/16 Overview of 'Key metal and mineral resources in the #US & #China competition...#StrategicMaterials #Lithium #Cobalt #Palladium #Niobium #Rhodium #RareEarths

4/16 Overview of #US resource scores for key nations of reliance...#GeoStrategy #NationalSecurity

5/16 Overview of #US resource reliance and national power....#Canada #Mexico #China

6/16 Overview of #China's resource reliance scores..#NationalSecurity #GeoStrategy

7/16 Overview of #China's resource reliance and national power dynamics..#Brazil #Russia #Indonesia

8/16 #China & #US resource reliance - Overlapping interests...#GeoStrategy

9/16 Overview of top resource suppliers for the #US & #China...#GeoStrategy #NationalSecurity

10/16 Overview of key sources of strategic resources for the #US & #China....#GeoStrategy

11/16 #StrategicMinerals - #Lithium & #Cobalt demand...

12/16 Overview of global #Lithium production, reserves and identified resources...#StrategicMaterials competition #US & #China

13/16 Overview global #Cobalt production & reserves...#StrategicMaterials #US #China competition...

14/16 Overview of projected scenarios for global projected crop yields under different #ClimateChange scenarios..#FoodSecurity #WaterInsecurity #Migration #Agriculture #StrategicMaterials

15/16 Overview of overseas #FarmLand acquired by Chinese companies since 2006...#StrategicMaterials #FoodSecurity #NationalSecurity #China

16/16 "Imports to the #US & #China account for 1/4th of the world's trade in resources." - Wht will a potential #decoupling mean? How will #ClimateChange affect things? Who is best prepared? What nations will b the winners & losers from these dynamics...#GlobalTrends #GeoStrategy

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