N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Feb 14, 2020, 13 tweets

Back in March 2018 we reversed engineered / identified just over 250 Twitter accnts of the 600 Russian influencer accts monitored by the German Marshall Fund at the #Hamilton68 dashboard. Over time we expanede this list and broke them into subcatgories dashboard.securingdemocracy.org

Without giving away too much part of the reverse engineering involved an oversight in how the @SecureDemocracy dashboard displayed its trending data. We reverse engineered enough accounts as seed accounts to then grow out the set over time. We are completely independent of @gmfus

Fast forward to 2day. We looked at the discussion of candidates within the Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 subset of accnts most focused on Russian Geopolitics. This wordcloud in first week of Feb. shows positive support to Bernie Sanders #Bernie2020 #elections2020 #nvcaucus

This subset of Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 accnts tends 2 avoid specific hashtags related 2 US politics. Thus seeing a significant presence of #Bernie2020 convinced us 2 look at all the candidates over the period of Jan 26 - Feb 10, document the sentiment and # of unique accounts

Note we are ONLY looking at hashtag use right now. The graph shows that discussions around Senator Sanders was overwhelmingly positive. 12 unique accounts were identified in the #hamilton68 subset and used these hashtags.

The graph shows that discussions around Rep. Tulsi Gabbard was overwhelmingly positive. 10 unique accounts were identified in the #hamilton68 subset and used these hashtags.

The graph shows that discussions around former VP Joe Biden was overwhelmingly negative. 20 unique accounts were identified in the #hamilton68 subset and used these hashtags.

The graph shows that discussions around Mayor Pete Buttigieg was overwhelmingly negative. 24 unique accnts were identified in the #hamilton68 subset & used alot of hashtags

Interestingly the negative discussions and attacks towards Mayor Pete Buttigieg started very recently. They seemed to ramp up around Feb 4th and spiked enough to show up in a wordcloud between Feb 7- Feb 9th. #hamilton68 #infosec #osint

The graph shows that discussions around Sen Elizabeth Warren was a mixed bag but mostly negative. 9 unique accnts were identified in #hamilton68 subset, some -, some + and some neutral and used example hashtags.

Only a couple of #hamilton68 subset accounts even mentioned Sen Amy Klobuchar or Andrew Yang with these hashtags and they were neutral in their discussions.

We were asked 2 check #Bloomberg as well. Very little hashtag activity around Bloomberg so far. Only 4 #Hamilton68 accts from subset used these hashtags #MikeBloomberg #NeverBloomberg #StopAndFriskBloomberg #Bloomberg2020 Some discussions about #DNCrigging & Billionaire Oligarchs

An important footnote 2 this. Dont misinterpret the sizes of the bars as an indication of absolute strengths of the attacks or boosting. This is a small & recent time window that was analyzed. For ex. attacks in aggregate on Biden have been ongoing for months. For Buttigieg, days

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