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Apr 4th 2023
Local Business Consulting Services Catalytic Consulting Inc…
More #about "#Local Business #ConsultingServices Catalytic Consulting Inc:

Brian Plain | Catalytic Consulting Inc
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D116 Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 203-1776… #MA #Local #Business #Consulting #Services #Catalytic #Consulting #Inc"
Find additional information #about our independent company #providing business consulting services, in Massachusetts, online today, at "Catalytic Consulting":…
#CatalyticConsulting #MA
Read 16 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
What happened with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)? Why did it crash? Who's responsible?

A thread 👇 🧵

#SVBCollapse #SVB #SIVB

SEC Chair Gary Gensler & Senator Elizabeth Warren launched operation Chokepoint 2.0 somewhere in late 2022.

Chokepoint 2.0 is an operation aimed at crypto companies and getting them unbanked.

No matter how you feel about crypto, this had big consequences outside of it.

In early 2023, the Chokepoint operation harassed the Silvergate bank and its customers, which caused a bankrun and the shutdown of Silvergate.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
🇺🇸BIDEN REFUSE D'ANNULER LA DETTE ÉTUDIANTE, ROMPANT UNE PROMESSE ÉLECTORALE 🇺🇸 - UN THREAD (oui c'est important, alors hop, les majuscules 😉). 1/x…
De quoi parles-t-on : aux USA les études supérieures coutent (très) cher. En moyenne, les diplomés (et non diplomés qui ont arrêté en cours de route) s'endettent à hauteur de 30 000 $. Près de 45 millions d'américains sont ainsi endettés (total ~1700 milliards de $). 2/x
La dette est majoritairement détenue (en dernier recours) par l'État fédéral. L'administration #Biden peut, SANS PASSER PAR LE CONGRÈS, annuler la quasi-totalité de cette dette par un simple trait de plume 3/x :……
Read 17 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
Monthly pulse of resale housing market still rapid according to 4,500 agents we just surveyed. Top 3 themes: 1) Bit of market normalizing. 2) Skittish sellers fearing nowhere to move. 3) End of travel ban boosting international buyers. Commentary across the country to follow…
#Houston resale agent: “A lot of people are not listing because they don't know where they are going next. Seems that many people listed too high even for a sellers' market, so I am seeing more price reductions now than earlier in the year.”
#Orlando resale agent: “Our buyer pool is increasing. We see more buyers from the north connecting with us as they plan to visit the area from the fourth quarter to the first quarter of next year.”
Read 25 tweets
Jun 5th 2021
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 1
1: MIKE LINDELL has two prestigious Texas and Minnesota Attorney firms conducting his complex new Federal Suit concerning PRC vote Machine interests which Senators #Warren & #Klobuchar vehemently complained of in 2019.
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 2
2: The brilliantly documented new FEDERAL writ based on detailed, corporate, forensic, & tech evidence - establishes that China companies owned, controlled & accessed the vote counting software used in #Election2020…
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 3
3: Companies controlling U.S. 2020 vote count were ultimately China govt owned.
4: “powerful Chinese financial interests had direct or indirect ownership of and near-total access to #Dominion’s and #Smartmatic’s voting machine technology."
Read 9 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
Dans la nuit, séisme politico-judiciaire aux Etats-Unis avec la mort de Ruth Bader Ginsburg (#RBG) juge à la Cour suprême depuis 1993.
Avant quelques réflexions sur les conséquences de ce décès, il convient de rappeler qui elle était.
Née en 1933 à Brooklyn dans une famille d’immigrés juifs de Russie, #RBG fit de brillantes études d’abord à l’université Cornell, puis à la fac de droit de Harvard (où elle est une des rares femmes de sa promotion) et à celle de Columbia 2/
En 1956, à Harvard, reçu à dîner par le doyen de la fac de droit avec ses condisciples féminines, leur hôte lui demande pourquoi elle prend la place d’un homme ?!
#RBG est une des étudiantes les plus brillantes dont le talent et le sérieux mettent à mal les clichés misogynes 3/
Read 36 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
On July 1, Senators Kirsten #Gillibrand, Senator Chuck #Grassley & Senator Ted #Cruz announced they will offer the bipartisan #Military Justice Improvement Act as an amendment to this year’s National #Defense Authorization Act.… #NDAA #MJIA #PassMJIA
From Senator Gillibrand's press release: "The Military #Justice Improvement Act would professionalize how the #military prosecutes serious crimes by moving the decision over whether to prosecute them to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors." #MJIA #PassMJIA
"Despite years of Congressional reforms, thousands of service members are raped & sexually assaulted every year. In many of those cases, the assailant is someone in the survivor’s own chain of command." -- #military #MST #MilitarySexualTrauma #MJIA #PassMJIA
Read 18 tweets
May 5th 2020
Conseil faussement désintéressé de D.#Trump: E.#Warren est la candidate démocrate #veep qu'il pourrait le plus facilement "étiqueter"pour galvaniser son électorat conservateur- la controverse sur les fausses origines indiennes, libérale de gauche du Massachusetts...
#LastRT 1 facteur à prendre en compte dans le choix de #Biden pour sa #veep: quand lui-même est choisi par #Obama en 2008, il sort certes d'1 primaire aux résultats catastrophiques MAIS où il avait brillé dans les débats, avec plusieurs saillies mémorables.
3) Désolé d'employer ce terme- mais il est celui retenu- #Obama, quand il choisit #Biden comme #veep, le fait d'abord pour cette qualité d'#attackdog (chien d'attaque) fondamentale historiquement pour 1 colistier/colistière. Et de ce point de vue, #Warren n'a jamais brillé.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 25th 2020

1. I respect the will of the voters.

2. But new information has emerged supporting #TaraReade's account of being sexually assaulted by #JoeBiden.

3. Credible rape accusations are disqualifying or we have NO moral standards.
4. Defeating Trump is NOT OPTIONAL.

5. To avoid potential catastrophe in Nov., #Biden should withdraw.

6. #Warren, #Harris, #Klobuchar, #Buttigieg, #Castro, etc. could replace Biden.

7. #Bernie can restart his campaign.

8. We can reboot the primary and give voters a choice.
9. This is the ethical position AND the smarter strategy to beat Trump.

10. We lose ALL moral authority if we embrace "the lesser of two accused rapists."

11. Polls show other Dem candidates can win.


Read 10 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
La passe de trois pour #JoeBiden qui recevra ce matin le soutien officiel d'Elizabeth Warren après Sanders avant-hier et Obama hier. Grosse démonstration d'unité démocrate face à #Trump.
2) Evidemment, pour #Warren, le soutien à #Biden a un enjeu direct plus fort que pour les précédents puisque le candidat vice-président démocrate sera une femme. Et elle est d'évidence sur les rangs, puisque Biden lui en avait déjà parlé en 2015...…
3) Sauf qu'on n'est plus en 2015-2016, lorsque #Biden proposa à #Warren d'être sa colistière s'il se présentait. Qu'apporte #Warren à #Biden sur 1 ticket? Elle a fini 3e dans l'Etat qu'elle représente au Sénat qui est acquis aux démocrates et n'a pas gagné un Etat en primaire…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
Analysis: Why #Sanders lost the nomination: "Simple explanation" is that he got "trounced" when the race narrowed to 2; "many of Biden’s wins were blowouts, ballooning his pledged delegate lead to 311, a margin that is essentially insurmountable." | thread…
.@perrybaconjr "Why did Sanders do so badly in a 1-on-1 contest against Biden? I’d offer 3 explanations, none of which are mutually exclusive from the other 2."

1>"Sanders didn’t run a smart enough campaign."
#Bernie's campaign "seemed to think that #Sanders had a unique appeal to white working-class voters that would simply continue in 20," despite "clear indications" that some of his success in '16 w/ whites w/o college was more anti-HRC than pro-Sanders.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
✔️#Biden is not a "moderate" #dem. He's running on a platform to the left of Obama & Hillary. If elected, he'd be the most #progressive president in our lifetimes.

This thread fact-checks a graphic circulated by #Sanders supporters that equates Biden & Trump.
✔️#Biden supports universal healthcare. He proposes adding a singlepayer Medicare option to the #ACA, open to individuals & employers. It could be immediately implemented, unlike #MedicareForAll which has a 4-yr transition.

✔️#Sanders introduced #M4A. It has 15 Senate votes.
✔️#Biden's plan to add singlepayer Medicare option to ACA follows the public/private hybrid that's most commonly used by countries with universal healthcare.

✔️Trump admin has filed suit to overturn the ACA & protections for people w/ preexisting conditions.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
In EVERY state, #Sanders has done less well in 2020 than he did in 2016, underperforming by an average 17.6%.

In Vermont, for example, he won only 50.7% of the vote in '20, a drop of 35.4% from his '16 win. / thread
#Sanders' underperformance is partly explained by his failure to get new & young voters to the polls. In nearly every primary thru early March, fewer of those voters turned out than they did in '16.…
.@CNN exit polls show nearly 3% fewer voters under 30 voted in '20 than they did in '16. #Bernie Sanders needed to overperform with this demographic.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
Email to #Bernie shows campaign's pollster predicted he was within 4 points of #Biden in South Carolina. 2 days later, Biden blew out SC by nearly 30 points, turning the race around.

How Sanders' run came undone: thread…
In Jan, @ZephyrTeachout, a law prof allied w/ #Sanders, wrote an op-ed alleging #Biden had “a big corruption problem," & the campaign sent it to everyone on its large email list.

✔️ #Sanders "put a stop to it. 'It is absolutely not my view that Joe is corrupt in any way.'"
In Feb, VT Rep @PeterWelch implored #Sanders to "ease up" on his attacks of #democrats. Welch believed it "sounded exclusionary to ordinary people backing other candidates, ... a lot of voters who are just everyday voters, who decided to vote for other #Dems" (NYT 3/21).
Read 18 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
Massachusetts law allows the Governor to appoint a replacement if a Senator leaves office prior to completing a term. The Governor, Charlie Baker, is a Republican, and is not up for re-election until 2022.

Therefore, if Warren were to become the VP nominee and win, upon her resignation that Senate seat would go from blue to red.

Vermont has the same deal, also with a Republican Governor. Though he's up for re-election in 2020.

A Sanders/Warren ticket would automatically cost two Senate seats. While a Biden/literally-anyone-who's-not-a-red-state-Gov appointed-replacement ticket would keep both of those seats blue.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
1. Long thread. Content warning: rape, suicide, torture.


Highly educated colleagues who supported Sanders instead of Warren: you betrayed me.

2. The evidence that Sanders attracted and energized fake-left and pseudo-left segments, such as Trotskysts, marginal opportunists who blabber old Trostkyst mottos like "social democrats (or liberals, in the US) are the same as fascists" should be enough.
3. You have obtained the same Ph.D. as me. You should have known.

However, you have not been a clandestine militant on the hard left since 15 yrs old like me (1977-78). You have not been pinned down as you yelled "NO" while a "comrade" fucked you over and over again.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 6th 2020
What is disinformation and why does it matter?

The #CoronavirusOutbreak (aka #COVID19) certainly has everyone’s attention at this moment!

Sadly it is the perfect to slip some disinfo onto the narrative and manipulate public opinion one way or another..
Let’s look at this meme: It links the COVID-19 to an immigration issue!

But they are NOT related.

This virus came into the US via travelers (mostly caucasians) who had been exposed.

🌈Viruses are blind to a persons skin color.

🌈Viruses are not stopped by a border wall.
Disinformation can also come from a fellow resister who failed to verify the source!

The tweet below echoes headlines from an Australian article. But if you read that article you realize it is reporting on info that showed up in a communist source...

Read 9 tweets
Mar 6th 2020
Media & social media have been a total love requiem for Liz Warren all day, and it’s such gross hypocrisy.
I never liked Warren.
She had many fine qualities as a candidate, but she lied constantly; often about trivial things. It made her liability in the general election.
But 1/
But watching the media canonize her tonight, as though it was some unexpected tragedy that she ended her campaign the day after everyone demanded she and her campaign, kind of reminds me of the way they wouldn’t mention Kamala Harris, and then as soon as she left the race 2/
Everyone was shocked! And there was so much looking askance and “her voice will be missed.”
I remember thinking “you guys are gonna miss her voice? Did you ever even hear it? Because you didn’t cover it.”
And I’m reminded people told me they might hold her nose & vote 3/
Read 7 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
Nevertheless, she persisted. ✊🏻
I didn’t love Hillary. She was flawed. But I so badly wanted to see a woman in the White House. I was devastated in 2016... because Hillary didn’t pick #Warren as her running mate. I truly thought that would have locked it all up.
I can’t explain why I loved #Warren back in #2016, but I just felt she was THE ONE.

When she announced her candidacy for 2020 I was overwhelmed with excitement.

She was going to do it! She would be THE ONE!
Read 6 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
Joe #Biden ha vinto il #SuperTuesday, l'appuntamento più importante delle primarie Dem #USA. L'ex vicepresidente di Barack Obama ha vinto in almeno 9 dei 14 stati in cui si andava al voto (potrebbero diventare 10 con il Maine, dove al momento è in lieve vantaggio).
🇺🇸 Anche se lo scrutinio non è ancora concluso al 100%, possiamo infatti dare per certa la vittoria di #Biden in Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas e Virginia.
🇺🇸 Bernie #Sanders ha invece vinto in California, Colorado, Utah e Vermont. Infine, il miliardario Michael #Bloomberg - entrato in gioco solo nel #SuperTuesday - ha trionfato solo nei caucus che si sono tenuti nelle Samoa Americane.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
If #Warren gets essentially shut out today, we need some serious talks and action to combat our country's internalized misogyny. (Even if she doesn't get shut out, we need to have that conversation and action.)
Has her campaign been flawless? No. Are there very good reasons for voters to prefer other candidates? Of course. Would a male candidate with the same profile have fared better in this race? Absolutely.
This is a good place to start:…

And this:…

I was fascinated by the observation that even when Warren talks about her parents, she's much tougher on her mom than her dad. So many of us hold women in our lives to higher standards!
Read 6 tweets

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