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Feb 17, 2020, 13 tweets

Meet Dr Iman Izimi @ImanAzimiUTAS, a medical researcher from @UTAS_MedSci @TasSchoolMed @UTAS_ on the hunt for new cancer therapies with fewer side effects

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#cancer #researcherprofiles #research #medicalresearch #science #medicine #AcademicTwitter #ecrchat

Medulloblastoma is the most common fatal childhood brain cancer, with less than 60% of children surviving high-risk medulloblastoma. Current treatment options are not completely effective and include surgery, followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Due to the harsh nature of these treatments, children who do survive the cancer often develop physical, cognitive, social and emotional impairments. New treatments with fewer side effects are urgently needed

“Can we find a treatment approach that is more effective and shows less side effects?”. This is the main research question that Dr Iman Azimi is eager to address. In order to achieve this, Iman considers that “we first need to understand the biology of this devastating disease”

Iman is a cancer biologist and a lecturer in Pharmaceutical Science at the @UTAS_ , and together with his research team, he is searching for potential new therapies for medulloblastoma treatment

He investigates the biology of medulloblastoma to understand the role of specific proteins that contribute to cancer progression and is exploring the potential of these proteins to treat cancer

Iman’s team utilises diverse experimental techniques to identify proteins and cellular pathways that are critical for cancer growth and invasiveness. They then control the activity of these proteins and pathways to examine whether they suppress cancer progression and/or...

...They control the activity of these proteins and pathways to enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic agents currently used in clinic

Iman and his team have already identified potential new drug targets for these high-risk cancers, which may ultimately improve treatment options and save the lives of children suffering from this disease

Iman joined the University of Tasmania in 2018 to establish his laboratory within the @UTAS_MedSci @TasSchoolMed

“We have created a cohesive and supportive team environment with transparency and strong work ethics.”

“Constructive discussions, brainstorming and innovative ideas are always welcome in our meetings. It is an amazing feeling to see students excited about research and to see them grow and develop in the lab”

Iman has published in several prestigious scientific journals. He has also achieved national and international recognition through ASCEPT Denis Wade New Investigator Award, Oxygen Club of California award, Tony B Academic Award, and the @BritPharmSoc Bain Memorial Award

For media enquiries or information about potential Honours or PhD projects contact ASMR for details.

#cancer #research #disease #health #medicalresearch #australia #Medulloblastoma #biology #biologist

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