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Feb 27, 2020, 12 tweets

@McKinsey_MGI takes a deep dive into '#ClimateRisks & Response: Physical hazards & socioeconomic impacts' here:… Some takeaways...(1/12)#GlobalTrends #Risks

2/12 #ClimateRisks - the long view on changes...moving from the relatively stable to something more volatile... #GlobalTrends

3/12 #ClimateRisks - Overview of how 'climate hazards are projected to intensify' around the world...#GlobalTrends

4/12 #ClimateRisks - The socioeconomic impact of climate change is already manifesting itself and is affecting all regions...#GlobalTrends

5/12 #ClimateRisks - #India is heating up, which is not conductive for a stable society, as food and water security issues combined with a wast youthful population is a recipe for conflict...#GlobalTrends #Risk #IndianSubcontinent

6/12 #ClimateRisks - Southern #Europe and the #MENA region set for more droughts which in turn leads to food and water insecurity, conflict and forced #migration... #GlobalTrends #Risks

7/12 #ClimateRisks - A look at #Florida & the financial implications of damages to #infrastructure and #RealEstate plus 'who will hold the risk'...#US #ClimateChange #GlobalTrends #Risks #REinvesting #Insurance

8/12 #ClimateRisks - Overview of 6 types of countries and the effects across 'livability & workability' - 'Food systems' - 'Physical assets & #Infrastructure' & 'National capital'...#GlobalTrends #Risks

9/12 #ClimateRisks - Countries with the lowest per capita GDP levels face the biggest increase in #risk...This comes with broader consequences as they hold much of the world's key #commodities & youthful populations...#GlobalTrends #Risks #Migration #Conflict #FoodInsecurity

10/12 #ClimateRisks - 9 case studies of leading-edge #ClimateChange impacts across the major geographies, sectors and systems...#GlobalTrends #Risks

11/12 #ClimateRisks - The world's major #grain growing areas are highly concentrated in a few regions...Changes to climate patterns could affect these with damaging outcomes...#FoodInsecurity #GlobalTrends #Agriculture #AGs

12/12 #ClimateRisks - Global #Infrastructure assets in key regions are exposed to #ClimateChange...#GlobalTrends #Risks

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