Cory Morningstar Profile picture
Independent investigative journalist with artistic & intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with little regard for conventional rules of behaviour.

Dec 8, 2020, 16 tweets

Klein: "It is, first & foremost, about blocking a real
#GreenNewDeal, which most assuredly would not have the support of BP, Mastercard, the #Prince of #Wales, & all of the other #GreatReset partners."

Guess again. We mean Business/ Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group. 👇

Strategic funders of #C40 Cities (founded by Bill #Clinton, 2006): #Bloomberg Phil., Children's Invest. Fund Found. (#XR) & #Realdania.

Funders include #Mastercard, #Citi, #Wellcome, #Rockefeller, J&J, etc...

#GND #GGND #GreatReset #WorldBank

Nov 9, 2020, #C40 Cities: "Together, we can change everything"

Sept 18, 2019: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The #Behavioural #Change Project “To Change Everything” [Volume II, Act V]…

#GGND #GND #GreatReset

2014: "This Changes Nothing..."

"While the #behavioural change tactics used by Avaaz are on public display, [], for-profit Purpose, w/ its non-profit arm, sells their expertise behind the scenes to further the interest of #hegemony & #capital." #GND #C40…

Round up the influencers.

#AOC: “I am inspired by this coalition & the commitments made for a global Green New Deal..."

May Boeve, Exec. Dir, NGO 350: "A global green new deal is more than phasing out fossil fuels... Cities will be instrumental...

GGND conduit to #SmartCities

Nov 2020: C40 Cities, Global Covenant of Mayors & CDP announced new partnership leading up to COP26.

"Mayors, from cities of any size & location, signing up to the Race to Zero campaign will:"

"endorse the green recovery principles of the Global Green New Deal" #SmartCities

To roll-out #smartcities, mayors had to be brought into the fold. The Global Covenant of Mayors (merger of Compact of Mayors & Covenant of Mayors) unites 9,209 cities in 132 states across 6 continents. This is the world’s largest coalition.

#Bloomberg #Clinton #WorldBank #GND

Nov 9 2020, C40 Cities: "What we do today matters. Let's take urgent action now to create #TheFutureWeWant."


C40 "The Future We Want" - is the future they want - serving ruling class & capital.

#HumanCapital #SocialCapital #FinancializationOfNature #GreatReset

& "The Future We Choose" - is the future they chose long ago.

"Social license is being harvested to #reset the capitalist system – under the guise of a climate emergency & saving the planet. This we know: the #planet will not be saved by those that have destroyed it."


Circling back to #Klein - w/ Klaus #Schwab et al.

Background: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: To Plunder What Little Remains: It’s Going To Be Tremendous [Volume II, Act III]…

#GreatReset #TheFutureTheyChoose #XR #Marketing #GGND #WEF

Listen>>> The EU Green Deal - the #Growth Strategy for the "#4IR", Carbon Markets, & Increased Militarism:

Ursula von der Leyen: President, EU Commission, Member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum.

#GreatReset #GND #EUGreenDeal

World Economic Forum, March 6, 2020: "Our new book for March has just been announced"

"They put your mind right in a bag, and take it wherever they want." — Malcolm X

A 100 Trillion Dollar Storytelling Campaign [A Short Story] #GreatReset #WEF…

Joining AOC, serving as a keynote for the C40 Cities Global #GreenNewDeal launch/summit, were Al Gore & Vandana #Shiva.

Al Gore, (Financialization of Nature w/ #WEF & #WWF) C40 keynote - on #Inequality: "you always want a little":

#Clinton Found, Sept 27, 2007: “Working w/ partners 1Sky will raise $50 million..." In 2011 1Sky officially merged w/350 (#Rockefeller) & Klein would choose to serve its board of directors.

The Increasing Vogue for Capitalist-Friendly Climate Discourse:…

Capitalists embrace/finance "leaders" - who can ultimately serve/insulate/strengthen capitalist & ruling class interests.

Photo: Susan Rockefeller, home, NYC

Klein's 2015 book/film This Changes Everything, was initially launched as project The Message…

"Climate News", Nov 2020: "young leaders calling for critical environmental justice & climate measures at scale of the Green New Deal," ...

#Kerry represented the #Biden campaign in a #GND unity council..."…

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