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May 28th 2023

Navigating #Crypto #Regulation in the UK 🇬🇧💰🔍

A comprehensive summary of the UK House of Commons Treasury Committee report on government's approach to #cryptoassets & how they plan to balance the scales of innovation and risk. (1/16) #ShitcoinShutdown #DLT Thread on the UK Gov's plan...
2. Shoutout to @MatthewLINY for finding this document that was published May 10 2023. 🤝

In this thread, I am going to summarize some viewpoints of the UK Gov and I will post the document link at the end of the Thread! Lets dig in⏬ #Crypto #DLT #Blockchain Image
3. The Treasury Committee has called for the UK Gov to step up its efforts in regulating #cryptocurrency, amidst rising concerns about risks to consumers.

They advocate for a pragmatic and balanced approach to regulation, recognising the potential of #DLT in financial services. Image
Read 18 tweets
May 23rd 2023
@SpunkyStrings tweette voor aandacht op dit:
In dit HLN bericht lezen we dat de debit maestro kaart vervangen wordt de debit mastercard.…
U krijgt dus een mastercard, en wat lezen we op de website van mastercard :…
Op de website van mastercard lezen we dat mastercard samenwerking met o.a. de #VN en #WEF om de #CO2 voetafdruk bij te houden voor elke betaling, om "de impact van de klimaatverandering bij de consument te leggen". #doconomy
De vermeende #CO2 hetze, waar nog steeds geen bewijs voor bestaat wordt dus verder gebruikt om de #privacy te kunnen negeren en is een stap naar een mogelijke beperking op basis van uw #CO2 voetafdruk.
Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2023
La carte MIR, équivalent russe de #Mastercard, peut servir le partenariat #Russie-Centrafrique ! Une nouvelle avancée dans le partenariat russo-africain ? Il semblerait que oui. Thread 1/6 ⏬ Image
De nombreux Africains étudiant en Russie ont des problèmes pour payer leurs frais de scolarité à cause de l’incapacité d’utiliser les cartes Visa et MasterCard. En cause, les sanctions imposées aux banques russes, qui empêchent l’utilisation des cartes occidentales. 2/6 ⏬
Jean-Laurent Syssa-Magalé, ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur de la Centrafrique, estime que la carte MIR, équivalent russe de MasterCard, pourrait constituer une alternative. 3/6 ⏬
Read 6 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
Fresh Supply Co (FSCO), the largest user of @Mastercard Provenance & a partner of @CommBank

Has migrated from the private #Mastercard blockchain to @hedera network...🔥

For Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenization 🪙 and is digitizing the farm-to-fork concept!

Let's know how 🧵👇🏻
1/What used to happen earlier?

In the traditional agrifood value chain

Covering the entire process of;
🌾 Producing
🚜 Processing and
🧺 Distributing agricultural products used to consume a lot of time!

And that made 👇🏻
2/Made this entire process complex & opaque:

What happened next was...

It also left financiers with less clarity & little insight (beyond their balance sheet and P&L account during #CreditRiskAssesment) 👀

How is @FreshSupplyCoAu bringing a change here? 👇🏻
Read 11 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
Tuesday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
According to the Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) Coinbase Global (#COIN) told clients on Monday it’s no longer supporting #Signet, the real-time payments network of failed #SignatureBank.
The #Crypto #Fear and #Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching levels not seen since #Bitcoin posted its all-time high in November 2021.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
🧵on $BAX

During the #bankingcrisis people are losing faith in #traditionalbanking system. Users cannot access their funds, stock prices are plummeting, and impending #CBDC. THE WORLD NEEDS ANOTHER VIABLE SOLUTION!
$XRP $BTC $ETH #remittance #CryptoTwitter #cryptocurrency
Bank Accounts Based on Blockchain (#BABB) was created by @Rushdaverroes in 2018. The goal was to leverages #blockchain, biometrics and machine learning to offer revolutionary decentralized banking services for people across the globe building a new global banking network!
@getbabb intrinsic design has proven to be next generation as they offer a bank account on the #BABB platform, compliant with UK regulations, available to any eligible person or business in the world, instantly, without the need for a UK address or credit history.
Read 20 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
#IA - La tecnología #disruptiva que está cambiando todo 🧵

🟠 Key notes

🟢 Analistas / Grupos de #Research

🔴 Teorias relevantes indirectamente relacionadas al tema.
🟠 La tecnología disruptiva no busca "replicar".Usualmente, se elude y hace redundantes los viejos estándares y procesos.

🟠 Tendemos a subestimar el poder de la tecnología para convertir el trabajo en persona en trabajo escalable.

🟠En muchas profesiones “creativas”, menos personas ya pueden capturar una mayor participación del mercado que nunca. Considero que veremos lo mismo en las industrias donde IA logre desarrollarse más.
Read 22 tweets
Jun 21st 2022

Où en est-on sur ce marché ?
Est-ce le moment pour investir ?
Quelles projections à long terme ?

Coup d'œil sur l'état global du marché 👇
1/29 Pour ceux qui ont passé les dix dernières années dans une grotte, petit rappel.

Une #cryptomonnaie est un actif numérique négociable et décentralisé basé sur la technologie #blockchain . La blockchain est un grand livre numérique qui enregistre toutes les transactions.
2/29 Depuis la création du #bitcoin en 2009 jusqu'à l'explosion des #NFT en 2021 en passant par le crash monstrueux de 2018 et la chute de 80% de l' #ethereum , le développement des cryptomonnaies a été turbulent, évoluant entre avancées significatives et reculs drastiques.
Read 30 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
You think #Putin is stupid & didnt think of anything west would do?
Read this on #Russia getting ready for tackling #Ukraine️.

On Dec 5th last year, Putin came to India for few hours & agreed to take Indian payment systems (RuPay) to Russia.
This is the same system which is giving sleepless nights to #Mastercard & #Visa.

It's a far better & cheaper payments system compared to any in the world.

In case of USA weaponising it's tech companies, sovereign nations will need something to keep their digital payments on
And this risk became an actual event as seen during #RussianUkrainianWar. USA blocked access to electronic payments resulting in severe inconvenience to Russian public.
But let's see what did Putin plan!

He asked India to setup RuPay system in Russia so that an alternative..
Read 9 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
New #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #Russia 🇷🇺 Thread 🧵

Category: Cost of war 🪙

1) The @moscow_exchange website is still down & the Russian stock exchange remains closed. The Central Bank orders export led businesses to sell 80% of foreign currencies & bans foreigners from selling Russian securities to try and keep ruble afloat.

#PriceofPutin Image
2) Roman #Abramovich is looking for around 4 billion dollars as he looks to offload #Chelsea ⚽️…

Read 38 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."

"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
Read 15 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
[THREAD] Les cartes de paiements #crypto

Qu'est ce qu'une carte de paiement crypto ? Quels sont les différents Types ? L'exemple @Cryptocom

Les cartes de paiement crypto fonctionnent de la même façon que les cartes bancaire traditionnelles.
La principale différence repose sur le fait qu'elles peuvent s'appuyer sur des cryptos OU de monnaie FIAT pour réaliser des achats.
Ces cartes peuvent être physiques, digitales ou les deux.

Les plus connues sont certifiées par des #VISA ou #Mastercard et sont donc utilisables dans n'importe quel point de vente ou site en ligne.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 1st 2022


In several months past,there have been numerous reports of fraudulent transactions on clients' accounts via E-channels.

Here are a few of the reasons why banks are "hesitant to assist."

#Bank #Nigeria
1. INDEMNITY: When you want an E-banking Solution (ATM, Mobile/Internet Banking, etc.), you must fill out and sign an Indemnity Form. Simply put, you are accepting culpability for fraudulent transactions that occur on your account through such e-channels and absolving the bank,
of any legal repercussions.

Now, if the bank discovers that the fraud was due to your negligence, "OYO" is your name.

2. RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS: Even if the bank decides to assist with the investigation, manpower and time are not luxury "things" that can be spared.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
#NikolaTesla el nuevo ídolo de las masas ensalzado por Hollywood y el mainstream.
Si se quiere tener una perspectiva correcta y entender los porque del #NuevoOrdenMundial instaurado a partir del 2020 es obligado tener en cuenta la doctrina #Eugenesica desde #Malthus en adelante. Image
Tras la muerte de #CharlesDarwin en 1883, su primo Sir Francis #Galton denominó #EUGENESIA (del griego “buen origen” o “buen linaje”) a la disciplina encargada de la mejora biológica de la especie humana. Image
De esta manera irrumpe con fuerza el #eugenismo, movimiento político e ideológico que predica una mejora cualitativa y biológica de la población, frente a una posible mejora moral o cultural. Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
Cansado de las restricciones de Paypal en Argentina ❓

Seguime con este 🧵 que te cuento una forma de "saltarte" las limitaciones del BCRA que rigen desde 2019 para cuentas argentinas de #paypal
Desde el 2019 y por DNU 609/2019 NO podes:

❌ Cargar saldo con una tarjeta de crédito ni a través de transferencias bancarias
❌ Retirar USD a tu cuenta bancaria en dolares
❌ Dejar mucho tiempo los USD en la cuenta sin riesgos
de bloqueos/limitaciones por parte de paypal
💡Recordemos que acá Paypal es muy utilizado tanto por freelancers argentinos que venden sus servicios afuera y cobran en USD o empleadores argentinos de mano de obra extranjera.

✅ Por lo cual, hasta ahora teniamos 2 alternativas
Read 13 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
Sept 29 2021: On sidelines of 76th session of the UN Gen. Assembly, the #G7 Partnership for Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion in #Africa. #Gates

Framed as inclusion - in reality, entry point into #debt economy for billions w/ absolute compliance.


#WorldBank, July 22, 2021: "Building on existing international norms, the ID Principles were first developed and published in 2017 by a group of orgs committed to supporting the development of identification systems"

#SDGs #digitalidentity #ID4D

#blockchain will further chain impoverished:

"Our loan officer is that SIM card in the device that can shut it off remotely," ... "We know that it's important for them to keep their lights on at night, so they can be counted on to keep paying."

Read 4 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
Learning thread.

"By 2030, our goal is to enable access to #digitalidentity for every person on the planet." — 2017 ID2020 Summit

2014: ID2020 public-private p'ship

2016: ID2020 Alliance: Accenture, #Microsoft, #Gavi, #Rockefeller, IDEO

2021: #ID2020 launches #GoodHealthPass Image
#ID2020 is very quiet having published a single video in 10 months - the #GoodHealthPass launch event (Feb 11 2021 w/ 2,452 views). Equally restrained is the Twitter account created Jan 2021, w/ a mere 384 followers - & 12 tweets. ID2020 Twitter is also on hiatus. #Strategy ImageImageImageImage
"Urgency - While standards-development processes typically move slowly, a cross-sector effort is urgently required to bring #goodhealthpass solutions to market in 2021 & to scale globally – with the same urgency applied to #vaccine development." Image
Read 32 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
#VISA outlines #Interoperability for #CBDC payments through a Universal Payments Channel (UPC)

Small thread on how it ties in to @quant_network.…
"The UPC protocol facilitates payments through an entity, called the UPC hub (or server — we use the terms interchangeably), which acts as a gateway to receive payment requests from registered sending parties and routes them to registered recipient parties,

UPC is acting as a 'Gateway' between both #CBDCs which is the method that quant have taken with their API gateway #Interoperability solution.
"Ultimately, Visa aims for UPC to serve as a "network of blockchain networks" to move digital currencies around."
Read 8 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
Reserve Bank Of India ஒரு நான்கு நாளுக்கு முன்னாடி ஒரு Announcement வெளியிட்டாங்க அது என்ன Announcement அப்டினு பார்த்தோம்னா இந்தியாவில இனி Mastercard வரும் ஜூலை 22 ஆம் தேதி முதல் அவங்களோட கார்டு சேவையை நிறுத்தணும் அப்டினு சொல்லிருக்காங்க RBI கிட்டத்தட்ட Mastercard
Ban-மாறினு கூட சொல்லலாம்.அதை பதித்தான் இந்த Threadல பார்க்க போறோம்.

Reserve Bank of India கடந்த 2018 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஒரு Circular ஒன்னு வெளியிட்டாங்க அதாவது Payment System கொடுக்கற எல்லா நிறுவனங்களும் அவங்களோட பயனர்களோட விபரங்களை இந்தியாவில Store பண்ணனும் அப்டினு சொன்னாங்க இதன் மூலம்
பயனர்களோட விபரங்கள் பாதுகாப்பா இருக்கும் அப்டினு சொன்னாங்க,அதற்காக Payment System Provide பண்ற எல்லா நிறுவனங்களுக்கும் 6 மாத காலம் அவகாசம் கொடுத்தாங்க.இதை Mastercard நிறுவனம் பின்பற்றல அப்டினு சொல்லி அதோட சேவைகளை ஜூலை 22 தேதி முதல் எந்த பயணாளற்கும் புதிய கார்டு விநியோகிக்க கூடாத
Read 6 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
The #sweatshop is moving online. The #4IR will usher in
21st century #digital sweatshops.

#IamtheCODE - I am the slave to & of capital.

UN #SDGs are emerging markets - marketed under guise of protecting the planet & eradicating poverty. #WEF is at helm of implementation.
"#iamtheCODE is the first #African-led global movement..." - with love from Paris, #France, #BP Ventures, #Mastercard et al.

The road to hell is paved w/ #NGOs financed by corporate profits.

#4IR #DataEconomy
#iamtheCODE is a founding member of the World Economic Forum Reskilling platform.

Corporate partners of the platform include #PwC, #Salesforce, ManpowerGroup, Infosys, LinkedIn, Coursera Inc. &The Adecco Group.…

#4IR #GreatReset #DataEconomy #France
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Jun 14th 2021


1/ $QNT- the most experienced enterprise team in #crypto:

✔️GILBERT VERDIAN-CEO(founder of #blockchain ISO Standard TC307)

✔️GUY DIETRICH-Managing Director of #Rockefeller Capital

✔️MARTIN HARGREAVES-Vocalink/#Mastercard Vice President

✔️NEIL SMIT-Vice Chairman #Comcast Corp
2/ #Quant_Network has groundbreaking #Overledger technology offering any:any #interoperability acknowledged by SIA (the leading financial network provider; 580 banks), #Oracle, Simba Chain, #Deloitte, #KPMG, #MIT, World Bank, #SDX(Six Digital Exchange), UK, US, AU governments… ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
Let’s explore $QNT- Vocalink-Mastercard connections.

#Quant_Network core team members have previous working experience at #Vocalink (Mastercard company):

✅ $QNT CEO Gilbert Verdian was Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

✅ $QNT Chief Product Officer Martin Hargreaves held mutiple top positions (see last pic below) ImageImageImage
However, Gilbert Verdian and Martin Hargreaves are not the only team members with working experience in both $QNT and #Vocalink/Mastercard.
There was also Mark Aldersey, Head of Product in #Quant_Network from Nov 2018-March 2020 and Colin Paterson, former $QNT CTO. ImageImage
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Jan 24th 2021
Annual WEF commences tomorrow w/ #DavosAgenda.

Key theme: rebuilding #trust - in order to obtain new social #contract - required for global #greatreset that will secure/serve ruling class & corporate power expansion.

Accounts to follow, followed by Klaus Schwab account:
The "new social contract" will be sold via the global rebranding of capitalism. #StakeholderCapitalism is the branded concept of a capitalism w/ #Purpose.

"CEOs [] are rightfully concerned about the increasing fragility [] & the threat to capitalism..." #BRT #Imperative21
[Accounts appear in order chosen by account admin.]

5th & 6th accounts followed: #GlobalShapers & Young Global Leaders. Youth are a key target demographic, to be shaped/molded for #GreatReset. Jan 2021: Global Shapers opens 444th hub in Morocco #Africa:…
Read 23 tweets

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