Dr Vikram Sakaleshpur Kumar 🇮🇳 Profile picture
I learn by sharing as much medical information as possible... Certain non-medical(esp geo-politics), academic RTs don't mean endorsement.

May 30, 2021, 11 tweets

This gentle man is Sir William Osler.. He has frequently been described as the “Father of Modern Medicine” and one of the "greatest diagnosticians ever to wield a stethoscope". What did he hv to say about #India ? @sanjeevsanyal @vipintukur @naveenthacker @EricTopol @mvankerkhove

His fascination for #India, The land of #Vishnu had no bounds..!! At each & every intellectual commentary he mentions about his interest in the values #India was known for @ProfSomashekhar @iapindia @IndianMedicalAs @MoHFW_INDIA @VirusesImmunity

In one of his essays; “Of India, of "Vishnu-land," what can one say in a few minutes? To the Hindoos we owe a debt which we can at any rate acknowledge; and even in medicine, many of our traditions and practices may be traced to them”. @drharshvardhan @PMOIndia @BharadwajSpeaks

Being very critical about the #British empire “And what has the British Government done towards the scientific investigation of the diseases of India? Until recently little or nothing”...!! @PHE_uk @BBCNews

Regarding inoculation and it’s usage in India especially against the Black Death; “plague” he writes, “As I have already mentioned, the germ is known in #India, and prophylactic inoculations have been made on a large scale in India, with a certain measure of success #scicomm

He mentions about the discoveries of #malaria parasite by Ronald Ross in #India. Sir Ronald Ross received the #NobelPrize for #Physiology or #Medicine in 1902 for his work on the transmission of malaria, becoming the first British Nobel laureate, & the first born outside Europe.

He acknowledges the fact that #india was probably responsible for great advances in #anesthesiology , the fact that it provided lot of opportunities to experiment with various #surgeries ! #science #historyofmedicine @PastMedHistory @IndianMedAssn @iiscbangalore @AIIMSRDA

He writes “ a recollection of the days when the desire of my life was to enter the India Medical Service, a dream of youth, dim now and almost forgotten – a dream of "Vishnu land, what Avatar!" We all need to realise this ..!! @theskindoctor13

A recent critic levels two new charges against Sir William #Osler : (1) that in 1912 he was a vice president of t First International Eugenics Congress; & (2) that in 1914 he asserted Canada should remain a “a white man’s country.” @AskDrShashank tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

#Osler claimed that, "the effective, moving, vitalizing work of the world is done between the ages of 25 & 40" & it was downhill from then on. Osler's speech was covered by the popular press which headlined their reports with "Osler recommends chloroform at sixty"..! @VincentRK

Osler also coined t description of #pneumonia as "the friend of the aged" since it allowed elderly individuals a quick, comparatively painless death. Coincidentally,Osler himself died of pneumonia.

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