This gentle man is Sir William Osler.. He has frequently been described as the “Father of Modern Medicine” and one of the "greatest diagnosticians ever to wield a stethoscope". What did he hv to say about #India ? @sanjeevsanyal@vipintukur@naveenthacker@EricTopol@mvankerkhove
In one of his essays; “Of India, of "Vishnu-land," what can one say in a few minutes? To the Hindoos we owe a debt which we can at any rate acknowledge; and even in medicine, many of our traditions and practices may be traced to them”. @drharshvardhan@PMOIndia@BharadwajSpeaks
Being very critical about the #British empire “And what has the British Government done towards the scientific investigation of the diseases of India? Until recently little or nothing”...!! @PHE_uk@BBCNews
Regarding inoculation and it’s usage in India especially against the Black Death; “plague” he writes, “As I have already mentioned, the germ is known in #India, and prophylactic inoculations have been made on a large scale in India, with a certain measure of success #scicomm
He mentions about the discoveries of #malaria parasite by Ronald Ross in #India. Sir Ronald Ross received the #NobelPrize for #Physiology or #Medicine in 1902 for his work on the transmission of malaria, becoming the first British Nobel laureate, & the first born outside Europe.
He writes “ a recollection of the days when the desire of my life was to enter the India Medical Service, a dream of youth, dim now and almost forgotten – a dream of "Vishnu land, what Avatar!" We all need to realise this ..!! @theskindoctor13
A recent critic levels two new charges against Sir William #Osler : (1) that in 1912 he was a vice president of t First International Eugenics Congress; & (2) that in 1914 he asserted Canada should remain a “a white man’s country.”…
#Osler claimed that, "the effective, moving, vitalizing work of the world is done between the ages of 25 & 40" & it was downhill from then on. Osler's speech was covered by the popular press which headlined their reports with "Osler recommends chloroform at sixty"..! @VincentRK
Osler also coined t description of #pneumonia as "the friend of the aged" since it allowed elderly individuals a quick, comparatively painless death. Coincidentally,Osler himself died of pneumonia.
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An otherwise healthy 8 yr girl presents with a 2wk h/o asympt skin eruption. A wk before the onset, she had experienced mild fever, sore throat, & coryza for which she received symp Tx without any significant sequelae.
Guess what folks..! #MedTwitter#idtwitter#MedEd#FOAMed
-A h/o similar complaints was also elicited in some of her school friends
-The lesions were not associated with any atopic diathesis, preceding inflammatory dermatoses, drug intake, or suggestive systemic finding.
-O/E, multiple discrete hypopigmented macules & patches of varying sizes (0.5-1.5 cm) without any surface change were seen to be distributed symmetrically involving the dorsal & ventral aspects of bilateral lower limbs
Ibuprofen is commonly used in #neonates with PDA, but its benefit is uncertain.
this is a multicenter, noninferiority trial, PDA (dia, >1.5 mm, with L-R shunting) who were extr preterm (<28 weeks’ GA) to receive either expectant management or early ibuprofen Tx #MedEd#MedTwitter
The noninferiority of expectant Mx as compared with early ibuprofen Tx was defined as an abs risk diff with an upper boundary of the one-sided 95% CI of < 10 %ge pts.
A total of 273 infants underwent randomization. The median gestational age was 26 weeks, and the median birth weight was 845 g.
There were 4strategy groups with diff initial regimens; noninferiority was assessed in the 2 strategy groups with complete enrollment, which had initial regimens of high-dose RIF–linezolid & bedaquiline–linezolid (each with INH, PZA,& ETH).
-The primary outcome was a composite of death, ongoing treatment, or active disease at week 96.
A 4 month -old girl infant
▶️of consanguineous parents
▶️one of her brothers died at the age of 2 mth due to #SIDS with the other brothers being normal; presents with
▶️Dysmorphic features
▶️growth faltering #MedTwitter#FOAMed#TipsForNewDocs
▶️Delivered by LSCS section at 38 wk gest due to intrauterine growth retardation.
▶️birth weight 1240 g, length was 37.3 cm , head circumference was 30.5 cm
▶️At the age of 12 days, she was admitted for suspected sepsis for a week and discharged in good general condition.
▶️Now at 4 months, severely growth retarded with normal mentality,
▶️weight 2.5 kg, length 47 cm ; head circumference 36 cm (all growth parameters below the 3rd centile).
▶️A 57-year-old man of Javanese ethnicity, Indonesia, with a 12-year history of progressive shortness of breath on exertion
▶️there were inspiratory coarse crackles & occasional wheezing with⏬vesicular sound across all thoracic areas, more in the bilateral base of the lungs.
▶️Cardia was unremarkable, with observable clubbed drumstick appearance of the fingers, without cyanosis or peripheral edema
▶️heavy smoker, around 40 pack-years.
▶️previous h/o completed treatment of pulmonary Tb in 2018.
▶️The mother's pregnancy was complicated by maternal syphilis and methamphetamine exposure.
▶️The baby subsequently was found to have a positive serum RPR (1:4) & positive VDRL in CSF (1:1)
▶️GE - hepatomegaly & syphilitic rhinitis (snuffles)-
▶️Diag: Neurosyphillis
▶️Synkinetic jaw movement with blinking - Marcus Gunn jaw-winking syndrome, a congenital cranial innervation disorder wherein a usually ptotic eyelid elevates with mouth opening.
▶️Other names :- trigemino-oculomotor synkinesis and pterygoid-levator synkinesis.