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#SanatanaDharma धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः! #JaiSriRam #Sattology HariHara Bhaktha | Dharmic Winger | Blessed to be followed by Sri @KapilMishra_IND Ji

Jul 14, 2021, 8 tweets

*Father Of The Nation* they taught you. But the *True Fathers* Of the Indian Civilization never appeared in our syllabus #Thread 👇
1. Father of astronomy: Aryabhatta; work - Aryabhattiyam
2. Father of astrology: Varahamihira, works; Panchasiddhantika, Bruhat Hora Shastra

3. Fathers of #surgery : Charaka & Sushruta, works: Samhitas
4. Father of #anatomy : #Patanjali, work: #Yogasutra
5. Father of #yoga : #Patanjali, work: #Yogasutra
6. Father of #Economics: Chanakya, work: Arthashshtra
7. Father of #Atomictheory: Rishi Kanada, Work : Kanada sutras

8. Father of #architecture : Vishwakarma
9. Father of #aerodynamics : Mayasura, work : Vastu Darpana
10. Father of #Medicine: Dhanvanthri, first propounded #Ayurveda
11. Father of #grammar : Panini, work: Vyakarana Deepika

12. Father of #Natyashastra Dance:Bharatamuni, work: Natyashastra
13. Father of #Kavya (#Literature): Krishna Dwaipayana (VedaVyasa) works; #Mahabharata, Ashtaadasha Puranas
14. Father of #Playwriting: Kalidasa, works: Meghadhootam, Raghuvamsham, Kumara Sambhava etc

15. Father of #Ganita: Bhaskara II, works: Lilavati
16. Father of #Warfare & #Weaponry: Parashurama, works: Kalaripayatu, Sulba Sutras;
17. Father of #storywriting: Vishnu Sharma, works: #Panchatantra
18. Father of #Politics :Chanakya: works: Arthashashtra, Nitishashtra

19. Father of Sexual #anatomy : Vatsyana, work: #Kamasutra
20. Father of #Philosophy : Sri Krishna, work: Sribhagavadgeeta
21. Father of Advaitha: Shankara, works: #commentaries (Bhashyas), Panchadasi, Vivekachudamani
22. Father of #Alchemy: Nagarjuna, work: Pragnaparamita Sutras

The above list is just the tip of an iceberg. Let us take pride in sharing and educating the world what our ancestors did. Yet our #ancestors bowed down to the world with their Humble "Namaste" 🙏🙌🚩
#SanatanaDharma #SanatanaSanskriti #Sattology #astronomy #astrology

#civilization #advaitha
Src: WA fwd
Pic Credit: Google, Thank you for original owners 🙏

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