George Greene Profile picture

Aug 17, 2021, 6 tweets

1/Only criminal mind can revive the memory of a tragedy for a GREAT NATION who profoundly traumatized by the invasion of West #Terrorists.
It’s expected @mfa_russia to appropriately punish the ignorant @RusEmbIran not to dance to West agents’ tune/cia mi6& learn moral principles

2/History is full of #HumanRights violation by PSYCHOTIC barbaric leaders
Psychological tests& #Psychotherapy must be considered as an essential& mandatory rule for leadership, otherwise they must know the consequences of going through the..
#India #Bengal

3/prehistoric obsolete policy would be FATAL!
Even MENTAL RETARD persons are fully aware of the geopolitical changes in the region! #IRAN
The #MiddleEast irresponsible leaders/West-puppets, are the source of their Nations’ misery.

4/In WWII, the vital role of Iran/logistically&financially, received no attention despite Iran CORRUPT shah was fully serving invaders& ignoring Iranians who dying of West-made famine.
@Europarl_EN @UN @CTVNews @FRANCE24 @SkyNews @CNNPolitics @DailyMailUK

5/Due to #OIL, after the WWII, the West kept intervening& playing prominent roles in Iran that still going on! Just look at #Iranians’ suffering in utmost poverty because CRIMINAL cia mi6 trying to initiate a new #War &replace their another clown!

6/تعدد دهنکجی فرصت طلبان اجنبی ز عجز و زبونی وطن فروشان دشمن یارِحاکم برمیهن ست،پرچمداران خودباخته ضعیف النفسِ امنیت ودیپلماسی!
زمانِ زُدایشِ علف هرزه ست ونشاندن بذر نیک! #ایران
وطن اکنده از فساد وپلیدی ست،اوباشی مقدس مآب بسور وملت بسوگ,غافل از زوزه گرگان!

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