Eva J. Koulouriotis | إيفا كولوريوتي Profile picture
Middle East Expert | Jihadist groups. Bylines @AFP @AJArabic @AlQudsAlarabi, @The_NewArab, @Syriawise, @Arabnews. For inquiries: contact@evakoulourioti.com

Oct 14, 2021, 6 tweets

A number of TV channels and websites close to #Iran published a statement attributed to the so-called "Syria's Allies Operations Room" confirming that the #IDF targeted two of their sites in the vicinity of the Syrian city of #Palmyra.1/6
#Syria #Israel #IRGC #USA #Russia

The statement indicated that the attack was carried out from over the Al-Tanf area and confirmed the deaths and injuries among the fighters of these militias. It also explicitly referred to an American role in this attack, and vowed to respond "very strong".2/6

This is not the first time that the so-called "Syria's Allies Operations Room" makes a statement. It has issued a number of previous statements, including the attacks of the #IDF on #Syria, and the battles of the city of #Aleppo against the Syrian rebels.3/6

Α source confirmed to me that yesterday's attack targeted two Iranian Quds Force bases in the vicinity of Palmyra, which included Iranian-made unmanned aircraft and advanced equipment for the manufacture of these aircraft.4/6
#Iran #IRGC #Syria #IDF

In fact, there is no actual presence of a gathering of fighters under the name "Syria's Allies Operations Room", but it is a name used by the Iranian Failaq al-Quds to direct regional messages without having an official status.5/6

The "Syria's Allies Operations Room" vowed to respond in the past, but nothing happened. However, the regional and American atmosphere today is different, and the idea of deterrence, which succeeded in #Lebanon and in the file of ships, might be applied in #Syria as well.6/6

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