Sabina Knight 桑稟华 Profile picture
Prof @SmithCollege, *Chinese Literature: A #VSI* (Oxford), *Heart of Time* (Harvard) / 雙語 @SangBina / Quaker / #PIPfellow @NCUSCR

Oct 18, 2021, 11 tweets

🧵~5.3 million views in 4 days.

"Fragile"《玻璃心》mocks the oversensitivity of cyber-nationalists, internet trolls that guard #China against criticism.

– by Malaysian #Chinese artist activist @nameweemusic 黃明志 (ft. Kimberley Chen 陳芳語)

🧵"It might Break Your Pinky Heart"

Paid cyber trolls: "fifty-centers" (五毛 *wumao*).
Unpaid cyber nationalists: "little pinks" (#小粉红).

The name recalls the color of a popular online nationalist forum. Many are young women.…

🧵references in "Fragile"《玻璃心》(lit. "Glass Heart")

* cotton (picked by #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang labor camps)
* honey loved by Winnie the Pooh (Xi Jinping)
"Carrying the cotton and collecting his favorite honey. / Common prosperity!"
“扛着棉花踩着它爱的蜜蜂 /#共同富裕

🧵#Taiwan offers singers & creators a milieu of creative #freedom. Yet none of Taiwan’s own trending pop singers dare compose & sing a song like this one.

Rather it's Australian citizen Chen Fangyu & #Malaysia’s Huang Mingzhi who are brave enough to speak out in Taiwan. Ironic!

🧵"As someone born & raised in #HongKong, for the time being I don’t need to jump the firewall to watch @YouTube. Yet I don't know for how long this remaining #freedom can last. I can only use the time left to listen to this Divine Comedy on repeat."

Kenny Lee on @nameweemusic

The 53K+ @YouTube comments on "Fragile" reveal fear and frustration in #China, #HongKong, #Taiwan & beyond.

Samples in 🧵:
#video @nameweemusic:

🧵After #China blocked the #video & suspended Chen Fangyu's Weibo account, she posted an a cappella version with new lyrics:

"I hear the sound of glass shattering all over the floor. . . ."…

🧵Chen Fangyu's a cappella @instagram response to #China:

"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. It doesn't matter if you delete my Weibo. I hear the sound of glass shattering. No matter. I still have IG and FB... I'm so sorry. We're trending first on YouTube!”…

🧵On "Little Pink" (#小粉红):

"#China's 'Little Pink' are not what you think," by @anthonytao of @supchinanews:…

Background & partial #translation of a report from @initiumnews (see tweet below).

🧵On #China's "Little Pink" :

The sexist label linked cyber-#nationalists to a literary forum where members barely talk politics & 64% are male.

"'Little Pink': a Case of Mistaken Identity"
by Fang Kecheng 方可成:…


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