Bobby Rajesh Malhotra ⁴⁴⁴ Profile picture
τοπ Σεcrετ ιντεrνατιοναλ: 99° GrandMaster | Occult realms researcher | Glowies love me & integral part of my target audience | My guardian angel is known as 444

Jan 6, 2022, 75 tweets

"Muuh, Bobby, what's up with the #Novak scandal/ @AustralianOpen?"

This is for sure not a #PsyOp, right @DjokerNole?

@novakfoundation supports social impact markets, digital child labour for hedge funds, the #4IR @wef- agenda.

@ProfKlausSchwab approves.…

Credits for above tweet actually belong to @WWakeUpTime.

Poor @DjokerNole is now isolated at Melbourne Airport.
Will @ProfKlausSchwab/@wef intervene at @AustralianOpen? Is this all just a CheapThrills #Astroturf-#PsyOp for the mainstream normie to seed some Scripted Reality 'predictive programming'? "No Vax, No Winner Cup"? Poll below.

Important poll:

Is the #Novak-'vax-scandal' at the @AustralianOpen a Scripted Reality Predictive Programming-PsyOp (SRPPP) or is it a Real Deal-Drama (RDD) -"No Vax, No Winner Cup"?

Follow Up poll:

Will @ProfKlausSchwab/@wef intervene at @AustralianOpen as partners of @DjokerNole/@novakfoundation?

How will this play out? Will @DjokerNole get the jab to a) participate in "world class tennis" again and b) to be more aligned to @wef, since his @novakfoundation is official partner of the 4th Industrial Revolution Educational Plan?

Pointed out by Gary (my tg group):
"Compare the Novak coverage to @AaronRodgers12 in the US. Rodgers is a potential American football MVP (season is almost over). One of the most famous athletes in the sport."

"With Rodgers they are letting him play. But as quietly as possible."


What if Novak Djokovic (@DjokerNole) would have denied participating under these circumstances at the @AustralianOpen in the first place? Would that have rendered the whole event meaningless since he is the world champion?

Father's protest:

Would've there been a much more powerful message sent out to MSM by @DjokerNole, if he'd have skipped the @AustralianOpen, w/out "humiliating" himself now?:

Every tidbit of this subliminal message being broadcasted now.
Conceived by PR think tanks, target: normies.

Flashback: “Nayirah testimony”, 1991: "Embedded Journalism", conceived in the 90s by the same PR think tank (@HKStrategies) that is now doing COVID PR for @WHO. WEF's "Great Narratives" for the 21st century?…

My Core Hypothesis:

My Core Point: "retention" means - "how much of the learned stuff can be saved up in the cognitive (brain) learning centers in early years".

And how do children achieve that?

Via contact with other kids, in real life, un-isolated, with max sensors on.

But for @DjokerNole and his @novakfoundation "knowledge retention" is not that important for kids anymore (quote: "in early years"), following the 4th Industrial Education plan, which mostly consists of learning sessions in front of zoom screens.

.@DjokerNole is allegedly all about natural immunity, but a masked poster kid alone in the room is not a disaster for his alleged message for his fans. At least it complies to @wef's 4IR educational plan, not?

Emphasis: It's his foundation (@novakfoundation) not someone else's.

And this is now the new hero of the "non sterilizing mRNA transfection"-/"health security"-sceptics movement? I'm sorry, I have to pass.

All the canonization will not help, supporting #4IR Educational Programs is not an "everyday cavalier offense", it's a multibillion ideology.

"But muuh Bobby he didn't know"
"But muuh he's innocent, it was his manager"
"But muuh a little bit of Klaus Schwab is ok"
"But muuh no one can pass the WEF purity test"
Cognitive dissonance, our new @wef sponsored naturaly immunity-hero is a #4IR stoogie:…

Getting there guys...


"A Big Point
Even the best athletes in the world like Novak Đoković are treated like you and me. In times when many spectators turn away, that's a good sign."


@wef-sitcom, #PR-Script101.

Getting there guys. Maggots time (Zou will eat ze bugz and zou will be happy):

"Novak Djokovic has found himself stuck in a hotel that allegedly served meals with maggots and mould to asylum seekers in what is effectively an immigration detention centre."…

When @wef-PR is being creative: "This is Spartacus!"

"'become the symbol and leader of the free world'. He is the 'Spartacus of the new world, which does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy, but fights for the equality of all people [.]'."


"In line with all norms of international law, Serbia will fight for Novak, truth and justice," he wrote.

Dec 2021:

"[.] Vucic as thanking the Forum [.] for the 4th Industrial Revolution as part of a global network [.]."

News Update: There are more unvaxxed pure bloods in OZ.

Meanwhile: A message sponsored by @gatesfoundation

The Mysterious Lab Mouse @JikkyKjj is as good - if not much better - in spotting more esoteric elite LARPing hareramaharekrishna. Prior tweet was not only sponsored by @gatesfoundation - it was most probably a poem from the #Necronomicon (Kindle).

How to summarize this cluster fuck? Which target audience received which message? Novak VS the world? What about climate emissions in Oz? Tennis & Win Vista?

"Bobby, stop shitposting!"

Ok, just one more @gatesfoundation shitpost.

More news, more gaslighting. "Alt Right" E Celebs Glowie101:
Southern, Goldy=CSIS
Spencer, Cantwell=US Glowie
Pettibone=US Glowie
Robinson=Mossad UK/EU
Yemini=Mossad/FVEY AUS

Result? Gatekeep "Pro Novak" to the fringes. Divide et Impera101.

When @wef-#philantropy prepares 🌍 for "Agenda 2063"

"'#4IR' is robotics & machine learning;"

“Education is the most powerful weapon [.]”, said @NelsonMandela" (trained by MOSSAD)…

If multibillion stakeholders, bank corps, hedge fonds, #PR ThinkTanks're involved: #philantrophy means #Agenda21.

Kids used for #4IR @wef propaganda, @DjokerNole/@jelenadjokovic lobbying: that's controlled op.

When kids thank for @novakfoundation masks?

Would 1st-graders write love-letters due to @novakfoundation-masks?
Silver nano ions, zeolites in masks, all Ethylene Oxide sterilized?

Cognitive Warfare:
⇢10.1.22: Immigration-Ministry can still consider to expel @DjokerNole

⇢Dirty vids at court-hearing, broadcast-PC hijacked (r3sp3ct 4chan)

➙4.12.21: @DjokerNole shills "#Agenda2030".
@SerbianGov backs @RioTinto's $2.4bn mining plan:

⇢8.1.22: "🇷🇸 may suspend lithium deal with @RioTinto, protesters want @SerbianGov to ban extraction"

➙5./7.12.21: @DjokerNole muuhs #Agenda2030

➙19.11.21: "Shadow over 🇷🇸's lithium revolution"

"Bobby, you're here mouthing the name(s) of the one(s) whose name(s) you're not allowed to mention."

A: Our new "Corporate hero" @DjokerNole is a primary elites-houseboy, financed by @georgesoros' @OpenSociety, @gatesfoundation and many more.

"Corporate Revolutions" are an oxymoron, not only due to semantics: There's a huge gap between benefits for the people & hedge funds-interests.

Stakeholder-Capitalism≠People's Benefit

Let that sink in.
I fixed that PR-Video.

Pattern: @RioTinto/@SerbianGov litium cancelled, Djokovic Novak shilling for #Sustainability.

2017: "Soros Sued by Fellow Billionaire in $10 Billion Mine Brawl"

Rare Earth Elements-Lobbying is a multilayered elites potpourrie.

"That's it! 🇦🇺 punishing @DjokerNole for the shilling VS @RioTinto."

Not so fast, @ProfKlausSchwab's "Great Narrative" is all inclusive.

"Let them find Mr. Obvious and draw their
own conclusions!"

@RioTinto=@wef partner…

Min 9:

“How can the US administration, f.e., accept that 97% of antibiotics supplied in the country come from China?”
@ProfKlausSchwab, The Great Reset

I tuned that question for status quo:
"How can the Serbian ppl accept litium mining by the same Globalists?"

"Can the best tennis athlet of the world Novak Djokovic (@DjokerNole), whose @novakfoundation is close partner of @wef & @OpenSociety, be the lead character of a complex OpinionMaking #Sustainability-PsyOp?"

Bait:"Muuh @RioTinto"
Trust: kids+🎾

Answer to prior questions:

Definitely YES!

The Novak Djokovic-saga shows every pattern of a #Globalists #ThinkTank #Scripted #Reality #PR-#Narrative, embedded in a multilayered "divide et impera"-#COVID19 skirmish.

Current #MSM plot twists: Irrelevant.


@DjokerNole: PR-puppet 4 @wef/@OpenSociety-Narratives

⇢Axed litium deal @SerbianGov/@RioTinto: PR-bleuff

@RioTinto: Globalists-club

⇢Litium: Core Agenda-Biz…………

Oxymoron Dissection:

@DjokerNole positioned himself as - quote - "Personally I am opposed to vaccination".

⇢ Would you - quote - "help organize a vaccination drive for other tennis players to get vaccinated for free at the Serbia Open 2021" then?

Is Djokovic the role model for a "Great (PR-) Narrative" to normalize travel restrictions via pre-planted "human mistakes"? Should (impartial/undecided) normies be conditioned & convinced that "not complying to COVID-19 transit" restrictions is a "no-go"?

"The whole '#NoVaxDjoCovid' thing is to get you to agree with restrictions on freedom of movement without realising it. If you demand restrictions on freedom of movement for him, you subconsciously demand them for yourself too.[.] being into the con, without knowing." Anon, 4chan

"Buy 4 for under 10 $, we offer 2.1k unique Djokovic & friends MASKS-designs"…

"But muuh , not Novak's shop!"

Correct. In other words: Novak receives money for licensed mask-items.

"Muuh Fair Use"

Partners: @DjokerNole/@novakfoundation & @WorldBank

@WorldBank/@imf/@gatesfoundation pushing for #digitalidentity:"Gateway for access to essential services"

You'll not be allowed to participate in society without, aka Chinese Social Credit Score System.

Twist 1: @AlexHawkeMP cancels Djokovic's Visa again.

Twist 2: Djokovic has 2 passports: One is a diplomatic one.

⇢Diplomatic Immunity from jab!
⇢Even then no exceptions!

@wef's Great Narrative

Subliminal Messaging MSM-Soap Opera


Is the Tennis Realm generally infiltrated by PR interests of the Medical & Financial Industrial Complex?
Is World Class Tennis a social engineering access-token into the minds of many different mainstream-populations ?

Should #Philanthropy be regulated?

The Great Narrative: @netflix is ready with its film team via exclusive backstage VIP access to lift this soap into higher echelons.

Novak Djokovic™=Trademark

Funny: @novakfoundation has exchanged the "masked kid, alone in the room" PR-pic at their URL. Seems like they're reading along this thread, quickly stealth-edited their Agenda-virtue signalling PR-disaster.



The Great Narrative starring Djokovic Novak ends.

Hive Mind-Message deployed:

"No privileges, not even for Djokovic, No jab⇢No #AustralianOpen2022"


⇲The MOSSAD-Glowie below?
Hopium laced with Copium

Djokovic Novak (@DjokerNole), his wife @jelenadjokovic and @novakfoundation are too deeply embedded into the Globalists Stakeholder-#Capitalism #4IR-Network: @wef, @WorldBank, @OpenSociety, @UNICEF, name it.

#Philanthropy≠People's Benefit
#Agenda2030≠Opposition's Friend

Join my telegram channel for more #PsyOps-Dissections and real deal discussions.…

QRD TG Post.…

This is somehow connected in the sense of "false prophets", "false idols", when your "hero" represents the globalist's agenda, or in other words: "4th Industrial Revolution Spirituality" is the same oxymoron as "4th Industrial Revolution Educational Plan".

The question in the tweet is of "sarcastic nature", it is clear that "the jab won't help here initially", because partially vaxed status (14 days after 1st shot) is not fully vaxed status (21 days, after the 2nd shot). Too late for @AustralianOpen. Core:


Add b: @WorldBank, @IWF, @gatesfoundation and @OpenSociety-Foundation all support #digitalidentity.

This very much equals to the Chinese Social Credit Score System.

A detailed technical outlook on the #OpenCV-tech used & deep-dive into @SenseTime_AI:

Add c: Read⇢@SubstackInc:

Is Novak Djokovic a PR-Puppet for @ProfKlausSchwab's 'The Great Narrative'?

I'm delivering here my personal dissection, when it comes to corporately pushed alleged opposition-heroes who're intertwined with global #philanthropy.…

Add d: My @Medium-account has been suspended.
They couldn't swallow my #Djokovic #Novak-#PsyOp-analysis, a "turing test" for #BigTech-#Censorship & Corporate Ad Revenue-Bias.

Result: @Medium is corporate clickbait.

@SubstackInc exclusive article now.

Add e: Djokovic Novak-saga sub-chapters continued:

"No vaccine, no @frenchopen4you for Djokovic as rules tighten"


"At least it's clear what's going to happen;
At least they're saying, 'OK, no unvaccinated players are allowed to play [.].'"…

Add f:


@novakfoundation has now hidden away their @wef-partnership, the original blog-entry miracously vanished:

But as we've already learned: They're noobs, I archived the URL.


The internet never forgets.

Add g: "Djokovic (@DjokerNole) buys 80% in Danish #Biotech, developing #COVID19-'treatment' (Universal hCoV-Vax).

#QuantBioRes' CEO said the 80% stake was made in June 2020. Djokovic Novak & wife @jelenadjokovic own 40.8% & 39.2%."

Add h:

QuanBioRes' CEO pushing via Reuters "Djokovic 80%-invested in Biotech Start-Up"-headline yesterday is connected to the "RRM Biopeptide Magick"-#PR-push.

Value Enhancement?…

via @lafemme_bambina

QuantBioRes White-'Paper':

Add i: Paper by QuantBioRes' CEO Ivan Loncarevic:
"RRM Prediction of Erythrocyte Band3 Protein as Alt.- Receptor for #SARSCoV2"…

Main authors:
Irena & Drasko Cosic, AMALNA consulting,
fields: "stakeholders' agriculture", "RRM"


Add j: You've to be kidding me: @DjokerNole 80%- invested with his wife in this crap? Not only does that sound like pure crap at 1st sight, the bold claims are:

⇢"Universal Corona 'Vax'"
⇢HIV & Cancer Cure

"Laboratory"-Address = Danish residental area

Add h:
⇢Djokovic didn't disavow "80% share"-claim up2date
⇢LinkedIn CEO QuantBioRes: "raised $ 60 Million"
⇢80% of $60 M = $48 M ⇢ @DjokerNole / @jelenadjokovic-share
⇢HP made with @Wix = NoobBoomer-tool
⇢HP updated June 2020

Add i: Biotech-Crap hints:
@DjokerNole utilizes same traps as ControlledOp-Flagship Fuellmich: Esoteric Crap for easy MSM-framing

Oh, the irony: QuantBioRes-CEO shares Fuellmich-💩 ft KingClown David Martin…

Add j: WhitePaper-Dissect:

RRM-Biopeptide "Universal 'Vax'" uses a theoretical InSilico in-house software-model

Akin proteins share freq-spectrums

#QuantaBioRes baits custom peptides to inhibit pathogenicity via freq-changes

Add k:

"Universal hCoV 'Vax' VS Spike (S) receptor(s)"

"Tailored 20bp Peptides⇢ freq-change ⇢receptor loss of function"

⍼In Vivo reality check?
⍼What if hCoV uses other receptors affine to S?
⍼Freq-change all?
⍼Animal Data (Lipid)Nano-Delivery?

Add l: #QuantBioRes-Science™ flipflops, pg 2: Spike receptors peptides-"fix" turns to viral replication-inhibit:
"AGO-proteins freq-change"

⍼DNA damage repair realm?
⍼Risky chromatin biz (nucleus)?

Add m: QRD:

⇢QuantBioRes' "Universal 'Vax'"=Esoteric Science™

⇢Djokovic Novak 80%-invested here=Antithesis of the "Natural Immunity Chad" #PR-Image

⇢That's not how #Immunology101 works, that's #Immunomythology

⇢Defending this=Cognitive Dissonance

⇢Controlled Opposition

Add n: "But muuh Bobby, Serbia 'revoked' @RioTinto's lithium mining license."

Answer: Typical @OpenSociety #PR-Charade.

The protests back in Dec 2021 in Serbia were mainly driven by @georgesoros' Corporate Revolutions-Playbook.

Add o: Soros.exe:
@RioTinto already owns 40% of the 250ha mines
⇢Brnabic=Bilderberger participant
@SerbianGov=@OpenSociety's "EU"-client


Add p:
Every aspect of the Djokovic Novak-PsyOp shows patterns of poor PR-scripts aiming at perceptional distortion. @DjokerNole is nothing more than a cheap PR-puppy to transport feint globalist narratives, the blame is even more serious: He's misleading the Serbian ppl & fans.

Add q:
@ProfKlausSchwab's 'Great Narrative' PR-Clifffhangers: Djokovic Novak's 'Universal Vax' & @OpenSociety's 🇷🇸 Lithium Mining-Frenzy

@wef's 'Great Narrative’ blends tech, society, economy, politics & nature into a story for humankind, ft. @DjokerNole.…

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