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Cdr Sandeep Dhawan (R),Naval Maritime Pilot,Geopolitics,Strategy | Writer- Chanakya Forum |Coined China-Hyena| | Insta/Threads @InsightGL

Jan 12, 2022, 7 tweets

-14th round of senior military commander level #India-#China talks will take place today
-#IndianArmy remember #China & #CCP are biggest liars, most untrustworthy & disgrace to humanity
-Rember how Chou en Lai kept lying to PM Nehru & #India
-Better to trust Hyena than China

CIA Report:
-#Chinese diplomatic effort was a 5-year masterpiece of guile, executed & planned by Chou en Lai
-He played on Nehru's Asian, anti-imperialist attitude & his sincere desire for an amicable #India-#China relationship

CIA Report
-Nehru had so carried away in his desire for peace with #China that he told a source:I don't mind giving away a little bit of #Ladakh
-But I don't want #Chinese to take me for a sucker
-Chou en Lai has lied to me so often that I do not feel like trusting him anymore

CIA Report
-#Chinese diplomats tasked #Indian communists to project Nehru as pro #USA
-He is Kennedy's lawyer was #Propaganda to be pushed
-CPI said donating blood to #IndianArmy was anti-party
-Nehru also wanted to have a deal on Aksai Chin, in exchange for #ArunachalPradesh

CIA Report
-In 1959 Nehru had made up his mind of preparing Indian public for exchange of NEFA with Aksai Chin
-This view was opposed by some leaders in Congress party

CIA Report
-#Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liao was tasked to indulged in personal attacks against Nehru, Krishna Menon & Secretary-General RK Nehru, calling them dishonest
-In fact, RK Nehru was scolded like a small boy by Liao in #China

@LevinaNeythiri @changu311

CIA Report
-#Chinese aim was to seriously damage Nehru's prestige &credibility
-Humiliating #Indians
-Teach a lesson
-Even today their aim remains same
-That’s why every Indian’s life long aim should be to damage Chinese business interests & prestige as much possible

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