Salman Al-Ansari | سلمان الأنصاري Profile picture
A Saudi political commentator, writer, and public speaker. A frequent guest on CNN, BBC, and France24. Media inquiries: DM

Mar 3, 2022, 12 tweets


Key takeaways from #CrownPrince #MohammedBinSalman's interview with @TheAtlantic.

#MBS stressed the success of economic and social reforms:

#SaudiArabia is a @g20org country, you can see our position five years ago: It was almost 20. Today, we are almost 17”


To #MBS, the #Ritz operation was an elegant, nonviolent solution to the problem of vampires feasting on #SaudiArabia’s annual budget.


The fight between #MBS and Sheikh #Tamim Al-Thani had been no big deal, “a fight between brothers.” The relationship between #SaudiArabia and #Qatar is now “better than ever in history.”


#MBS asserted that #SaudiArabia is based on pure #monarchy”, and that removing himself from it would amount to a betrayal of all the monarchies and #Saudis beneath him.


#MBS emphasized the return to moderate #Islam, saying “We are going back to the core, back to pure Islam, these teachings of the #Prophet and the four caliphs-they were amazing. They were perfect.”


#MBS stressed that “if you are a foreign person who’s living or traveling in #SaudiArabia, you have all the right to do whatever you want, based on your beliefs, that’s what happened in the Prophet’s time.”


Secretary General of the @MWLOrg_en Dr. @MhmdAlissa said that “if in the past there were some mistakes, now there is correction, everyone has the right to visit the historic places (in #SaudiArabia), and there is a lot of care given to them.”


#MBS said that @NEOM is “not a copy of anything elsewhere.”


“We don’t have the right to lecture you in #America🇺🇲, the same goes the other way - #Saudi🇸🇦 affairs are for #Saudis."

“You don’t have the right to interfere in our interior issues.”

- #MohammedBinSalman #MBS


Whether @POTUS misunderstands something about #MBS:

"Simply, I do not care” Alienating the #Saudi monarchy, would harm Biden’s position. “It’s up to him to think about the interests of #America.”

- #MohammedBinSalman


#MBS affirmed #SaudiArabia🇸🇦’s commitment to regional stability and prosperity, saying that “we do not view #Israel🇮🇱 as an enemy, but rather as a potential ally in the many interests that we can pursue together, but some issues must be resolved before we can reach that.”


#MBS also stressed that he looks forward to peaceful coexistence with #Iran, saying that “we hope we can reach a position that is good for both countries, and a bright future for #SaudiArabia🇸🇦 and #Iran🇮🇷.”


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