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Mar 3rd 2022

Key takeaways from #CrownPrince #MohammedBinSalman's interview with @TheAtlantic.

#MBS stressed the success of economic and social reforms:

#SaudiArabia is a @g20org country, you can see our position five years ago: It was almost 20. Today, we are almost 17”

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To #MBS, the #Ritz operation was an elegant, nonviolent solution to the problem of vampires feasting on #SaudiArabia’s annual budget.

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The fight between #MBS and Sheikh #Tamim Al-Thani had been no big deal, β€œa fight between brothers.” The relationship between #SaudiArabia and #Qatar is now β€œbetter than ever in history.”

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Read 12 tweets
Oct 26th 2018
Assuming that the lurid and gothic reports about the likely death of the Saudi dissident #JamalKhashoggi in the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul are correct, this would be standard operating procedure for the Saudis in such situations.
#JamalKhashoggi was on a barely concealed mission to dethrone Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the heir to the Saudi throne.

Had Khashoggi succeeded, the de-Wahabbization drive led by Mohammed would have collapsed.
#JamalKhashoggi was engaged in a coup attempt against #CrownPrince Mohammed, an effort covertly funded by a few members of the Al Saud family, who seek thereby to ensure that #Wahhabism remains all-powerful in their very consequential country.
Read 4 tweets

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