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Apr 30, 2022, 101 tweets

A Thread For List of series I have ever watched(Part 4) 301-400

Part 1(1-100) ➡️

Part 2 (101-200)➡️

Part 3 (201-300)➡️
#TvSeries #Kdrama #Anime
Some of my fav's

301. #MrQueen (20epi)
22. #Kdrama
Awesome series🔥🔥👌.
20hrs of Fun and Entertainment.
Not a Single boring scene in first 17 episodes.
Each and every character are awesome 👌
Sometimes so gay
OverallWorth watching
S1 - 4.75/5👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

302. #AreYouHuman (18epi)
23. #Kdrama

Nice sci fi drama..
S1 - 4/5👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

303. #ShadowAndBone (1S - 8epib- Ongoing) Started On - May 2021

Good Engaging Fantasy Series.
CGI and cast are the main plus of this series
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

304. #LockeAndKey (2S - 20epi - Ongoing) Started On - May 2021

Interesting series with lot of suspenseful and magical elements.
Binge worthy one.
S1 - 4/5
S2 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

305. #TokyoGhoul (2S - 24epi - Dropped) Started On - May 2021
12. #Anime

1st season was mass and interesting.. Lots of blood and emotions..
2nd season is just fine..
S1 - 3.75/5
S2 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue #japanese

306. #Aspirants (5epi)
BRILLIANT👏 Web Series From TVF. Available In YouTube.
Inspirational Story about 3 Friends.
Just 5 episodes.
Watch it, you will not be disappointed
S1 - 4.5/5

#Shows2blue #Indian #Hindi

307. #JupitersLegacy (1S - 8epi - Ongoing) Started On - May 2021

Okayish👍🏻 Series.
Storyline could have been better.
Timepass watch.
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

308. #Osmosis (1S - 8epi - Completed) Started On May 2021

Other than few Bittu scenes, not worth to watch.
S1 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #French #Netfliz

309. #TheNest (1S - 5epi - Completed) Started On - May 2021

Slow burn.
S1 - 3.25/5

310. #TheInnocent (1S - 8epi - Completed) Started On - May 2021

One of the best Mystery Thriller🔥
It keep me hooked righht from the start🔥
Lot of twists and turns in every episodes
S1 - 4.5/5💥
#Shows2blue #Netflix #Spanish

311. #Signal (16epi - Korean)
24. #Kdrama
Superb series
Outstanding Start and little slow in the middle and ended well.
Really liked 3 cases out of 4.
S1 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

312. #AndThenThereWereNone (1S - 3epi)
A Good One👍🏻
Finding who is the killer..
Ending Could have been Better.
Just 3 Episodes
S1 - 3.5/5

313. #TheCapture (1s - 6epi)
Super Engaging Thriller👌.
Except for last episode, other episodes are superb and gripping.
S1 - 3.75/5

314. #BraveNewWorld (1s - 9epi)
Good One👌
S1 - 3.5/5


315. #NovemberStory (1s - 7epi)
Super Engaging Crime Thriller👌
Worth Watching.
S1 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Hotstar #Tamil #Indian

316. #TheLegendOfKorra (4s- 52epi - Completed)
Sequel of Avatar The last Airbender...
Interesting one...
S1-S3 - 3.75/5
S4 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Animation #AvatarTheLastAirbender

317. #Sexify (1s - 8epi - Ongoing)
Good one👍🏻
Fun to watch
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix #Polish

318. #TheGift (2S - 16epi - dropped)
Okayish season 1.
👎 Season 2.
Bad acting by actors.
S1 - 3/5
S2 - 2.75/5
#Turkish #Netflix #Atiye

319. #LoveInTheMoonlight (18epi)
25. #Kdrama
Okayish one👍🏻.
Except for the romance portions, other scenes are little drag.
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

320. #Vincenzo (20epi)
26. #Kdrama
Every episode is like 80 minutes long but still engaging.
Sometimes boring too..
Epi16 🔥🔥
Vincenzo Cassano💥
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

321. #AvatarTheLastAirbender (3S - 61epi)
I didn't watched most of the episodes during my childhood.. So I started watching it again from the start..
GOAT animated series..
S1,S3 - 4.5/5
S2 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Animation #Avatar

322. #MadeForLove (1S - 8epi - Ongoing)
Fine👍🏻 Series with Fresh Concept.
Watch it for cristin milioti.
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #HBOmax

323. #ModernLove (2s - 16epi - Ongoing)
S1 - Feel Good 8 Anthology Episodes
All episodes are Too Good👌🌟.
S1 - 3.75/5
S2 - Not feel good. mostly bad to average..
S2 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #Anthology

324. #LostInSpace (2S - 20epi - Dropped)
Slow and boring..
All the characters and their acting is very irritating....
S1 - 3/5
S2 - 2.5/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

325. #FamiliarWife (16epi)
27. #Kdrama
S1 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

326. #MoveToHeaven (10epi)
28. #Kdrama
Heart Warming Feel Good Series
Complete emotional ride..
Liked it
S1 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

327. #TaxiDriver (16epi)
29. #Kdrama
Best crime thriller Kdrama of 2021.
Each Episode Is Having Unique Storytelling.
Action Scenes 💥💥
S1 - 4/5💥
#Kdrama2blue #Korean

328. #SweetTooth (1S - 8epi - Ongoing)

S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

329. #Dom (1s - 8epi - Completed)
A good Engaging One.
Lots of Drugs, sex and spyining
S2 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #French

330. #SecretGarden (20epi)
30. #Kdrama
Okayish one.
Lack of content. Mostly filler episodes. Okayish
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

331. #Loki (1s - 6epi)
I didnt got whats so great About this series..
I felt Okayish
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Marvel

332. #Somehow18 (10epi)
31. #Kdrama
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

333. #TheMiracle (12epi)
32. #Kdrama
Short and cute kdrama
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

334. #TheMosquitoCoast (1S - 7epi - Ongoing)
So far this show is so senseless.
None of the characters are likable.
Visually good. Rest 👎👎
S1 - 2.75/5

335. #MareOfEasttown (1S - 7epi - Completed)
This Show Is Brilliant 🔥🔥
The story, writing and screenplay are 👌👌
Lots of twist and Turns
Character Development 👌
S1 - 4.5/5

336. #QueenAndI (16epi
33. #Kdrama
Its about a guy from different timeline transported into present..
Quite engaging...
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

337. #BojackHorseman (6S - 77epi - Completed)
Its about a horse faced guy and his fucked up life.
Story is mostly about depression and the stressful life..
Good watch...
S2,S3,S6 - 3.75/5
S1 - 3.5/5
S4,S5 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Animation

338. #StrangersFromHell (10epi)
34. #Kdrama
Simply Superb 💥
This Drama is The Perfect Example of Psychological Thriller
S1 - 4/5💥
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

339. #Monster (74epi)
13. #Anime
The Best💥 Psychological Thriller Anime after DeathNote.
It manages to combine everything that's great about mystery, thriller, character studies and psychological dramas all at once.
S1 - 4/5
#Anime2blue #Shows2blue

340. #Dickinson (1s - 10epi - Dropped)
Didn't liked it..
S1 - 2.5/5

341. #YoungRock (1S - 11epi - Dropped)
It was a engaging story about rock's childhood..
S1 - 3.25/5

342. #AngelsLastMissionLove (16epi)
35. #Kdrama
Good fantasy drama
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

343. #MemoriesOfTheAlhambra (16epi)
36. #Kdrama
Good Drama With an Interesting And Unique Concept
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

344. #KotaFactory (2S - 10epi)
Nice and interesting web series..
Story of 3 friends are always memorable..
S1 - 3.75/5, S2 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Indian #Hindi

345. #MyMister (20epi)
37. #Kdrama
Awesome Series👌👌
A drama with No complaints and flaws
Feel Good Heartwarming Series
Storytelling Really Awesome👌👌
Bond between lead actors is neither love or lust, it is more than that...
S1 - 4.75/5👌👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean

346. #RooftopPrince (20epi)
38. #Kdrama
Good Fun
S1 - 3.5/5

#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

347. #LoveVictor (2S - 20epi - Ongoing)
Superb one
Really engaging highschool Series.
S1,S2 - 4/5

348. #Manhunt (1S - 8epi - Ongoing)
Really a good procedural mini series.. based on real events..
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Anthology

349. #ListenToLove (12epi)
39. #Kdrama
Very realistic kdrama.. Lots of funny moments too.
Ending is unrealistic.
S1 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

350. #HiByeMama
40. #Kdrama
Emotional drama..
But Just an Watchable show for me.
Lot of unwanted filler scenes
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

351. #TheKingEternalMonarch (16epi)
41. #Kdrama
Good one.
Story based on parallel word
First 8epis>>> last 8 epis..
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

352. #PerryMason (1S - 8epi - Completed)

Good legal drama
S1 - 3.5/5


353. #Extracurricular (10epi)
42. #Kdrama
Good kdrama about the young criminals...
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

354. #Orville (2s - 26epi - Ongoing)
Fun and entertaining space show..
Really enjoyed it..
S2 - 4.25/5, S1 - 3.75/5

355. #Mouse (20epi)
43. #Kdrama
Great psycho thriller
Masterclass writing and storytelling with lot of twist and turns..
S1 - 4/5💥
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

356. #Room104 (1s - 12epi - Dropped)
Anthology series about things happening in the room no 104..
Only few episodes are good.. Rest bad..
S1 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #Anthology

357 #MonstersAtWork (1s - 8epi)
Series version of a Movie..
Movie was great But series is very bad and uninteresting...
S1 - 2.25/5

358. #365RepeatTheYear (12epi)
44. #Kdrama
Unique time concept drama..
But something felt missing. So I didn't like it..
S1 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

359. #CoffeePrince (17epi)
45. #Kdrama
Gong woo is there.. What else we need...
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

360. #ParasyteTheMaxim (24epi)
14. #Anime
Great anime.. Enjoyed it.
Lots of killing and gore.
It also captures human nature and emotions in different situations..
S1 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue #Parasyte #Japanese

361. #YourHonor (1s - 10epi - Completed)
Well written superb mini series..
Perfect 4 stars
S1 - 4/5

362. #PartyOfFive (1s - 10epi - Completed)
S1 - 2.75/5

363. #DareMe (1S - 10epi - Ongoing)
Good one
S1 - 3.5/5

364. #ThrUncannyCounter (16epi)
46. #Kdrama
Fun and emotional kdrama with supernatural elements
Good one
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

365. #100DaysMyPrince (16epi)
47. #Kdrama
Sweet and cute entertaining drama
S1 - 3.75 to 4/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

366. #MysteriousGirlfriendX (13epi)
15. #Anime
Series Concept is weird But I really liked it👌
Liked all The characters, especially lead female character👌
Becomes one of my fav
S1 - 4.25/5👌
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

367. #JulieAndThePhantoms (1S - 9epi - Renew pannuda Netflix)

Feel good fantasy musical series
Always makes me smile..
All the songs are just great and enjoyable..
S1 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

368. #TomorrowWithYou (16epi)
48. #Kdrama
My least favourite Kdrama
S1 - 2/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

369. #TerrorInResonance (11epi)
17. #Anime
Nothing is interesting. Didn't like it.
S1 - 2.5/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

370. #MobPsycho100 (2S - 25epi - Completed)
17. #Anime
Fun anime
S1,S2 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

371. #MadForEachOther (13epi)
49. #Kdrama
Fun and unusual romance between 2 people...
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

372. #DashAndLily (1s - 8epi)
Just another feel good romantic series from Netflix
S1 - 4/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

373. #LittleBirds (1s - 6epi)
S1 - 2.75/5

374. #TellMeYouLoveMe (1s - 10epi)
HBO show.. lots of softcore bittu Scenes.. looks realistic..
It is just a show about 4 couples and their problems..
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #HBO

375. #Impulse (2S - 18epi - Ongoing)
S1 - 3/5, S2 - 2.75/5

376. #TeenageBountyHunters (1s - 10epi)
Decent comedy series..
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Netflix

377. #SuspiciousPartner (16epi)
50. #Kdrama
Entertaining kdrama
So many cute and funny moments..
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

378. #LookingForAlaska (1S - 8epi)
One of the most engaging and emotions fulfilled teenage drama
S1 - 4/5

379. #HisDarkMaterials (1S - 8epi - Dropped)
Didn't worked for me..
S1 - 2.5/5


380. #ADiscoveryOfWitches (1s - 8epi - Dropped)
S1 - 2.75/5

381. #MyHoloLove (12epi)
51. #Kdrama
Nice concept but bad and uninteresting execution..
S1 - 2.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

382. #Navarasa (9epi)
3 episodes are good. Rest are average to bad..
Overall - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Tamil

383. #ATeacher (10epi)
Shocking story about teacher student affair..
Good one..
S1 - 3.5/5

384. #HotelDelLuna (16epi)
52. #Kdrama
Nice kdrama. Watch it for IU
S1 - 3.75/5

#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

385. #EmergencyCouple (16epi)
53. #Kdrama
Such a nice wonderful kdrama with an entertaining storyline...
S1 - 4.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

386. #Jericho (2s - 29epi - Completed)
Boring and uninteresting..
S1,S2 - 2.75/5

387. #WhatIf (1s - 9epi)
Fine one.
Only liked zombie episode.
Rest average to ok.
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Marvel #Netflix

388. #TheTaleOfNokdu (16epi)
54. #Kdrama
Good one. Not gripping enough for binge watch but still watchable...
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

389. #Healer (20epi)
55. #Kdrama
Fast paced entertaining drama.
Lead actress is irritating...
S1 - 3.75/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

#WhyTheHellAreYouHereTeacher (13epi)
18. #Anime
Hottest anime ever..
If AOT is the only anime that gave me goosebumps. And this is the only anime that gave me____
Lot funnier too
S1 - 3.5/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

391. #TheMiracleWeMet (18epi)
56. #Kdrama
Great drama👌👌
It gave lot of emotional vibes like '18 again' kdrama.
OST - great👌
All the characters are exceptional.
Great - 4.5/5👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

392. #MastersOfTheUniverse (1S - 10epi - Dropped)
Very bad reboot...
S1 - 2/5
#Shows2blue #Animation #HeMan

393. #BottomTierCharacter (12epi) 19. #Anime
Introvert top tier gamer guy world changes because of an extrovert girl..
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

394. #MaBoy (3epi)
57. #Kdrama
Short and cute..
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

395. #HymnOfDeath (3epi)
58. #Kdrama
Devastating real story...
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

396. #SonsOfAnarchy (2s - 26epi - Will watch)
Really a good engaging series.. But very difficult to binge watch..
Don't know when will I complete remaining 5 seasons..
S1,S2 - 3.75/5

397. #GoBackCouple (12epi)
59. #Kdrama
Another great kdrama in the line of '18 again' and 'the miracle we met'
S1 - 4.25/5👌👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue

398. #AssassinationClassroom (1s - 22epi - Dropped)
20. #Anime
Started really good but I got lost my interest in the middle and turned out to be a just okayish series for me.
Others will like it..
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

399. #PrisonSchool (12epi)
21. #Anime
5 horny guys in prison with female staffs.. Lots of fun..
S1 - 3.25/5
#Shows2blue #Anime2blue

400. #Marianne (1s - 8epi)
Just an okayish show.
Quality of the series decreasing by each and every episode.
S1 - 3/5
#Shows2blue #French #Horror

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