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Jun 7, 2022, 7 tweets

There are about 2.3 billion #Christians in the world & 1.8 billion #Muslims. That gap is expected to narrow by 2060, when there will be 3 billion #Christians & nearly 3 billion #Muslims. That’s because #Muslims, on average, are younger & have more children than do #Christians.

The countries with the 5 highest #Muslim populations are all in South and Southeast #Asia or in sub-Saharan #Africa, rather than the #MiddleEast; and the countries with the three highest #Christian populations are in the #Americas rather than in the #MiddleEast or #Europe.

By 2060, #India will retain a #Hindu majority but also will have the largest #Muslim population of any country in the world, surpassing #Indonesia. The current #Hindu population worldwide is approx 1.2 billion. Expected #Hindu population in 2060 will be nearly 1.5 billion.

Today, #Hindus are the largest religious group in the #AsiaPacific region. By 2060, however, the number of #Muslims in the region is expected to surpass the number of #Hindus.

#Islam is expected to be world largest religious group by 2070 with an expected population of 3.25 billion. Majority of #Muslims will still live in #Asia & #Pacific region, as they do now (even though Islam is predominant religion of #MiddleEast, only 1 in 5 #Muslims live there)

Hereon we will see a noticable change. There will be more people switching back to #Hinduism than converting to any other religion. This will lead to a positive change.

The world is on track to become a more homogeneously religious place, not a more diverse and secular one. Two-thirds of the world's population will be #Christian or #Muslim by 2100.

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