Salman Al-Ansari | سلمان الأنصاري Profile picture
A Saudi political commentator, writer, and public speaker. A frequent guest on CNN, BBC, and France24. Media inquiries: DM

Aug 2, 2022, 10 tweets

My #Thread: (The Precedence Game)

The #US🇺🇲 & #China🇨🇳 are both working to get the best out of the #Taiwan / #Pelosi issue.

Both want to create a new precedence to project hegemony over the South China Sea.


It seems that the #US far left will gain slight momentum in a victory in media that will slightly help them in the November #elections, surely, in their point of view, since the democrats have never witnessed such low trust by their constituencies in modern history.


The only legacy #NanciPelosi will have before she finishes her term this year is the expedition of the #Chinese acquisition of #Taiwan.


The fact that the #Biden administration voiced their initial rejection of #NancyPelosi's visit to #Taiwan can tell us two things: one being that the #democratic party is deeply divided, and two, that the progressive branch which #Pelosi seems to represent has started to..


..challenge the traditional democratic party in areas that are beyond social and ideological fronts.

I had the honor of doing my masters thesis on the #US strategic view of the South #China Sea; the only thing that I missed was..


..the emergence of non-rational far left policies, given that I based my paper on the importance of US interests, not the opposite; as if I didn’t expect for a second that the US would take steps to "deliberately" weaken the #US stance in that crucially important region.


Form now on, I have learned the lesson that the US far left is not driven by #US interests, but merely for personal, electoral reasons.


It seems that #Chinese will take full advantage of the #Pelosi visit, and create real precedences by performing military actions around the island, possibly circling #Taiwan through air and sea, and initiating some kind of a permanent siege.


The last thing anyone wants is a clash between the #US and #China; I suppose it's still not imminent, despite the #UN warnings of its near possibility. There is no winner in such conflicts.

#Taiwan should not fall into the intense rivalry between the two giant players.


#Taiwan should learn the lesson and push back against becoming a new #Ukraine.

Let's hope for the best for all nations and push for #peace not #wars.


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