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J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.

Sep 18, 2022, 33 tweets

1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 18, 2022
The situation is still evolving past #Oskil river & North Donets river, as I report for the past days.
Past Oskil is a real struggle, but north #Slaviansk is ok now
#UkraineMap #CarteUkraine

2/ the steady & global action in the temporarily occupied area of #Lyman, Ukrainian defenders liberated #Yarova, #Shchurove and #Dibrova for couples of day & now registered in the direct vicinity of #Yampil & #Lyman - also some reports of #Yatskivka & moving on to #Rubtsi. (TBC)

3/ In the north part of #Luhansk, there are some doubts now about the extreme north part close to the Russian frontier & Gen staff confirmed an attack today on the saliant past #Kupiansk on the East part of #Oskil river. (approximative FEBA till further review)
Momentum still ok?

4/ the Governor of Kharkiv Regional Admin reports that Rushits shelled & or strikes (bomb) medical personnel when they were evacuating patients from a psychiatric hospital in the border settlement of #Strilecha .

Four medics were killed, several patients injured.
#Syria 1-0-1

5/ there are reports that says that #UAarmy forces are expanded their foothold in #Luhansk region (south #Siversky Donets river) from #Bilohorivka to contest for control a control of #Zolotarivka and #Verkhnokamyanka but i have no confirmation whatsoever yet! could be infox!

6/ then there is a "soft" situation going on in the area between #Spirne and #Soledar, as Russians really have no more strong materials nor men to push trough the lines, and as they don't bother the vicinity, Ukr soldiers just wait for them & smoke them as they come..

7/ Over the past day, the Defence Forces of Ukraine repelled enemy attacks in the areas of #MykhailivkaDruha, #VeselaDolyna, Odradivka, Maryinka, Novomykhailivka, and Pravdyne settlements... and same for КПВВ «Майорськ» (lol me)

8/ The rest of the front line has not changed that much and do not request maps, only for the south area of #Kherson #Khersonoffensive so lets jump right there..
More than 30 settlements were shelled. Among them are #Ukrainka, Myrne, Kvitneve, Novorosiysk, Kobzartsi and #Olhyne.

9/ if the dynamic still goes on there, it could be possible as expected 12 days ago and despite lots of losses and difficulties of all sorts there (hence some delays)... in 2,3 more weeks we might witnessed a real victory

10/ and for the last map.. there is everyday infos of city shelled than taken back and some tango moves that gives me headaches since day one they passed this #Kherson bridge... (responsible are almost all dead now by the way)
here :
(even if best infos i would not bet my house)

11/ now recap of losses and alleged destroyed materials
NB Russians have stopped a bit about crazy jet fighters pseudo destruction...🤡

12/ the alleged losses of the day - and of the week - to date, and actual ongoing "scenario"
see past week end for basics explanations if needed or go back 2 to 5 months ago (month explanation)
Actual might fits within Oryx times 1.3 & my own calculus.

13/ and recap of some of the past weeks reports :

14/ Now the always famous & expected cool "big shot" head shot (sorry, bad pun intended) reports.
1 160 killed Russian officers as of 15 September.
Minimum confirmed losses. (1 per Km is a good number!)
directly from @KilledInUkraine

15/ and it'll go on an on and on...
Сергей Гайдай -
"Cotton" in Svatovo
An old bus station, inside which there was a hotel and the Russians lived
Now it's 200, 300.." which means dead/injured
(and the new lol ref is 500's as they are more and more.)
add them to previous list 14/

16/ - Чувствую себя не в силах отказать даме.


18/ This week recap for all destroyed material on Russia's side and captured one by the #Ukrainian army. some more weeks are needed to repair some of these materials but a some were directly in used after pouring some gasoline in !-)
so this should be add to "destroy" list bc it

19/ clearly diminishes the Ru stock of his own material against Ukrainian...
on top of that there are still unregistered material that are still being discovered to this day.

20/ now about yesterday being a "hot day" the week end was quite "hot" indeed as previously announced Saturday morning... ;)
and several more of less "importance" were definitely "stopped" in their pursuit of such a stupid life...

21/ Actually as we speak...
"Consequences of the detonation of an explosive device in the car of the "people's militia" employee Denys Stefankov, who, according to local media, headed the rapid response department and was responsible for interrogating prisoners."
extract from vid

22/ "There is no peace & there will be no rest for the Ru in the occupied territories..
De-occupation is near, the occupiers & collaborators themselves feel it, some have fled, and some are sitting in villages near the border, bc Russia does not let them in"
Head intel assessment



25/ Forbes: New Russian #3rd Army Corps lasts only few days in Ukraine.

Forbes writes that after the 3rd Army Corps rushed to #Kharkiv Oblast last week, “the corps just melted away” due to the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

To be confirmed though as they already said total BS.

26/ Satellite images indicate that Russia has been moving a large number of anti-aircraft missiles toward #Ukraine, incl from area of #StPetersburg
from the battery of the "500" anti-aircraft missile regiment near the village of #Kerstovo
reported now but on long time period.

27/ tonight #Zelensky :
"Thanks to the SOF, GUR, thanks to the SBU (of course!-)), thanks to the "Terrodefense", thanks to the border guards & the entire system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - from the National Guard and National Police to the the State Emergency Service."

28/ versus what Russia does days in days out :
"tout en finesse"

29/ lolol even the more pro russians / Putin nuts suckers/ start to "understand it"
knew that from March-April when they failed like bi.. in taking a small village up north #Mykolaiv #Peresadivka

30/ oh yeah baby... #Sviatohirsk enjoy!
the only thing now, my good people... is that you should never ever spend more time there all together drinking beers.. because you just "burn" your safe place. a missile could end all that fun in a sec.

31/ #Kharkhiv #Siversky Donets

32/ and last point the Gen staff report of the day :
and this morning report
and that's it for today!

33/ Goddamn Neil! @NeilPHauer
How do you want me now to update my maps at 0300 !?? 😂😂😂😅👍
#Lyssychansk #Lysychansk

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