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Oct 13, 2022, 8 tweets

A look at India Vs the Rest of the world!

A Thread!

#india #economy #globaleconomy #inflation


India is emerging as one of the relatively better-off economies in the post-COVID world.



Looking closely, we find that India’s inflation is well controlled, ATH FX reserves have acted well as a shock absorber against volatility, and our GDP growth expectations is one the highest in the world!

#inflation #volatility #GDP


If you look at net inflows, India has had the highest inflow among emerging market peers.

#markets #emergingmarkets


Added to that India’s weight in the MSCI Emerging Market index has increased substantially in the past 2 years showing signs of investor confidence, while other prominent emerging country weights have been dropping.



Indian equities have also been outperforming global peers given our high growth expectations and controllable inflation.

#equity #investing #indicies


In times of slowdown, currency reflects the true strength of macro fundamentals. Japanese yen, Euro, Swiss franc, and British Pound have depreciated much more than the rupee making the rupee one of the best performing in the world.

#Currencies #indianrupee #macroeconomics


Where do you see other signs of strong macro fundamentals?

#macroeconomics #investors #personalfinance


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