EndTimesCheese Profile picture
The truth artist formerly known as Grande Formaggio, Magnum Caseum. Glad to be back. See how long I last. - God bless those with a love for the Truth.

Dec 7, 2022, 6 tweets

The #Apocalypse has started. #Corona/#Covid is the first horse. The rider wears a crown (corona), has a #toxon bow ("#toxin" is a derivative->poison arrows). What went into billions of arms? Little poison arrows.

The Horsemen Ride.

#ApocalypseNews #TheWhiteHorse #EndTimes

#TheRedHorse, 2nd horse of the #Apocalypse: #War. Red, the color of blood, color of #communism. What do we see shaping up? War by #Russia and #China. Ukraine, #Taiwan, the World.

A full third of mankind will die, if we align the 2nd horse with the 6th trumpet of #Revelation 9.

#TheBlackHorse, 3rd horse of the #Apocalypse. A pair of balances, "A measure of wheat for a penny". A penny's was a day's wages. Meaning: a bread for a full day's work.
Meaning: #hyperinflation, #hunger. Have you been paying attention lately? #Inflation, worldwide!


Behold #ThePaleHorse, 4th horse of the #Apocalypse. the Riders's name is Death. Hell, War, Hunger.

I believe all the horsemen have begun to ride. The Bible is real. Prepare for the worst, mentally, spiritually, and understand that only through #Christ you will be saved.

The predicted #FAMINE of the #Apocalypse is coming. What do you think a worldwide attack on #farmers is all about? What do you think the shutdown of #fertilizer production is about? What do you think the worldwide #drought is about?
This is all to manufacture #HUNGER. Get ready.

Even if you are not (yet) a believer of the #Bible, do you not think the #Apolcalypse scripture is lining up with today's events perfectly? Corona, inflation, hunger, war?
There are other topics in the last book, the book of #Revelation, which match our times as well: #EndTimes.

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