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Laureate of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize. 🇺🇳🌾🍛 The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency working towards #ZeroHunger.

Dec 13, 2022, 14 tweets

This year has been full of unprecedented moments, and the emergence of a global #FoodCrisis.

From Ukraine to Pakistan, WFP has been on the ground responding to emergencies around the world.

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Before the war in Ukraine broke out, import-reliant #Lebanon was already reeling from food inflation of 1000% - the highest in the world.

At the beginning of the year, WFP supported 1 in 3 people across Lebanon, like Turkiya, a single mom of three, pictured.

The outbreak of war in #Ukraine led to the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since WWII and sent ripple effects around the world.

1 in 3 families in Ukraine are estimated to be food insecure. WFP reaches nearly 3 million people every month with food and cash assistance.

Over the course of just 6 weeks in early 2022, parts of southern Africa were hit by 5 tropical storms.

Thousands of hectares of smallholder farmers' crops were washed away as part of the damage. Julita, pictured, in #Malawi, said she didn't have the resources to replant again.

Innovative solutions to low crop yields and pandemic-related unemployment in #Zimbabwe led to a WFP pilot project for at-home #hydroponics.

In Bulawayo, Emily, pictured, combined the method with poultry farming to start a new business and get her family back on their feet.

Skyrocketing prices and broken supply chains crippled #SriLanka's economy this year and led to cuts in national safety nets like school meals and nutrition for pregnant women like Keshala, pictured.

WFP supports 3.4 million of the most vulnerable people impacted.

A ceasefire was brokered for the first time in #Yemen in June, where prolonged conflict has created a seismic hunger crisis.

WFP touches the lives of more than half of Yemen’s population, but massive funding shortfalls have forced us to suspend or reduce assistance this year.

The floods in #Pakistan this year triggered a cascade of crises. The number of people facing severe food insecurity more than doubled.

WFP has assisted over 2.4 million people with lifesaving assistance. But long-term investments are badly needed to help communities rebuild.

Devastating floods also wreaked havoc across West and Central Africa, affecting 5 million people, like Amina in #Nigeria, pictured.

The disaster came during a record year of hunger in the region, where 35 million people are unable to meet their basic food and nutrition needs.

Life for most people in #Afghanistan has been unbearably hard in 2022.

Two out of every five Afghans across the country relied on WFP assistance this year. Humanitarian needs remain unprecedented this winter.

#Somalia is being ravaged by the longest drought in four decades, which forced over 1 million people to flee their homes this year.

WFP has reached more people in Somalia than ever before, but as the drought continues, famine remains an imminent threat.

In November, WFP resumed delivery of food and other lifesaving supplies into Tigray for the first time since the signing of the peace agreement.

Fighting had created a three-month break in assistance. 13.6 million people across northern #Ethiopia need urgent support.

Rising food and fuel prices led to growing unrest this year that's plunged #Haiti into chaos.

In October, for the first time ever, catastrophe-level hunger was reported in the country. Amid multiple security challenges, WFP continues to support vulnerable Haitians.

Multiple crises have collided in 2022 to create a rising tide of hunger.

As such, WFP has aimed to reach 160 million people this year - a record. As the global #FoodCrisis takes hold, 2023 could be worse.

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