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Jan 22, 2023, 8 tweets

[1/🧵] — #XRPL (#XRP) vs. @Ripple #CBDC

A short thread comparing and contrasting the #opensource public #decentralized #XRPLedger with #Ripple's private #CBDC Ledger based on XRPL👇

[2/6] ▶️ What do central bankers expect?

#Interoperability — ILP
#Security, #Trust & #Speed — Unregulated
⚠️ #OverlayServices — Hooks and @EvernodeXRPL
#Access and #Inclusion — XRPL-DEX & AMM
#Stability & #Resilience — 10+ years old (XRPL)

[3/6] ▶️ Why does it have to be a private solution?

With proven security & all of the #XRPL Tooling at its disposal, the only thing a CB lacks is "control" of the gov. process.

Gov. on the #XRPL is conducted through amendments and voting, which cannot be controlled centrally.

[4/6] ▶️ Why is this good for the public #XRPL?

Having a private #CBDC Ledger allows organizations & governments to innovate quickly & safely while still protecting actual value through mainnet collateralization (federated #XRPL sidechain)

🔵 Increased XRPL valuation over time

[5/6] ▶️ How does the #CBDC ecosystem looks like?

1⃣ Issuer — @Ripple's no-code #CBDC Manager
2⃣ Operator — dApps dev. by 3rd-parties (you & me)
3⃣ Wallet — @XummWallet and alike
4⃣ Ledger — #XRPLedger Layer-1 #DLT

[6/6] Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my 🧵 about the private #CBDC ledger based on #XRPL! ❤️

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@WKahneman @digitalassetbuy @Fame21Moore @sentosumosaba @BCBacker @XRPcryptowolf @X__Anderson @stedas @Kevin_Cage_ @AlexCobb_ @bob_way @IOV_OWL 👋
— My most recent piece—which contrasts #Ripple's private CBDC solution w/ the public #XRPL

❤️ Thanks to @XRPLF for the content 🫶

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