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May 26th 2023
Few slides from a presentation on hamstring RTP I’m working on. Trying to bridge the gap between injury and performance. 🧵⬇️

#returntoplay #RTP #strength #Speed #hamstrings #performance #reconditioning Image
🧵⬇️ Image
🧵⬇️ Image
Read 8 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
1/9 Exciting work from Simona Nitti and colleagues... good news for #space #weather forecasting/predictions and correlated #disaster #preparedness, #bioterrorism, #pandemic preparedness, #power #outages, #cybersecurity, etc.…

2/9 "#Coronal #holes (#CHs) are the source of #high-#speed #streams (#HSSs) in the #solar #wind, whose interaction with the slow solar wind creates #corotating #interaction #regions (#CIRs) in the #heliosphere."
3/9 "Whenever the CIRs hit the #Earth, they can cause #geomagnetic #storms. We develop a method to predict the strength of CIR/HSS-driven geomagnetic storms directly from #solar #observations using the CH areas and associated #magnetic #field #polarity."
Read 9 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
[1/🧵] — #XRPL (#XRP) vs. @Ripple #CBDC

A short thread comparing and contrasting the #opensource public #decentralized #XRPLedger with #Ripple's private #CBDC Ledger based on XRPL👇 Source:
[2/6] ▶️ What do central bankers expect?

#Interoperability — ILP
#Security, #Trust & #Speed — Unregulated
⚠️ #OverlayServices — Hooks and @EvernodeXRPL
#Access and #Inclusion — XRPL-DEX & AMM
#Stability & #Resilience — 10+ years old (XRPL) Source:
[3/6] ▶️ Why does it have to be a private solution?

With proven security & all of the #XRPL Tooling at its disposal, the only thing a CB lacks is "control" of the gov. process.

Gov. on the #XRPL is conducted through amendments and voting, which cannot be controlled centrally. Source:
Read 8 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
this amusing image passed our way this morning; it's a rendered image (like most of @elonmusk's publicity materials) of that hideously low-polygon @Tesla truck that will probably never reach market.

I would like to offer a speculation as to why it looks so ugly.

the hideousness of the $TSLA truck is baffling, even taking into account the mind-numbing effects of being in @elonmusk's quasi-religious faction. it's the sort of thing that makes you wonder: "didn't *anyone* of importance denounce this thing during the design process?"

but that question should be the first clue: quite possibly there *was* no real design process. it's possible that @elonmusk really did "design" the appearance of the @Tesla truck the same way Homer Simpson "designed" his perfect car by idly scrawling on bits of paper.

Read 25 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
#ZaraBusiness thread!

1/ If you're a fashion lover, chances are you've heard of #Zara. The Spanish fast fashion retailer has taken the world by storm with its #trendy, #affordable clothing.
2/ Zara was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega, and has since become a major player in the fashion industry with over 7,000 stores in 90 countries.
3/ So, what's the secret to Zara's success? One key factor is their focus on speed. They're known for their ability to quickly design and produce new styles, which keeps customers coming back for more.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
Thread นี้จะมาแฉ "เทคนิคอัพสปีดการอ่าน"
Reading "ระดับโลก" ที่พิสูจน์มาแล้วนับล้านคน
ที่พี่โอมจะไว้ "ให้น้องๆฝึก" ในคอร์ส #ปิดเทอมนี้ !!
#TGAT #A-LEVEL ให้เร็วขึ้น 3x เท่า
โดยไม่สูญเสีย "ความเข้าใจ" (Comprehension)
ว่าแล้ว กดอ่าน "Thread" ต่อเลย
อย่าลืม Retweet นะ #ขอให้ติด!
(Step 1) ลองทำ Reading สัก 1 เรื่อง...!!
**ความยาวประมาณ 200 คำกำลังดี
(ข้อสอบจริงจะประมาณนั้น/ 1 passage)
เพื่อ "วัด speed" ว่าเราอ่านได้ไวแค่ไหน
วัดจาก “Word per minute”
1 นาทีเราอ่านได้กี่คำ
โดยการ ใช้ไม้บรรทัด ขีด 2 เส้น
ลากลงมา แบ่งหน้าเป็น 3 ส่วน
5/7 ของเนื้อหาทั้งหมด
จะสามารถที่จะ "มองเห็น" ข้อมูลบริเวณนั้นได้
>เราจะลดสิ่งที่ต้องอ่านได้ประมาณ เกือบ 1/3
Read 7 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
𝟭𝟬 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲. 😲👇

❶ 1 in every 5 online shoppers tends to abandon their cart due to poor response time.
❷ 47% of customers expect the website to load in less than 2 secs.
#website #speed #web #Facts
❸ 79% of customers who report dissatisfaction over website performance is less likely to buy from the website.
❹ 64% of smartphone users expect pages to load in less than 4 secs.
❺ 1 second delay in page load time means an 11% loss of page views.
❻ DoubleClick by Google has found that nearly 53% of mobile site visits stand abandoned if a page takes longer than three seconds to load, hampering the website performance.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Finally, the #GoldacreReview is published! (During Parliamentary Easter holidays, mid-ping-pong on the #HealthAndCareBill...)

It's 221 pages - each PDF page is a double page spread - so this could be a lo-o-o-ong [Thread].

Here goes...
First point to note, in the Terms of Reference (p5), is that this is about "access to #NHSdata by #researchers, #commissioners, and #innovators" - i.e. #Planning and #CommercialReUse - so it is directly relevant to the operation of millions of people's #NationalDataOptOuts... Terms of reference for the review  1. How do we facilitate a
"185 wide-ranging recommendations for us to explore", says @sajidjavid (p6). Gulp! Time for some coffee...

"systems that ensure #underrepresented groups are well represented" may (partly) refer to this "landmark review", which got off to a slow start:… The far-reaching independent review into potential ethnic bi
Read 159 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Yesterday @SpyWolfNetwork had an #AMA with @PoorQuack. It turned out to be a session full of valuable information, which deserves to be spread further around.

So here we go! Slightly edited here and there to save some space. Enjoy the ride!

$POOR #PoorQuack #CryptoNews
Intro by Gyro Gearloose, [9-3-2022 19:08]:
@PoorQuack is all in one #Ecosystem where we are attempting to make it easier for #investors to #research crypto projects and avoid #scams whilst allowing holders to earn via #DeFi.

$POOR #PoorQuack #cryptocurrency #Web3 #Metaverse
We also have entered the #NFT space with our own #NFTcollection and all of these will have #utility within our own #Ecosystem.

The #NFTmarketplace V2 will be released soon and this will allow third party #NFTs like the #OpenSeaMarket.

$POOR #PoorQuack
Read 25 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
🚨 #BestOf2021 🚨

It’s simple. Here are my favorite releases. I’ve broken out by sub-genre and kept it to the cream of the crop. This is Top Gun. Best of the best.



Those releases that don’t neatly fit a category are often the most interesting. #Mehenet #FuegoEterno #Dakhma #Empyrium #Baazlvaat

Baazlvaat was clearly the discovery of the year. Super raw production with some ingenious songwriting spanning styles


All flavors of doom here from Stoner to Sabbathian. #Wheel & #Monolord bringing actual songs with concrete riffs, #MethadoneSkies with post rock psych, and #Wedge & #IndicaBlues stoning the place up. Indica brought together all the above thru a desert filter
Read 8 tweets
Nov 30th 2021
1/ #WirWollenKinderSchützen, weil Schutz von Kindern und Familien untrennbar verbunden ist.
Die Infektionen an den Schulen sind völlig aus dem Ruder. Wir fordern die Kantone auf, einfache Massnahmen sofort anzuordnen:
- Maskenpflicht ab dem 1. Fall
- Aussetzen der Präsenzpflicht
2/ Das Aussetzen der Präsenzpflicht soll mit flexiblem Homeschooling kombiniert werden:
▶️Präsenzunterricht für sozio-ökonomisch Benachteiligte erhalten
▶️SuS im Homeschooling per Videokonferenz dazuschalten
▶️Götti/Gotte (Mitschüler:in) liefert Material an Kind im Homeschooling
3/ #Prävention, repetitive Tests, smartes TTIQ (Test Trace Isolate Quarantine) und Masken haben wir seit 09/21 gefordert.
Doch die Kantone haben die Situation schleifen lassen, jüngere Kinder nicht geschützt und TTIQ mit unzähligen Ausnahmen ausgehöhlt.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
This is EVP Margrethe @Vestager speech "Democratic values in a digitalised world" @HumboldtUni 25.10.21. It explains rationales, set up basis for what I think will be a successful #EuropeanDigitalLaw! A speech that will continue to resonate for us #Thread…
Late 1990: large platforms “emerged and started organizing the internet for what would soon become millions of users around the world.” For 1st time "the platforms acted as global “match-makers” B2C. With “ever-growing match-making” platforms have power, & control. 1/1
Power & control are particularly important 4 #socialmediaplatforms. "Clicks matter. The more content is seen and shared, the higher the income from advertising. Hence, it is not so much the quality or the truthfulness of the content that matters but its “virality”" 1/2
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Sep 25th 2021
I’m bidding a farewell to a company I deeply admire. While much has been written about @Tesla and @elonmusk, I’d like to share a few virtues this experience has instilled in me…👇👇👇
1. #Speed: Tesla’s #1 differentiated advantage is its incredible speed. Plaid mode, for sure. The speed is uncomfortable at first, but employees quickly get comfortable with it…
You have to develop your instincts, trust your intuition, and ruthlessly prioritize and tackle the highest ROI work first. I developed a constant bias towards action and found myself getting more done in a day than I used to get done in a week. 🏎💨
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Jul 11th 2021
(1\25) The #vision & addressable market opportunities of Blockchain’s such as @ElrondNetwork & accompanying #community/network $EGLD ⚡️ is vast beyond what many can fully grasp. It’s the opportunity to re-write the rules of the status quo system that currently serve the few (1%) Image
(2\25) & inherently promotes inequitable opportunity & wealth inequality. #Blockchain systems can re-shape every industry #Finance, #Entertainment, #SupplyChain, Content Delivery, #BigTech, #Food, #Agriculture, #Education, #Politics/Government, #Transportation, #healthcare
(3\25) #Digital gaming etc. The existing status quo system restricts the majority from participating both in the value sharing (#investing) at the ground level due to supposed accredited investor protections & the value creation (new products/services) unless one has access to
Read 26 tweets
May 31st 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/31/2021…
Declining biodiversity in wild Amazon fisheries threatens human diet…

#biodiversity #amazon #fisheries #diet #consequences
The Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory Is a Tale of Weaponized Uncertainty…

#COVID19 #origin #wuhan #LabLeak #weaponization #uncertainty
Read 10 tweets
May 25th 2021
1/τ Ενώ όλη Ελλάδα ακούει τον Μένιο #Φουρθιωτης να δίνει live συνέντευξη μέσα από τη φυλακή, οι έρευνες για την #δολοφονία της #Καρολάιν στα #Γλυκά_Νερά συνεχίζονται. Προχωράμε με #thread στην ανάλυση των μίνι δηλώσεων του πιλότου εχθές (,
2/τ Ενας από τους περιορισμούς για την ανάλυση αυτή είναι ότι ο πιλότος φορούσε μάσκα και γυαλιά μέσα στο αμάξι του, με το twitter να διχάζεται σχετικά με το αν αυτή ήταν μια προμελετημένη κίνηση για να μην δώσει περισσότερα tells στους detective του πληκτρολογίου ή...
3/τ ...αν ήταν μία genuine προσπάθεια να προφυλαχθεί από τον φονικό #κορωνοιό (μέσα στο αμάξι) και τις βλαβερές ακτίνες UVA & UVB του ηλίου...
#Γλυκα_Νερα #γλυκανερα #Καρολαιν #Γλυκά_Νερά
Read 25 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
Read this book at the time of #CAMS #IPO.
A brilliant read to know about the #growth trajectory of the #company & why it's only starting.

@YMehta_ @finthusiasts @nid_rockz @manurishiguptha @MadrasMobile @MarketScientist
@AnyBodyCanFly @ipo_mantra

Thread coming.👇 Image
Foreword by- Mr. Deepak Parekh, Chairman @HomeLoansByHDFC

He writes about India's #economy post #Liberalization & how #companies that have come up have one thing in common- #knowledge.

#CAMS began as a #software development & #computer education firm, moved to share registry services handling #IPO's, later became a Registrar & Transfer Agent (#RTA). It now also handles documentation requirements in #banking, #insurance & #microfinance.

Read 25 tweets
Nov 21st 2020
A thread is coming up for the latest tour to #Pakistan in the time of #secondwave of #COVID19
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Oct 14th 2020
TRUMP RETWEETED!👇HOO-LLL-YYY SMOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️…
3) When Do Birds Sing? Falcons? #AlanHarrowPARROT

1) Is "Falcon" code for "Child"?🧐
2) See Alan's 2010 Doc on "Feathered Cocaine"…
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Aug 22nd 2020
WEF's Klaus Schwab: "In all likelihood, unless the #pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health & mortality will be mild..."

New week-end thread w/ @spencerlatu

#Covid19 as catalyst for #WEF #greatreset
Written by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Geneva, July 2020.

"Until 2011, Mr. Malleret was a senior partner at the Geneva-based IJ (Informed Judgment) Partners, an investment boutique for ultra-high-net-worth individuals."

#WEF #GlobalRiskNetwork…
"Malleret is the co-founder & principal author of the Monthly Barometer, an analytical and predictive newsletter on macro issues for high-level decisionmakers." - "Relevant to all; read by the influential"
Read 29 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/04/2020…
A new test to investigate the origin of cosmic structure…

#structure #origin #cosmic
Opinion | A Coronavirus Vaccine Is Coming. Just Don’t Call It ‘Warp Speed.’ - The New York Times…

#vaccine #speed
Read 6 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
Abrimos hilo sobre increíbles #maquetas de sets de #cine, un arte tan antiguo como actual y fundamental en el 7º arte.
Comenzamos con esta recreación detallada de Manhattan para #EscapeFromNewYork (1981) del maestro John Carpenter, para la secuencia inicial y tomas aéreas.

Esta es la maqueta escala 1:4 que se construyó para la escena en que el tren atraviesa la vidriera de la estación en #Hugo, de Martin Scorsese (2011), cuyo entorno se completaría después digitalmente.
#LaInvenciónDeHugo #cine #maquetas #HiloDeCine #rodaje

Algunas de las impresionantes maquetas construidas para el rodaje de "Star Wars: Episodio I - La Amenaza Fantasma" (1999).
#cine #StarWars #maquetas #ThePhantomMenace #LaAmenazaFantasma #HiloDeCine

Read 68 tweets

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