Aaron Day 2024: Truth and Transformation Profile picture
@brownstoneinst Fellow, Daylight Freedom, Husband, father, Stop CBDCs, author The Final Countdown bch rvn ltc xmr zec DASH gold silver #FreeRoger Joseon Denizen

Feb 8, 2023, 15 tweets

This is a 🧵 on my campaign for President of the United States (Republican).

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We have 12-36 months to halt a globalist takeover of America.



When @realDonaldTrump borrowed Ronald Reagan’s MAGA tagline, I thought we might get Reagan’s 1984. Instead we got Orwell’s.


3/n Under #Trump, 40% of all US Dollars were printed (inflation), $7 trillion was added to the debt (more than any other President in one term), and two bioweapons were unleashed (#covid and the #vaccine) - both funded by the US Government.



Not to be outdone, @JoeBiden mandated the harmful vaccines, promoted divisive identity politics, and has pushed us to the brink of WW3 (all while having nefarious family dealings with #ukraine). He is a front man for globalism and has sold out American sovereignty.


By 2024, Trump will be 78 and Biden will be 84. We need a new generation of leadership willing to confront the globalist threat (#CBDC, social credit scores, vaccine passports, digital IDs), directly.



Putting hope in politicians always leads to disappointment. The primary focus of my campaign will be to build an online, citizen movement of radical non-compliance. “We the people have all of the power by simply rejecting tyranny by saying “no”.



If you don’t like inflation or the idea of a censorable digital dollar, say No. We will create a site that guides individuals & business to self-custody #crypto, #gold, and #silver and will build an online business directory of companies taking these alternative currencies.


Don’t like vaccine mandates or public health nutrition guidelines that make us fat, sick, and unable to reproduce? Say “No”. We will create uncensorable tools allowing people to share their vaccine injury stories as well as serve as a resource for alternative health info.


Don’t want government propaganda through mainstream media, the indoctrination of your children in public schools, and censorship of your voice by big tech at the hand of the federal government? Say No and explore alternatives that we create together.



Don’t like government corruption and a failed judicial/law enforcement apparatus? Say No and start publicly exposing the corruption together through a crowdsourced platform.


In addition to these crowdsourced initiatives focused on radical non-compliance, I will put forward my New Day for America platform which I will use to recruit Congressional candidates and secure a mandate for restoring our natural rights and Constitution.


“When reporting a crime is treated as a crime, you are ruled by criminals.”

We are ruled by criminals. As President, my first act will be to pardon @Snowden and #assange, and I would ask Snowden to head a national whistleblower program for the entire federal government.


After years running multiple liberty organizations, running for office, and being involved in multiple lawsuits related to these activities, I decided to focus on improving myself. I didn’t expect to be back in politics, but I am ready for the challenge.



This is just the beginning. Check out day2024.com, sign-up for e-mail updates, and donate.

I take fiat and crypto. Currently, I accept #ravencoin #bitcoin   #Btc   #BCH and #LTC #litecoin.

I am all-in on preserving free will.


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