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Blogger, therapist, writer. HR defender. BLM. Collating reports on Ukraine war to give support. Newsletter:

Feb 21, 2023, 10 tweets

#Ukraine: Latest reports from #UkraineWar: 1. In a surprise but not totally unexpected move, #US Pres. Biden visited Kyiv today, travelling by train from #Poland. “I thought it critical that there not be any doubt, none whatsoever, about US support for UA”. #tweet100

#Ukraine: 2. Pres. Biden walked openly around Kyiv, though RU had been advised in advance. He also pledged a further $500 million package to UA, Javelins, howitzers, HIMARS & 155mm ammo +.

#Ukraine: 3. At #Kreminna, despite major offensive, RU forces not gaining ground. UA reported to have regained territory to S around #Yahidne. RU losses running at almost 900 a day over last 2 weeks. UA also reported to have retaken land nr #Vuhledar. #tweet100

#Ukraine: 4. At #Bakhmut, fighting intense N of city where RU said to have crossed M-03 road & captured T-05-13 junction. Fighting less extreme to E & S. RU trying to force breakthrough at any cost before 24th Feb. Report from Kiyanyn, dated 19th. #tweet100 (Map: @ChuckPfarrer)

#Ukraine: 5. RU jailed opposition leader Alexey Navalny (who has not supported UA in past), now urging through his team, restoration of UA’s 1991 borders, including #Crimea & payment of restorations. #tweet100

#Ukraine: 6. #UK’s King Charles lll met with UA troops training in UK today. Italian media, La Republica, reporting the #Italy might donate 5 Tornado jets or AMX fighters to UA if other countries will do the same thing with aircraft.

#Ukraine: 7. Today is 9th anniversary of day in 2014 when the UA Parliament voted to condemn violence against demonstrators in EuroMaidan Revolution, including members of the President’s Party of Regions. Demonstrators demanded Pres. Yanukovych’s resignation & he fled. #tweet100

#Ukraine: 8. RU launched 75 rocket & shell attacks on UA’s #Kherson region yesterday. At the same time RU lost another 820 dead yesterday + 8 armoured vehicles, 6 tanks, 7 artillery systems, 1 plane & 13 other vehicles/tankers. #tweet100

#Ukraine: 9. RU has blocked the rotation of IAEA personnel at #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, preventing them from leaving and their replacement, while continuing to hold the plant with military equipment & troops.

#Ukraine: 10. #Japan has pledged a further $5.5 billion aid package for UA. With Biden’s visit and all the support worldwide, the spirit in UA remains high. #tweet100

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