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May 6, 2023, 23 tweets

[1/🧡] Ah, #XRPL, the #blockchain of choice for tech-savvy investors looking to make a quick buck in the world of #Web3 domains.

Why bother with @ICANN when you can just get an NFT? Isn't it practically the same?

WRONG! πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡

[2/22] β€” Outline β€”
πŸ”Έ Fundamentals and Definitions
πŸ”Έ #Web2 vs. #Web3
πŸ”Έ "Domain" Projects
πŸ”Έ @fynbosdev and #ILP
πŸ”Έ A Better Approach (#XRPL)
πŸ”Έ Standardization

[3/22] β€” 1⃣ Fundamentals β€” Domain β€”

#Domains are #namespaces that are used for coupling #IP-addresses to human-readable names for ease of use.

They are also organized in a hierarchical structure for governance purposes.

[4/22] β€” 2⃣ Fundamentals β€” ICANN β€”

#ICANN, along w/ others, is one of the nonprofit bodies that govern the #internet as we know it.

It regulates the following:

πŸ”Έ Allocation of #IPv4 & #IPv6 address space
πŸ”Έ Supervision of public domains & DNS
πŸ”Έ Protocol identifier assignment

[5/22] β€” 3⃣ Fundamentals β€” DNS β€”

The [D]omain [N]ame [S]ystem may be thought of as the #Internet's directory.

It is a #DNS service that converts domain names to #IP addresses so that browsers may resolve or connect to Internet sites.

[6/22] β€” 4⃣ Fundamentals β€” Root Servers β€”

There are 13 #root name servers run by 12 various entities that handle ~90B queries every week.

These are the all-knowing resorts that any #server or provider may query as a single source of truth for #IP-resolution.

[7/22] β€” 5⃣ Fundamentals β€” TLD β€”

There are known to be the following types:
πŸ”Έ infrastructure TLD (#ARPA)
πŸ”Έ generic TLD (#gTLD)
πŸ”Έ generic-restricted TLD (#grTLD)
πŸ”Έ sponsored TLD (#sTLD)
πŸ”Έ country code TLD (#ccTLD)
πŸ”Έ test TLD (#tTLD)

[8/22] β€” 6⃣ Fundamentals β€” Registrar β€”

A registrar is an #ICANN-accredited organization (such as @uniteddomains) with the capacity to provide #domain name operational licenses to the Registrant (You).

[9/22] β€” 1⃣ #Web2 vs. #Web3 β€”

Unfortunately, #Web3 as it now exists is far from flawless and still need a significant amount of basic development.

Web3 is currently the following:
πŸ”Έ Reliant on a working underlying networking infrastructure
. . .

[10/22] β€” 2⃣ #Web2 vs. #Web3 β€”
. . .
πŸ”Έ Incapable of #decentralizing well-known internet governance entities in a #permissionless way
πŸ”Έ Not an iteration, but rather an addition to Web2

W/ that stated, the possibility for improvement exists, but be mindful of the rules involved.

[11/22] β€” 1⃣ "Domain" Projects β€”

You may now understand why I am so frustrated when discussing #Web3 domains.

Purchasing an NFT is not outlined in any #ICANN-governed procedure that would justify the legal acquisition of a domain in combination w/ a TLD such as .xrp or .eth

[12/22] β€” 2⃣ "Domain" Projects β€” @ensdomains

πŸ”Έ No #ICANN-accredited registrar
πŸ”Έ The root is owned by a 4-of-7 multisig contract
πŸ”Έ 'foo.eth' & 'FOO.eth' is not the same

This means that just 4 people need to conspire to effectively rugpull the whole .eth #Web3 namespace.

[13/22] β€” 3⃣ "Domain" Projects β€” @xrpdomain

πŸ”Έ E.g., 'Krip.xrp' is not unique to the #XRPL
➑️ Therefore, purchasing a '#domain' on one "registrar" will not prevent the name from being purchased on another "registrar"

πŸ”Έ #Metadata is entirely centralized (No ipfs://)

[14/22] β€” 4⃣ "Domain" Projects β€” #xrpdomain

πŸ”Έ #Cybersquatting is encouraged as no names ever expire
➑️ It is a prohibited conduct that will result in legal action under the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), 15 U.S.C. 1125(d).

[15/22] β€” 5⃣ "Domain" Projects β€” @xnsnames

πŸ”Έ Every problem that #xrpdomain is facing, but far worse
πŸ”Έ I kid you not, their documentation is just "Lorem Ipsum" (No, it is not a joke)
πŸ”Έ There is no such thing as a resolver (API?)
πŸ”Έ The affiliate program is a dirty cash grab

[16/22] β€” @fynbosdev and #ILP β€”

It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel.

If all you want to do is resolve human-readable names to #Web3 data, simply look at what #Fynbos is doing.

@pay_string is (probably) obsolete.

[17/22] β€” A Better Approach (#XRPL) β€”

I'm not a fan of defining a #XRPL-based naming system that is only capable of running on top of XRPL, but so be it.

If you wish to propose such a L1-feature, here's how you'd tell the community about it. πŸ‘‡…

[18/22] β€” 1⃣ Standardization β€”

There are several ways to solve the problem of fragmented standards among #blockchains in terms of #domain name systems and domain governance.

πŸ‘ One option is to join the "#Web3 Domain Alliance"

[19/22] β€” 2⃣ Standardization β€”

Because #W3DA is actively participating in negotiations w/ ICANN to raise #ICANN's awareness, I believe it is not too far-fetched for ICANN to introduce a new #domain type called "#w3TLD".

This would significantly legitimize #Web3.

[20/22] β€” 3⃣ Standardization β€”

Other initiatives seek tech. solutions to fully dec. not only #DNS but also the whole #internet governing board.

Personally, I believe this is something one might dream about but is extremely unlikely to occur due to political forces fighting it.

[21/22] β€” TL;DR β€”

πŸ”Έ Avoid buying those NFTs
πŸ”Έ You aren't purchasing domains
πŸ”Έ Some of them are entirely centralized
πŸ”Έ Web3 name resolution is not yet standardized
πŸ”Έ You may unintentionally commit a crime
πŸ”Έ Work with ICANN or become irrelevant
πŸ”Έ Look up "payment pointer"

[22/22] Hopefully, you learnt something new today and avoided purchasing those "#domain" NFTs, which are worthless without sufficient rules and regulations.

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@krippenreiter πŸ™

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