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Jun 4, 2023, 10 tweets

@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.

@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut "As soon as a #coin in the #coffer rings, a #soul from #purgatory springs"
- #Goyims calculates their #CarbonFootprint and #pays for it. Short periods so you don't collect too much debt.
Modern #indulgence trade | 25/07/2019…

@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut Pure COINcidence.
The recipient of an #indulgence must perform an action to receive it. This is most often the saying (many times) of a specified prayer, but may also include the visiting of a particular place, or the performance of specific good works.

@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut The ‘Science’ of Climate Change | Sep 25
- In literature published after the 1997 report by #WorldwatchInstitute, the leaders of the #globalwarming movement seem to have started using 14° Celsius for the global average #temperature.


@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #PlantRespiration produces #CO2.
Where Carbon Is Taxed?
- This page reports on #carbontaxes that have been enacted or proposed around the world.
Fig2: Regional, national and subnational carbon pricing initiatives:…
Fig3: Prices, #carbonpricing initiatives

@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut What Do #Plants Do at #Night?
#Plants release up to 30 per cent more #CO2 than previously thought, study says | 22 Nov 2017
- #PlantRespiration is emitting about 11 times MORE than the annual #emissions burning #fossilfuels.

@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut 👆"burning of #fossilfuels releases around 5 to 8 billion tons of #carbon#respiration by #plants is somewhere approaching 11 times that"

#Atkin Group - #PlantRespiration in a changing world…

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