He had just narrowly won the Democratic presidential primary in California.

The mythology that has grown since then understates how difficult his task would be to build a winning coalition vs Humphrey and McCarthy.

"I remember extending my hand as far as I could, and then I remember him shaking my hand," Juan Romero told @StoryCorps. “And as he let go, somebody shot him."

“‘Oh my God,’ she whispered. She lightly stroked his face and chest. He seemed to turn his head slightly to look at her. ‘Is everyone else all right?’ he whispered.”
"Mrs. Robert Kennedy, who had been walking with the senator, crouched over her dying husband, whispering to him as he lay on the floor.” (footnote @BuzzFeed)


Five others were wounded, including Kennedy aide Paul Schrade, now 93.

”The emergency crew arrived and lifted Kennedy onto a stretcher. ‘Gently, gently,’ said Ethel. Kennedy was heard to cry, ‘Oh, no, no, don’t…’ Then he passed out, never to awaken.”

As he once quoted Aeschylus: “And even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom — through the awful grace of God.”