I was out at Jack Astor’s, getting some chicken tendies with my 14-months-old baby, as you do. Chicken tendies: can’t live without ‘em.
I start coughing.
And another thing: the table behind us start coughing uncontrollably. Now I’m like ???? Okay, this is something. Something airborne.
I wait for the security guard, who signals that she’s on the phone with 911. I’m like oh please, do that first.
He took a can of fucking pepper spray and smashed it, exposing everyone.
She’s fine. She’s singing and everything. After scrambling to get home, she had a long good bath.
The paramedic was like you might not wanna take her home in that right now, “this stuff can get in the fabric.” I was like OH?????
After this baby goes to bed I’ll register that at 14 months, she was exposed to pepper spray. Need a minute.
Y’all, that is not a part of your job description. Thank you so much.
That much danger? Over merchandise?!
Anyway, that’s my story. She’s okay. We’re okay. Gratitude first.