A thread:

Also Brad is a figment of your imagination. But other than that.

That’s a lot of men who think it isn’t their problem, and it isn’t their conversation to be involved in.

On one level: if this were true, we wouldn’t be having this massive #MeToo conversation. On the other: I … believe they believe that?

Come on, dudes. Many of you likely did. I did. You can admit it. I’ve been in rooms where I was listened to more seriously because I’m a man. *So have you*.

What questions should we ask to get there? Anyway, read/watch/enjoy #TheManSurvey and maybe send it to the group chat. chatelaine.com/survey-define-…
Okay, fin.
-Tweets telling me it’s unmanly to talk about mental health
-tweets telling me masculinity is fine, just ruined by feminism
-A DM instructing me to cut off my dick (???)
Got a bit of distance to go, fellas.