is the remaining 20% the ones you’re gonna keep home because they might kill us?
“we are looking into how we move into a more healthy relationship with the community”
look, the police cannot give us advice about mental health. the police cannot have a “healthy relationship” with us.
yeah we saw them last year, too. saw ‘em do nothing.
job priority #1: don’t let a gigantic horde of nazis march on grounds
sorry if i don’t seem impressed.
albemarle county PD representative gives everybody a big verbal pat on the back.
“we’re all looking to move past august 10, 11, and 12.”
that’s an ominous pairing.
“we are preparing for worst case scenarios.”
“preparing for civil unrest is part of our risk profile.”
jeff points out that none of the police departments represented up there have issued a report on the failures of last summer.
“help us prepare. show us where the gaps are.”
“don’t be downtown” he says, very plainly.
“the safest thing you can do is not be downtown.”
translation: stay home or accept the consequences.
public comment is good in charlottesville 🔥🖤
“they’re gonna be equipped, resourced, and positioned to where they can react appropriately.”
the fuck does that mean? outfitted like the cops in newnan?
“are they gonna be able to intervene?”
“or are you just going to stand there again?”
sure because people who want to kill us care about the permitting guidelines!
“i don’t care when any judge makes any decision about kessler — somebody is coming here.” yeah that’s what we’ve been saying.
“that’s not an option. that to me is a moral mandate.”
the VSP rep says “yes ma’am, we got it.” but re-emphasizes that their advice is that we stay home.
“expect interaction with police”
“we’re gonna be out and about doing what we do”
translation: expect brutality from virginia state troopers next month.
we keep us safe. we will not stay home.
she is a downtown business owner who wants to make her shop a safe space but is afraid to communicate that for fear of becoming a target.
“stop this facade that you can protect us. you can’t.”
but you said to stay home? so stay home unless it’s in the service of capital? ✔️
sit the fuck down my dude.
no dude, people are being terrorized by violent white supremacists. close, though.
translation: they’re gonna crack down on everyone, including and especially student activists.
“i don’t know the answer to that question.”
“yes ma’am, we plan to stop the violence.”
VSP in response to a woman’s questions about whether police would make arrests or intervene this time.
yeah girl, we all read the heaphy report. tell us something new.
the CPD is forming an “intelligence” department. “there is that ability now to do things” “that they didn’t necessarily have the ability to do.”
(no response from the panel on this)
this is met by a chorus of calls from the gallery of “POLICE UNIFORMS!”
no answer to any part of her question. comms director & event MC brian wheeler giving closing remarks.