OMG, this is so funny. Just imagine what they have on Congressional Rs!🤣
By 2017, after she had enrolled as a graduate student at American University in Washington, Butina began probing groups on the left as well..."
Bridges was est'd in South Dakota:
They started watching her at a great time. 8/16.
"After a brief career as the owner of a small chain of furniture stores, Butina moved to Moscow, where she began a career in public relations and founded a group called the Right to Bear Arms..."
There, Butina met..Erickson, a South Dakota-based Repub operative...She told the Senate Intel Committee...that she began a romantic relationship w/[him]."
NRA denies any other funds from Torshin.
“Hello, I am Russian,” one veteran CPAC attendee recalled...“What do you do? Who do you back for president?”
Charming. 🤮
I'll bet! Bow-chica-wow-wow.
“Maria is interested in guns, so of course her social circle is connected to this....To say that all this means she was lobbying for Russian interests is rather ridiculous”
The following mo, she emailed an American contact that Torshin had recv'd approval from Putin’s admin for their efforts,"
Erickson lobbied for a role in Trump’s transition team and complained...when he ran into a problem with his security clearance,"
I wonder why? lol
Interesting. He felt that invaluable.
With her degree in hand, Butina prep'd to leave DC for So Dakota...Then the FBI moved in."
They should strip her of that degree-it was obtained w/a student visa under false pretenses. <eot>…